Who would win? A group of Waffen SS or a bunch of ghetto niggers?

Who would win? A group of Waffen SS or a bunch of ghetto niggers?

Attached: LSAH.jpg (540x400, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:


probably the niggers. Germans are hilariously poor warriors and almost all cowards


Theres a reason they lost all the wars they started

>almost all cowards
unlike niggers? kek

The Germans were great warriors during their ooga booga tribal days. They fended off Roman Legionnaires like it was nothing. They then became a bunch of soybois after the monarchies.

SS would kill the niggers in a few seconds.
>Germans are hilariously poor warriors and almost all cowards
Ummm no sweetie

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>this image makes up for the fact that the germans lose every single war they start. hurr durr mein blud is treu

says the guy from a country who lost a war against poor rice farmers.
Hitler conquered all of Europe so fuck you

>all of Europe
lol ok

Toppest of KEKs. What country am I from?

>someone talks shit about germany... >REEEEEEEE MEAN AMERICANS!!!

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the niggers would probably make a pretty big dent in the waffen SS. theres a YT series about infantrymen in WWII having to deal with the smell of shat leiderhosen because of how often the germans panicked and pooped themselves. the shit you see on TV was done so it would build up the american military's ego. In reality the SS were bottom tier armed clerks.

SS fuck niggers


one group out of those two elements still exist soooo

So you're claiming that SS troops had a combat outfit that consisted of leatherpants?
You're more full of shit than the lederhosen that you think existed...

They were mere officers. It's not like they were battle hardened. It's likely SS officers traveled with a security detail, hence the difficulty in getting to them. Take that away and some Jew can travel halfway around the world and kill them in their sleep like the IDF did in Argentina.

>You're more full of shit than the lederhosen that you think existed...

what do you call a logic paradox like this?

Do the ghetto niggers have modern guns?

they fight dirty

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i know. the shit you read usually points out that the basic common denominator german soldier was more dangerous than the SS.

But i mean you lose multiple games on your own court theres only a couple conclusions you can come to.

>They were mere officers
bullshit nigger. they were the elite troops mostly used against the commies while untrained youngsters were fighting the americunts.


for the sake of fairness they would have allied equivalent weapons of the era. so M14's, B.A.Rs etc

Biggers because a glock is better than a gewher any day of the week. Just get behind cover, and charge when the time is right.

lol I can hear your hard breathing through clenched teeth in this post

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The neggro would be better armed, in a street battle that would make the difference. If in America that is.

Waffen SS. What is this joke of a thread.

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They took half the fucking world and it took the combined might of the strongest nations on the planet to stop them. Don't ever forget or underestimate the power of a people standing as one or we'll have to deal with these fucks again

How many wars have you fought, fuckboi? They kicked ass in a war nobody could have ever one. They played their hands the best they could, quit being an ignorant queer.

>when you get life in prison for seeking peace

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nice imagination you got there.

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nah not really. But you keep telling yourself that

>They took half the fucking world
lol, europe (or the part they took over) is hardly half the world

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fucking kek

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that's one fat snake

yeah that too they couldn't even kill all the jews. How do you fail at shooting fish in a barrel?

Germany was allied with most of the middle east and Asia was being taken by the Japanese. So ya probably more then half the world

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reminds me of this

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It's almost like they never did hey

So you're saying a bunch of brown people did most of the heavy lifting? ok.

ITT a bunch of people trigger wehraboos

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lets say they didn't. They still lost a war with "half the world in their control"

how the fuck does that even happen on your own turf? hometeam advantage x 2

They didn't take it they were just occupying it.

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You should see how poorly the Germans did in Afghanistan and Iraq during OIF OEF. At one point we were thankful to be working with 20 or so troops from Hungary over Germany.

The Germans actually produced modern tactics that are in use to this day.
The concepts of fire and move CAME from Germany in WW2

shit like this reminds me of thread about the guy who hated his german neighbors. Dude said they claim to have invented everything. Funny to see how right he was lol

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>The Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus was likely the first to use the tactic in wartime, in the Thirty Years' War, against his Habsburg opponents.


