In 1 year I'll be a 40 year old virgin

>in 1 year I'll be a 40 year old virgin

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You tell us!

are you a wizard yet?

I don't know man.
My life really went to shit.
I haven't even started.
No magical powers yet.
I know it's unbelievable to think it's possible to go 40 years without sex but here I am.
There are periods in my life that I have lost all memories (or I just don't have memories)

play this shit at my funeral

Have you ever tried getting laid tho? Pussy won't come knocking on your door without some effort, unless you're Chad.

Hire an escort dude. It's not that hard.

I'm guessing it's because you never fucked anyone.

>No magical powers yet.

being a virgin at 40 is a superpower, it's a feat of nature even at 30. You should be able to move large objects with your mind at 40.

>Have you ever tried getting laid tho?
Yes but in a completely misguided and wrong way that I'm not sure it counts.
It was pathetic but the most pathetic is that only the last year I understood how wrong my approach was.

Prostitution is legal here and relatively cheap, I'm thinking about it.
There are still somethings I have to figure though or one day instead of going to the cinema alone I may say fuck it and go to a brothel.
>44.6% of high functioning adult autistic men remain virgins, despite high sex/relationship drive

Share this misguided way! What did you do, user?

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Phew, a lot of cherry picking and confirmation bias going on on that page. Big surprise.

Many examples, just one small example
>I was asking a girl out every weekend for almost 2 years and she had a headache or was busy every time
>during this time I bought her 2 computers and multiple peripherals
>not once it crossed my mind she was lying to me
>during this time I turned down at least 3 different girls because I wanted to be loyal to the headache girl
>worst of all: she was ugly

God you guys are pathetic

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Just another way to segregate groups of men into categories for targeted hate.

Are you maybe retarded?


I'm almost 40 and a virgin so this goes without saying.
Although some could say that I am well educated with a good university degree on engineering and a highly technical
job but the truth is I'm retarded.

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Ok, serious question. Do you have many female friends?
If you're struggling with meeting women, and picking up on subtle cues, female friends are a lifesaver.
If you see everyone woman as a potential mate, then you won't end up with any of them. They can tell.
Try and make some platonic connections, with no expectation of it going further.

Yup wizard confirmed.

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the media always spins things against us men, white men in their 20's who identify as incels shot up another shopping center.. etc..motivated by lack of sex.

the media doesn't have to do much spinning if a serial killer self identifies as an incel, my dude.

Dude, we literally can't get laid, that's bottom of the barrel

how is that our fault, when 90% of women fuck 10% of men?

certainly doesn't make us look good when we are not extremists and just normal men who are bad at that one thing.

>how is that our fault, when 90% of women fuck 10% of men?
You are a failure genetically so it's your fault

>normal men who are bad at that one thing
I'm sorry but we are not men if we can't have sex.
Manchildren at best.

Ok, dude. I'm gonna lay it out for you.
Incel culture is poisonous and misogynistic.
It's fine to be a guy who can't get laid. Shit happens. No one's judging you for that. But throwing your lot in with the incel crowd is a one way ticket to isolation and misery. Walk away.
I've had periods of my life when I just couldn't get laid. And I read up on shit online, and I'm sorry, so much of incel theory is pseudoscience nonsense.
The best way to break out of a rut is to focus on yourself, not to blame others. And blaming an entire gender, as if they're somehow a homogenous group who all act the same, is laughable. You're building your own prison.

You give me hope in humanity

My roommate is a 25 yo virgin, he gets really annoyed every time I bring a girl home.
He's autistic though, what's your excuse?

Well said.

Seriously man. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20, and then had barren period until I was in my late 20s.
I get that guys get frustrated, and go online to find easy solutions, like pick up culture, or easy explanations, like incel culture. But the fact is that unless you are very rich or very attractive, then the mating game is about unspoken cues which a lot of dudes miss.
Looking back, there were women who were interested, who I would've been interested in, but I just missed those cues. You've got to learn to read between the lines. If you're on the spectrum, it's even harder. And I totally sympathise. But disappearing down the incel rabbit hole will only ever make things worse.

