Who would castrate me

Who would castrate me

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Yes please

Sure sounds fun

I'm waiting take it off me

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Show mooooore

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Let's snip those little balls!

Oh yes please make me a girl

You already are one you little slut

If it gets you to fuck off, yea

A doctor, probably. If you paid him/her.


I want your cock to work so we can 69 for weeks and swap each others' cum.

Cool beans

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The testes are easy to remove. You can do it yourself with minimal bleeding. The big thing is to use a paper clip to seal off blood flow and seal them shut with a soldering iron. Then you just sew the excision site up. You're unlikely to bleed out removing your nuts unlike taking off your penis.

I'd keep your penis where it is though, removing or modifying it can prove...problematic. As a bonus, you can have the site reworked later to make a pseudo vagina.

I was under the impression the vast majority of mtf trans considered themself ‘lesbian’ anyway.

Would you wear your testicles around your neck for me ? I want you to be reminded constantly what you let me do to you, what you wanted to do to yourself.

The vast majority do. The vast majority of trans girls also don't fully transition since it's kind of a medical horror show.

no my dear. I'd absolutely fuck trans women 24/7, but not post OP ones cause then ALL I WOULD THINK ABOUT IS THEM HAVING THEIR DICK CUT OFF. AAAAAARRGHH

>trans girls
Clapped dudes is proper form

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Is it really that bad? I was under the impression docs were getting pretty decent at it

I feel sorry for anyone who wouldn't fuck a tgirl. They almost universally give the best head ever

Nice. Got any more?

Is that Greek? Can you post it in a language that isn't solely used by a bankrupt shithole?

gee, I wonder why

I'm sure if you paid a surgeon enough they would

Still, huh? I’m an oldfag (age wise) and also VERY gender dysphoric. To the point where I would get the complete SRS if the medical technology was advanced enough that I could feel like a complete and bona fide woman instead of a mutilated hybrid. When I was youn in the 80s the psychologist recommended I transition but I didn’t because of that reason. My biggest fear is that the science will be perfected but only after it’s too late for me.

But I’m also older now and I’ve ‘learned to live with and be happy with who and what I am.’

It's horrible. There's a high chance you'll never have an orgasm again. You have a high chance of getting a deadly infection for the rest of your life and it never really heals. My friend Sandy had the surgery last year and has been in the hospital 6 fucking times for sepsis and twice for anti-biotic resistant infections. She's considering just letting it heal over and living with a barbie doll crotch. Her story isn't at all unique.

It was her surgery that prompted me to stick with hormones till something better comes along

This isn't Greek. These whacky equations are physics.

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The equations are the only part I can read. The rest is in fucking moonspeak or something.

Man wtf that sucks :(

It looks like a drive power formula or a field power calculation, what language is the text in?

The God's punishment for being a degenerate.

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Let me make them dissapear inside my mouth

God doesn't punish anything. Even if we don't go full fedora and admit He exists, He certainly allows evil to prosper indefinitely in this world and to usually let it die of old age in bed with a full bank account.

The text is about an ion engine and the task is to calculate it's power. It's Polish btw

The reason God doesn't punish evil is because it's supposed to be our job to. If he or she exists they're probably trying to teach us to take responsibility for humanity and burn the fuckers who hurt the species (starting with the rich greedy fucks)

Que? No bueno.

Thank you. I'll do Polish once I'm fluent in German

I mean it may be true, but how is being evil and prosperous relevant to being a degenerate and chopping off your genitalia?

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sneaky that you?

They aren't though. Families are split up, they're kept in cages way over capacity, they're fed once a day if they're lucky, and the fountains attached to the toilets have a nasty tendency to backflow from the septic system because the contractor cut corners when they installed them.

That's not mentioning that a good number of the children in the camps have just fucking disappeared.

You make it sound like learning languages is easy like a pie, even if they're complicated. Is this your hobby or something?

Fuck right off. Liberal.

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I just like learning and languages for whatever reason have generally come easily to me. Same with the sciences really, though in that case it's likely because I have OCD.