>germanz invented war
>gemranz invented engines
>germmanz invented cars
>germanz invented trenches

It was used on Germans if that makes you feel better.


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A while back some germanon claimed that the Ford Model T was developed in germany and given to the americans.

I used to wonder if it was just a troll when i read stuff like that but i met a german dude who would always close arguments with "well the germans invented the elevator so youre wrong"

lol fug

the X on the american flag is a nice touch lol. I was half expecting stink lines on it

I legitimately wonder what the person who made this looks like and how often they see the sun err i mean "der sun" (they invented the sun first)

You know they couldn't do? Win a single world war.
Also, the only thing that came from them was jet engines, the rest the world was already developing.


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So all this wonderful technology but they couldn't win a battle on the homefront?

Are random vietnamese rice farmers better warriors than actual german soldiers?

>toppest of keks
You're an American hilljack, right?

Yeah what I really want in my life is bigger tanks, how my life would be enriched with massive tanks.

what i'm gathering from this info graphic is that the scientists working with the Nazis were smart enough to realize their own people weren't exactly the best war fighters so they defected.


But it has two guns user


they couldn't make half this shit anyway because the germans were painfully lazy.

fake news, the germans were pushing for power everywhere the only peace would be under german rule

davinci wants the patent for his helicopter and flying machines back. Also theres a veeeeeeeeeeeery good reason half these images are just mock ups. Nobody said a group of angsty man children who tried to kill millions of people didn't have an imagination.

oh look, a literal brainlet.

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Odd, you write like a hilljack from Riverside, Ca.

laughed at france

Not sure if that even makes sense but OK

Inaccurate you retarded cock gobbler. They were kidnapped after the war.

Waffen SS are massively overrated. Most of their work was dedicated to massacring civilians with a handful of actual elite troops.

Is this how you were taught history user? via pictograms using dinosaurs and flags? show us the one for great depression

kidnapped? how does one kidnap an adult male if theres so many capable warriors around?

Achievement Unlocked: Inept As FUCK!

killing unarmed people is hard work. gotta have them tru bloods to do it

>Unorganized ghetto nig-nogs
>Finely tuned regimented fighting force

How fucking stupid are you?

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>how does one kidnap an adult male

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That's Japan's military scale on land, but a massive megalodon would better represent its navy.

>>Finely tuned regimented fighting force.

Finely tuned race cars win races

Poorly trained soldiers lose wars

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ok ok i'll stop picking on you user tone it down

>Is this how you were taught history user
No, you're just not worth my time. So a pictogram is all you get.

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>not worth your time
>keep responding instead of clicking the little x on the tab

>Overwhelmed by bigger forces on two fronts

If numbers were equal, Europe would be speaking German.


>has allies that conquered a region several times bigger than theirs
yeah, if only they knew tactics.

A group of Germans who were sent to infiltrate America gave up and turned themselves in. They were tried for espionage and killed.

wow... just wow

the only unfair fight is the one you lose I guess. Even though history is rife with the underdog winning I guess germany just can't pull through... twice

3 million casualties versus 26 million russian casualties. Who were the poor warriors again?

I wonder what was going on in their head. Y'know before the 30 cal round

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>26 million russian casualties
that's because of communism


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poor as in poorly performing. Nobody doubts the soviets were under equipped. Shit even with that handicap they still pushed the Germans shit in. How does a "finely tuned" fighting force get so completely fucked up by a starving military?

laughed like a clinton at trial

None of you fucking niggers that never had to depoy with the fucking krauts have room to speak. Those stupid fucks accidentally shot at allies multiple fucking times and would always go river city when they fucking did it. I never want to be around an armed german ever again in my fucking life.

>Nobody doubts the soviets were under equipped
Yeah they only had US tanks at their dispense and had produced 30k tanks of their own.


life isn't command and conquer user. troops can't eat tanks no matter how many they have

Oh look Goldstein got bored with the race mixing treads. Remember the holocaust goyim.

They managed to get 30,000 god damn tanks into germany? What the shit were the germans doing the entire time this was happening? Christ all mighty how inept does a military have to be to just let 30,000 tanks come in their back yard.

