Imagine being so weak and dependant on an escape you have to smoke nigarettes...

Imagine being so weak and dependant on an escape you have to smoke nigarettes. You unironically have to give money to kike corps because you can't handle life on your own. You also can't stick by your decisions and make commitments without getting your inhale fix. Goddamn, most of you nasty fucks even think this can still be hygienic. If you smoke more than one in a span of three days, you're a living and walking filth among society. I'd hate to break it to you, you've become a degenerate simp. I'd hate to have your weak genetics user. So if you're wondering by chance, I handle my things like a real man. Now seriously. Tell me some of the things you MUST tell yourself that makes this acceptable in your mind, lazy faggots.

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bush did 9/11

Imagine needing to feel superior to someone so you go on Yea Forums and make fun of smokers.
Your life must suck, I hope you have at least a gf user.

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I am automatically superior than someone who inhales rotten garbage, retard.

I'm a fucking man and I choose what I do with my life, no loser will tell me otherwise.

By listening to your pathetic idiosyncratic ideology I would he inherently devaluing myself as a man, therefore defeating the purpose.

What now?

>the african thinks he is in control of an addiction
>an addiction
thanks for the instant kek

If this is true then why are you here, go enjoy your life if it's so good.

I guess life must not be that great for you right now, fren. I hope it gets better and you see yourself and the people around you as valuable in some way.

>choosing to start smoking is an addiction in itself

Wow, you really are a mentally deranged individual aren't you. Nice job misdirecting my response instead of accurately responding to it.

Pretty sure the real nigger is the one who can't even handle thinking critically for more than 5 seconds.

>reddit spacing has value to an arguement
Now that's some newfaggotry alright

Haha, look everyone! A real life zoomer!

>*Takes out a Lucky Strike*

Hahhaah let's all laugh at him for not enjoying life and probably has to work at mcDonalds everyday to pay for his study!

>*Lights the Lucky Strike*

HAHAHAHA. What a pathetic little ZOOMER loser we have got here children. *Inhales.. hoessjj*
Imagine being family related to this faggot. Shit I would just fucking kill him myself, hahahah!
*Exhales, sshhhoeee... Inhales..*

Didn't think so you fucking loser. So quick to respond to my first post yet now you'll do anything you can to devalue my person to "a redditfag" or "being a newfag" because your tiny egocentric brain can't handle being wrong. I guess purposely acting retarded and typing like an ape is considered cool now on Yea Forums, same as fag shit, cucked shit, nigger shit, etc.

Just know that no matter what you say back to me, your behavior is on the same level as the former.

Guess that big strong man who handles his shit dissolved into that little boy hiding in the corner grasping his teddy for dear life.

Come back when you can handle speaking one on one with another adult without shitting your pants little guy.

you smoke weed dont you?

When you're this assblasted by the truth bomb in the thread

shhh, he might resort to smoking in order to, "handle all this stress."

I'd have to have an excruciatingly high level of melanin to do that, so no.

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Yeah, smoking is stupid. I just drink instead

>sits in his chair lighting up another dart for probably the seventh time today
>desperately waiting for a reply to his pseudo intellect on a cantonese basket weaving site
>when you haven't gotten a life of your own so this is what you resort to
>all you can really accomplish in this life is eagerly awaiting a response on 4chin
too funny neckbeard

Just one more taste and I’ll accept this is my life. My cancerous companion always does its job right, and a job’s a funny thing ‘cause it’s their money that you need to pay them back when someone’s charging you to breathe.

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this fucking retard isnt even gang weed
fuck outta here

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imagine defending unhealthy habits like this. dumb fucking autistic cunts.

imagine looking down on people for expressing thier points of view

imagine assaulting free choice simply because its not convenient to you. fucking cunts.

The only funny thing is that you think your opinion matters. On the internet. On Yea Forums. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhh

Imagine going on a board bitching about cigarettes. Bitch about alcohol or something, deaths by drunk accidents blah blah. Cigarettes are a personal choice and it's your problem if you're angwy.

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>you can't say nuffin about muh tar lungd but only stuff on why alcohol is bad
retardation at its finest

and just like that, my point was proven. like pottery.

God those fags look good. Thanks OP, going to crack open a new pack now.

unhealthy thing is bad? op got big brain.

>imagine being so diluded that you believe a healthy lifestyle will make you live longer
>imagine being so retarded you think breathing in gas fumes, industrial fumes, and vaping is better
>imagine being a whiney bitch zoomer who grew up after smoking became a big deal
Btw op I quit smoking 5 years ago and I still think your opinion is the utter garbage repeated by sheep indoctrined by liberal snowflakes.

>being this retarded on a Korean basket weaving forum
Nice b8 tho

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>smoking is healthy
this better be bait

No, he's saying you're getting awful butthurt over someone having. How do you find the time to get so mad over something that doesn't impact your life in any way?

Imagine being so lonely you have to make b8 threads on Yea Forums it any form of social interaction

*inhales warm tobacco smoke*
okay, and?

Should i give a fuck about your opinion?
Do i like smoking, yes. Do i smoke? Yes.
Do i care what you think?
As long as you think your opinion matters at all, im proud of you user, im proud of your bravery of your commited time to post your opinion on internet, a jap imageboard, on one of the worst board there is.
I believe in your superior success if you continue to manage your time in such ways

I'm a smoker and i think smoking is degenerate. Therefore I am too. Kind of trying to quit in order 2 preserve my beauty

do it for Adolf he died for our sins fighting the satanic pedophile jewish mafia

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the funny thing is I'm 99% sure this is the attempt of a real Yea Forumsro that loves us all and wants us to quit.

He smokes. This is what he tells himself to help himself quit...its touching but sad as well.

I just recently quit myself. Still have the itch.

I have a super pro-tip. Get the flu. It will hospitalize you if you keep burning a pack a day, at least the cough nearly did me.

Imagine being so weak you need to pretend you need a gun to defend yourself from people who are dangerous mostly becouse you chose to vote for having weapons free to buy without restrictions or controls

if andrew yang gets elected we can all enjoy every substance being decriminalized (a real policy of his) even heroine.

Rehab will be free too. For any addiction. Turns out it saves money to do that rather than lock useful people in cages and charge everybody for them to live in prison apartments stabbing and buttfucking eachother.

go figure

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thats why

Not gonna happen bud.

Same can be said for alcohol, painkillers, drugs, food. We are all dependant unless living off grid with home grown or made stuff.

You can be run down in the street by a car and die instantly
Pollution from cars and planes is more harmful than secondhand smoke and you breathe that all day long
>but cigarette bad you shouldn't smoke think of your health
Think of your own health and leave other people alone you sodding cunts I'm of for my fourth today and you cant stop me

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