One of the most destructive drugs on earth

One of the most destructive drugs on earth.

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what's your reasoning?

I think you are in the wrong place.

Things your body does to itself are not considered drugs. Imbecile.

why is that?

it ruined my life

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What is this for?

Nope you ruined your life. Or you ought to have the story to prove otherwise... Greentext please?

I'm not here to convicne you. just here expressing myself.

He's right, you know.

you're retarded for thinking we care about your opinion.

hey you didn't have to post here. I don't like porn because it ruined my life. That angers you?

you don't have to post here either. yet here we are.

tell me user, how did porn ruin your life, so I may better sympathize with you.

no because you don't care.

Pornography did not ruin your life. You ruined your own life with excessive pornography. You can consume porn without being an addict. Just like you can drink without being an alcoholic or eat without being a fatass.

i love porn

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>Just like you can drink without being an alcoholic
Have you seen a redman consume alcohol? It's obvious that many men have no defense against high speed vice.

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well that all looks like a horrible idea

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>many men have no defense against high speed vice
Doesn't change you chose to fap. And you chose to keep fapping.



I agree with you, remove the peddlers of vice and the problem solves itself - at least for the new generation.

the lack of a porn is a drug?
damn good thing Yea Forums is porn 24/7, otherwise we'd all be addicts

>mfw been a life long addict
>mfw the only cure is pedophilia

Humans have been making porn and sex toys since the stone age. It isn't a drug and it isn't a problem. If you're "addicted" to porn, maybe you're just kinda of a shitty person who should look into some better hobbies

porn isn't part of your body retard

porn turns u into a pedo

If it's not a part of my body, why does it itch?
Is this phantom porn syndrome?

No, Yea Forums and/or fucked up brain chemistry turns you into a pedo. Porn is just erotic stimulation that occasionally gives you new ideas to try out with the chicks you pull at a bar

the more porn u jerk to the more extreme your porn will get in order to get you off. 20yo porn addicts are not beatin it to the front page of pornhub.

I can fap to just about anything I want. Stuff here or on pornhub. ... As long as it's mostly gay. What does that make

I've had pretty much the same porn tastes since I was 16. Oral sex with creampies (especially throatpies) and gigantic rocket like tits.

maybe you should kys?

how much are you jerking off

That's my fetish, too!

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It depends how often I can find time to myself and how often my wife is in the mood. Once or twice a week sounds about right. It was a lot more when I was younger, but I didn't have reliable access to sex back then and had A LOT more privacy.

It's all that comics fault, man. Tank girl was the perfect woman.

How do I stop can't go a day without at least 5 hours of erection if I don't nut

Hard, exploding weapons of self-propelled destruction beat soft and squishy

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>I have no story, because I'm just pulling this out of my ass

Dude, just rub one out in the bathroom. If it continues to be a problem go to the ER to rule out a tumor or vascular problem.

he said, on Yea

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I don't want to nut ever again as I get so tired off it and it ruins several days. The times I can manage not to wank are days of joy

Care to elaborate faggot?

you have a wife. I'm talking about single dudes who jerkoff 2-3 times a day. Which I'm sure a lot of people on Yea Forums do.

I feel you bro I can't stop jerking it atleast once or twice a day at this point I want to stop and it's getting out of hand. Little pun intended.

I got a serious girlfriend only get some once a week sometimes twice and for some reason I keep coming back here. I see he porn and it's all over. Again some pun intended

wholeheartedly agree.

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I'd say cheap poison food like McDonald's is equally bad, if not worse.



I got a wife and still jerk off 2-5 times a day.
Thats what happens when you have a good paying work from home job that really only takes 1-2 hours of work a day, but requires you to be by your computer.

>>jew detected

same here sadly

been exposed to porn around 5 years old, started jerkin it really young and have been 3-5 times a day since :/ my fetishes are out of control and i feel like it could take over my life... send help

If anyone can Yea Forumse a hero please save us

Nah, social media is the most destructive, cunt