I like how the germans like to pretend they didn't have allies and suffered through both world wars solo then immediately chide america for the exact same thing

>They managed to get 30,000 god damn tanks into germany
nobody said that, my dearest retard. learn to read.


saying that germany was weak because they couldnt stop the red army is like saying a bodybuilder is weak because he cant stop a wave from the ocean.

I can read user. I read the most common language on earth.

Protip: Its not german.

A bunch of literally who countries aren't much of a help tbh.
Italy doesn't count and Japan should have invaded the soviets from the east instead of attacking murrica. Stupid gooks.

I've seen the history channel stories of this. Kinda sad but they knew it was a possibility from the get go.

I couldn't even imagine being part of a military so inept that you have to participate in an operation to surrender yourself hoping for leniency.

And Hitler should have finished western Europe instead of fighting a war on two fronts, then concentrate on nuclear arms to race the US to the finish.

what's the difference? oh right, there is none.

japan was a pretty top tier ally but they didn't exactly have the team player spirit. The germans were just mixing oil and water with the japanese. literally and figuratively

So why do you come up with random conclusions that aren't based on anything I wrote?
Autism much?

I thought the SS were a pollitical wing of the reichs army, tasked with reinforcing them emotionally

Also I heard they functioned as a rear guard, to kill less-than-loyal allied forces and desserters

Did the SS ever come into front line combat?

In any case, if the SS just sat in a circle in the middle of a field niggers would just run out of ammunition because they can't shoot for shit.

Could you imagine nigs trying to entrench?
They would be shooting each other in a few days when Tyrone ate all the rations and tyga stole the biggest gat

It always goes back to "weLl tHEy CoulNt wIn a SingLe WoRLd WAr, sO, GoTCHu tHeyreE!" Congrats, user, you took high school history.

this is Yea Forums Yea Forums in case you were thinking you were posting on /k/ or /pol/

calm down user

>Did the SS ever come into front line combat?

yes but mostly guarding mid grade officers getting caught out of place.

go back to /pol you fucking loser

Sorry your fantasy of having Nazi Germany win just didn't play out user. Bet you fantasize about Confederate States winning, too.

Pretty sure it's bait but here is always a chance that people really are that mentaly retarded.

>About 3 to 4 million germans were killed
> App. 60 millions deaths in ww2
>What do we deduce from that?

The origin germans were fucking superior nigger

the fuck does this have to do with OP's question?

Is that why they lost 2 major wars in their own backyard?

>60 million deaths
That's combined civilian and military retard

It only took the Soviet Union to beat them. England mostly defended itself, and the (((yanks))) just gave money to the allies. Check your sources, bro.

Actually a lack of oil is why they lost. In WWII anyway.

And the fact they lost on all fronts.


but massive two turret tanks user!

>the fuck does this have to do with OP's question?

You muste be one of the special kinds

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>The sun was in their eyes.

U don't say

Why the fuck would I want anybody from the south to win anything? You assume too much, user. That's what's wrong with the world.

Hard to keep the front up when your tanks and planes can't operate.
Those were only planned on paper.


He needed food and oil. That’s why he had to open the second front. Hitler wasn’t mad or stupid, he just didn’t had enough rough materials.

so a failure in logistic foresight caused them to kill millions of their own soldiers?

how exactly are they a "finely tuned" fighting force now?

that's literally just playing with numbers to make up erroneous conclusions
>Hitler wasn’t mad or stupid
He kind of was and he ignored many of his officers' advice.

The niggers would be gunned down in less than a minute
>inb4 nigger lover cumbrains believing a bunch of untrained monkeys with .22 pistols and revolvers can beat a squad of armed soldiers

too bad they exterminated people like leftists gays retards jews roms and some slav
else we wouldnt have think they were monsters deserving to be eliminated (that s what we ve done, we the west, we killed our demon, when china or russia didnt)


Nazis are leftists though

>He kind of was and he ignored many of his officers' advice.

probably the best germany could do though

Depends on what sources you read. Halder, von Manstein, and Guderian routinely disobeyed Hitler and hindered the effort on the Ostfront. Halder, primarily, likes to portray Hitler as the mail losing factor in the war to, in part, hide his own faults. The perks of living to write your own bio I guess.