>how is that our fault, when 90% of women fuck 10% of men?
citation needed.

He's probably upset because you're rubbing it in his face that you can get a girl while he can't. Ever try setting him up with someone?

I'm not really rubbing it in his face though, I usually go to the girl's place if possible. Girls mostly prefer that anyway. And no I haven't really set him up tbh but I do always invite him along for stuff like clubbing. He's just kind of awkward, not just around girls either and it get's worse when he drinks a lot.

honestly just get yourself a hooker, that what I did.

>implying sex is important

Thanks for instilling value on a woman's vagina.

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Yeah, this is why girls don't want to fuck you.

>not having a sex slave locked in your dungeon
wew lad

I can't afford a fucking dungeon m8

Alcohol and being socially awkward. Not a good combination. May I ask what sorts of things does he do when he drinks?

okay, as an almost 40yo myself, have you ever tried going on tinder and lowering a bit your standards? woman out there are pretty open to it tbh. do you live in a big city?

I bet you spent 20 years in Yea Forums.

>implying sex has to be with a woman's vagina
guess you are the one instilling value on woman's vagina uhmm

modern feminists have defined all forms of sex (including consensual) as rape

little to no evidence is needed to convict a man for rape

pro tip: avoid college women

opposed to a boy's asshole?

from my experience, unless you are going out with radical feminists, they stop caring for those things when they are horny kek

i mean, you cant say that it isnt an option. Lets take power away from the pussy

Yeah, this is more incel nonsense.
Rape convictions have actually fallen despite there being more reports.
The best sex I've had has been with feminists.

Well sometimes he starts to actively annoy people but usually he just can't hold any sort of conversation anymore, he just starts saying completely unrelated things.

Just spam date ap and u will get at some point if u never give up. It wont be a super good one probably but u will have kid and a decent life. Seriously dont give up or your only life will be a complete fail

Just buy a hooker. Or ask some gay man to fuck you

I know someone like that. I'll try to talk to him about something, anything. And eventually he'll go off on a tangent about something else and it's a job to get him back on track..

yeah, men dont realize that there are pretty desperate women out there too. in a lot less quantity than men obviously, but if you go out there, you have a chance

Basically what the the wiki says is that you should commit crimes and you'll get poon.

And if your a serial killer you'll get tons of poon

You don't want to be a non-virgin bad enough.
That's all there is to it


>men dont realize that there are pretty desperate women out there too. in a lot less quantity than men obviously, but if you go out there, you have a chance

90% of the available women above 25 have a significant mental problem (or 5). I'm being totally serious. The other 10% are voluntarily asexual.

But let's say there are still one or two quality females who are unhappily single. A couple of things you can do will reposition you into a desirable male to them. One is, go out in public with a female friend or two. Don't worry that your target women will think you're taken. This scheme is worth the risk. When a female sees a male in the company of other females who seem content and happy to be in his presence, it automatically validates the guy as "a catch." Girls put a lot of stock in the opinion of other girls.

Another move is to go out in public with a baby, toddler, or young child. Call it "Operation Fake Daddy / Big Brother." The younger the child, the better. Women aren't even aware of it, but evolution has hardwired them to basically cum in their pants when they see a guy being paternal with kids. To the woman, the caption under your image reads, "Form a pair bond with this one!"

Last, and least, is when you go out, as much as you can, as much as is practical, take a cute dog with you. The dog is a poor man's substitute for a child, but some chicks are really into adorable dogs.

In ALL of these scenarios, the common theme is that you have company. The loner male is usually red flagged by single women. They are interested in men who other people like and want to be with.

I could write books on this shit.

Wise words user

uhm, have any source for those statistics? is that just in us? because that really is far away from my experience, but idk, you could be right. And yeah, no doubt that single guys are a red flag. but when you are going out on an app your loneliness isnt apparent at first, so it is pretty easy to hide it, just appear to be sociable and that red flag goes away

me in 3

Lack of effort I'd imagine
