You'll never see Trump do this

You'll never see Trump do this.

Haha because hes not a pussy!

Or maybe because he is utterly devoid of empathy and feels nothing for others


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fake a cry?

Nice trips. But honestly, does it matter why?

I judge someone by how they treat people and Trumps record on this is ... well... less than stellar

Trump doesnt need to fake tears for liberal approval.

you're right, his supporters blindly believe whatever he tells them to directly.

meant for

He is both, really.

His followers are liberals???

> he says, as he votes for a senator that is in the pocket of big business while touting how he will rob the rich and give to the poor.

>hes not a pussy

tell that to vietnam

your right,he just shits all over the constitution to get their approval instead

>bu bu but the professional liar that I like is telling the truth!! He promises!

>implying i vote

well,some people are shitty and deserve to be treated shitty

>doesnt vote

>still thinks his opinion on politics matters

You vote with your dollars every day. Much more impactful than a ballot.

oh is that the new litmus test, you must vote to be critical of one's government?

>he says, in defense of a conman who steals from the poor and gives to himself while supporting the corporatocracy.

You can be critical, your opinion just doewnt matter. Learn to read dude.

Defending who? Trump? Please. I hate that guy. I hate everyone on your "side" too

trump supporters believing what he says isn't an opinion, it's an objective fact

yes,because voting for a new goverment is a better way to change what you dont like then sitting on your ass and bitching all day

How did he shit all over the constitution to get the libs approval?

Why do femi-crats think being weak vulnerable losers is cool? Is it because when women are vulnerable real men step in to save the day? Is that how vulnerability is a strength? Well if all the men are vulnerable crying losers who is coming to save them? Themselves? And if they save themselves and end their vulnerability and crying and wailing... are they now weak and toxic?

Femi-crats need to FUCK OFF.

and obama supporters who believed everything obama said and cheered on everything he did because "my president is black"are any better?

gee i dont know,lets ask the 2nd know,the thing republicans apparently only care about when a democrat is threatening it

That's because Trump doesn't have to worry about his "wife" pounding an unlubed dick in his ass.

at least obama had to virtue signal to get people to believe in falsehoods, which was my point.

>thinking people were listening to obama in the first place

>thinking people just thought a mute was in office for 8 years

muslims cry about everything
i don't care

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Were those the tears he shed when he ordered drone strikes on children?

Many people don't publicly shed tears, but with Trump it's not just crying.
You don't see the man genuinely laughing...ever. The man's got a serious case of narcissism and his money and status has made him able to escape judgment for his general social awkwardness. In short, he's a pretty weird dude.

He hasnt done anything to the second amendment. You dont actually know anyone in the NRA huh? Banning bumpstocks and implimenting red flag laws really didnt get the rise out of gun owners you expected it to.Keep spewing cable news talking points it shows your true intelligence lemming.

lol idiot

voting is hard work huh user?

Yeah what this guy said except i dont really hate trump, just dont feel strongly about him like everyone else seems to.

this is objectively worse

Here he goes …!

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violation of emoluments clause, allowed Sessions to warrant civilian forfeiture without criminal convictions, using his powers as President to attempt to defeat law of the United States.
It seems he can only get anything done via executive power because he's a terrible negotiator.

You must not realize Obama used executive power over 270 times and Clinton holds the record for most in history. So I guess its not just Trump and the Republicans who cant negotiate. They used it twice as much.

whataboutism much?
Obama was dealing with a GOP that set out to undermine him with day one.
Trump walked in with a universal majoirty and only managed to get his Tax bill through the senate. Shutting down the government over a Wall meant the world's greatest negotiator couldn't pass a fucking budget.

>Obama was dealing with a GOP that set out to undermine him with day one.
Excuses,excuses.The democrats and media have been nothing but helpful and considerate towards Trump for the last 3 years havent they?
Youre shitposting and you dont even know youre shitposting retard.

>The democrats and media have been nothing but helpful and considerate towards Trump for the last 3 years havent they?
The Democrats and the #Resistance are a fucking meme. The Republicans have been allowed to do whatever they want. It's just that all they want is to cut richfags taxes, keep paying Our Great Ally, and call it a day.

>The democrats and
irrelevant since Republicans controlled everything first 2 years.
bitched about Obamacare for nearly a decade, won, had no fucking plan at all.

he only cry's when Michael overworks his hole

>irrelevant since Republicans controlled everything first 2 years.

like Mccain and Paul Ryan

worked against him
took money from Democrat donors

so nope

>It's just that all they want is to cut richfags taxes,

and by rich fags you mean 80% of all Americans

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Fuck off OP

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>muh rinos
Brand your "real" conservatism better then

the poor and middle class cuts expire in 10 years
And the wealthy did fuck all with the extra money

who the fuck makes Obama president you silly cunts, people like him are still shining shoes back in Britain

um no, fdr wins with over 3000, and hell RR had 381 to Clintons 364