This is true now actually

I like this discussion. How are they leftists in your opinion?

Maybe Hitler shouldn't have offed himself like a faggot.

by acting like national socialists

I, like most, would consider socialism left wing. Therefore, the National Socialist German Worker's Part is left wing, at list in my opinion.

Again what part of german "warriors" are huge cowards do you not understand?

bullshits , russia just sacrified mass of its soldier that doesnt mean russia was the most effective for victory
+ they were 1 millimeter from losing the war vs nazi while we were funding them massively, if we didnt or funded less they would have lost
The West started WW2 and ended it like the master race it is

Oh good, this shit again

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Which means absolute shit.

>russia just sacrified mass of its soldier that doesnt mean russia was the most effective for victory
Well actually it does.

I guess, but that doesn’t change the fact that those 3 generals fabricated their bios to look better in a post war world.

Oh yeah big shot? Explain what's wrong with that.

They were anti monarchist, anti capitalist, believed in women's rights (by the standards of the day), they respected the environment to a degree, cared about urban planning and public health, came from the union movements that rejected communism, shit Hitler was a vegitarian
They were nationalist socialists, it's all in the name

I guess you think the “Democratic party” is democratic. They did do some things that can be considered as Social policies. But again what did the day they you would call left wing?

>the original germans were fucking superior
Do you realize how fucking retarded you sound? Germanic tribes were all sorts of mixed races.

I feel like the Battle of the Bulge is all we need to see how delusional the nazis were. Imagine clearly being on the losing side of a war and asking the opponents that outgun and outman you to surrender because you’re that convinced you’re a genius. Imagine what kind of circle jerk you have to be in where your peers LET you think that

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SS without a doubt

They were actual socialists. If you don't think socialism is left wing, that's fine, but I do, so I consider Nazism left wing.

>anti monarchist
To the extent Hitler didn't want his old boss back, true.
>anti capitalist
Nein. Germany was open for business and it was highly profitable throughout the Third Reich.
>believed in women's rights
They jailed lesbians and considered bitches to be birth machines, so no.
>they respected the environment to a degree
They planted some trees in the shape of a swastika. I don't see much else there.
>cared about urban planning and public health
Who doesn't? Do conservatives want to live in a randomly thrown up favela rife with typhus? Socialism =/= when the government does stuff
>union movements that rejected communism
No, that was Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold
>Hitler was a vegetarian

>They were actual socialists.
No, they were nationalist capitalists

this isn't the point of the thread but ive broken up the democratic party into multiple categories with a scant few being in the center spectrum of both policy and sanity and the majority being on the teetering edge of full blown communism and madness

Many of the things you name could be considered progressive instead or “leftist”. I mean, Democrats and Republicans are anti monarchy, they saw the Arian woman as a reproductive been. All their collectivist policies were oriented to race instead of class. Also they had a leader. It sounds ver non socialist to me.

You're confusing socialism with communism. Capatilism and socialism aren't mutually exclusive.

>Capatilism and socialism aren't mutually exclusive.
They absolutely are. Capitalizing the produce of another person's labor is theft in socialism.

National socialism doesn’t describe socialism goober. A good example of national socialism was the company AEG, a major electronics equipment producer for Germany was awarded a factory with free slave labor in Poland for their work on general electronic appliances and because they donated 60k reichsmarks to the Nazi party in 1935 iirc.
NOWHERE here do the workers have any control over the tools of production or fruits of their labor. This is company and government sucking eachother off.

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Again, that's not socialism, that's communism. They're not the same thing.

It’s not entirely his fault. WW2 propaganda is so abundant it takes reading and critical thinking to really understand it.

Communists are simply the furthest advanced of the Socialist movement, operating from the same first principles. Socialism isn't Diet Communism, Communists are simply more focused on the progression of the historical dialectic away from capitalism and towards freedom.

>Thread derailed by a bunch of commies who want their attention for the day

>somebody ruined my history channel panther 2 powered nazi juggernaut fantasy
Daily reminder the wehrmacht was mostly horse drawn

What are the base principles from socialism that communism looks to advance even further?

Yeah when I think of communism, the first thing that pops into my head is "freedom".

And they are the fucking horses at Stalingrad... the assholes!

Then you're like me

its your country that was, retard, murrica, with its industry its economy its science its wiseness and its wonderfull european gene pool

I believe all my points stand.

And compare that to their polliticsl contemporaries, most still had (and do) have monarchs, factories owned my robber Barron's, threw out (people) who made livings exploiting the poor, started national service and labour programs

Look at Germany today, it bears the mark of all of these things

That all value comes from labor, and that capital is merely dead labor.

this argument sounds interesting wtf are you two on about?

i was referring to communists
nazi were so called leftist but were not, they were just far right

Americans barely fought in Europe.

Then you might want to read something other than your high school "history' text. Battle of the Bulge was a last attempt to convince the allies that it would be more beneficial to make a negotiated peace. But the jew could smell blood in the water and just like in WW1 they weren't going to settle for anything less than total subjugation, no matter how many Americans and Russians they had to kill.

Communism expands on common ownership. Whereas in socialism the workers decide how they’re going to produce what they need, for how long, in what numbers, etc, and receive more for certain acts of labor, communism seeks to put these decisions in the hands of the majority population who collectively decide on the needs of the local population. It’s a move from workplace democracy to common ownership

How were the communists more extreme than socialists in that aspect?

I do not understand your response. Are you suggesting that Germany is national socialist, or that most of Nazi Germany's contemporaries were National Socialist monarchies?

Fuck you are stupid. Are you Jamal from Africa? Go back to the cotton field you dumb nigger.

Ok, give me a reason for why they were far right.

Have you ever seen a nigger shoot?

It’s not interesting I just took a jab at the wehraboo fantasy, given that horse casualties for the wehrmacht were nearly equal to their loss in manpower for barbarossa, which makes me lose my shit every fucking time.

Insurrectionism as opposed to trade unionism, reformism, social democracy, usually. Socialists are just trying to put one foot in front of the other in the right direction, communists have the big picture of the destination in mind.

Because they made a point of traditional values, militarism, and massacring socialists

>Fuck you are stupid.
Combat action in Northern Europe lasted June 1944-May 1945 against a vastly depleted enemy. How does that compare to June 1941-May 1945 starting at the absolute height of Nazi power?

If the allies knew they could subjugate them, then explain to me how the Germans weren’t retarded for trying to make that work

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As advance the German tech was on WW2, they didn’t have enough Oil to be effective with it. They used large amounts of horses at different parts of the war. Then the 6th army is trapped in Stalingrad they ate their horses. All and all Germans used somewhere around 3 million horses in WW2

Fair enough.

friend with musso, same body language, same interior politic, same political targets, same relation with the 1% and the 0.001% richers
mass corruption, physical violence against its people, free media destroyed, no votes , political police, watch (not sure of english word) population, patriarchy, war threats, imperialism, fake and artificial references to a mythic and glorious history etc....

Attached: justice8.webm (768x436, 1.02M)

>Then the 6th army is trapped in Stalingrad they ate their horses.
>used somewhere around 3 million horses in WW2
>used horses

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Of course, it's a snack you can pack. Try eating your fancy Tin Lizzy Ford Flivver Jeep, Mickey Maus Yanki Duedl Lad.

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I’m not following you... I’m sorry. Do you feel alright?

he's poking fun at the eating of horses

the SS already went up against a bunch of ghetto niggers and won hands down

It daesnt matter both in the gulag

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SS werent Germans, Germans were in the Wermacht.

Why would someone do that? Horses are beautiful.

for someone the gobbels propaganda live on ....

I don't agree with you neeeeigh NEIGH I SAY

really user? in a few years is the entire Wermacht going to be not german as well?

100 years from now people will say that all the Nazis in WWII were from canada

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Hahaha. Read that with a British accent for some reason...

Waffen SS were one of the finest fighting forces of all time. Quote from French commander in Indo-China: "If we had a few more SS there, Dien Bien Phu would not have fallen."

Televisa Presenta

>3 hours later
>78 tabs open
>50 are google tabs of "Quote showing the SS were really really good"
>1 thread of "why does my dick smell?"
>this is the best i can do

The nazi party was socialist in most senses, even considering their rapid rise to power and wartime neccecities (esp. Int trade)

The enemies of the nazis were oligarchies, monarchies, peasant beaters.

The nazi party were undeniably socialist no matter how much wishful thinking communists undertake.
were they leftist?
Its a modern idea, but for what its worth I think they were the most socially liberal when one discounts racial issues related to nationalism

That guy must delight in pain

>smile on face while air horn is blown

Do you want to start the REEEEEEEEEing? because this is how you start the REEEEEEing

read about him and it gets even better. He basically whipped out his dick in the middle of a feminist rally.

a true hero

Hitler is fucking dead get over it.

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>The nazi party was socialist in most senses
>maximizing corporate-state power

>I think they were the most socially liberal
They sent gays and trans to concentration camps.
Along with socialists.
You're a fucking idiot and irresponsible.


not that guy per definition a monarhchist was and is against socialism as known for state-wellfare.
The socialism and communism have a same idea the only diffrence was thatt N for nation first and not a global revolution a la soviet union.
The monarchist at that time had the only program without geting the country into new state credits.
But till today nobody cares that states do a big state-credit scam.

Not even a right or left wing thing, it's just fake history

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The Russians were ether going to be shot by there own troops family's humiliated/killed. Were thrown into battle with out proper supplies and were expected to fight hand to hand.

+ all the other ones that died from starvation or medical needs. Stalin wasn't exactly known for caring for his people.

So it was more like Russia VS Russia VS Germany.

If you accuse me of being a communist then I accuse you of being a Nazi. This can go on forever without anything being done.

So the biggest force on the map was essentially fighting itself and germany STILL couldn't win twice?

How much lower can they get on the world military scale

I accuse you of being a faggot

except youre likely a communist and i'm just some guy who's tired of your shit. who also has a gun

>invaded during winter
>stalingrad sucked
>fighting on all sides
>troop morale blown

holy fucking kektopus they were actually dying of low morale too!?

Are germans really the original snowflakes?

>and not a faggot

They were boss at the start of the war.

Nearing the end of the war

>poor food
>poor troop quality
>poor equipment
>getting ass kicked everywhere
>no sign of surrender

You are forgetting the Germans are people.

If you cant grasp this concept. I suggest playing a total war game cause you seem really young and lack any sort of real world connection.

>hilariously poor warriors

>took out three roman legions in one day, sent head of commander to roman emperor

>conquered almost all of europe within 2 years

if it wasn't for backstabbing russians that forced us to attack them before they could, we wouldn't be fighting on 2 fronts and we would have taken out england and america if they decided to enter the war

Here is a grpahics for you :
"Military loss of WWII : Front comparaison".

Attached: pertes-militaires-ww2-europe[1].jpg (1180x589, 147K)

Never said they weren't people i said they were shitty warriors.

>be german soldier
>be die from logistics failures
>at least my blood ist true...

>be russian soldier
>die from famine

>be russian soldier
>get deployed without weapons

>be soviet soldier
>still beat germany

>be soviet soldier
>be thankful that two other world powers gave everything to completely annihilate germany
>claim 'victory'

>Be german soldier
>supposedly "Master Race"
>get completely steam rolled by damn near every other nation

>be ally to germany
>see the way the war is going
>betray germany

>be random german guy
>claim to have invented everything
>lose two world wars
>the sun was in our eyes those two times honest

the soviets cheated huh lol

had the konami code active the whole time the germans were trying to fight war honorably right

fuckin soviet leet haxorz

The Ghettoites of course because the SS has been defeated. Long fuckin' time ago, wake up slick.

Legions of Ghettoites still exist to this very day.

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seething G*rman