Just confronted wifey about her secret insta account she claims not hers. What are the odds it's a fake account?

Just confronted wifey about her secret insta account she claims not hers. What are the odds it's a fake account?

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But don't be a pussy, go through her phone and computer

she's gettin railed hard dude

Just use your fucking head for once:
What are the chances someone would take the time to create a fake account just so they can post pics of her?
>pic is your argument

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Is that her? Please provide more. It's her's for sure though. She wants to feel sexy. Are you not keeping her satisfied at home?

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ever hear of a finsta, my friend? she's on there arranging suck meet-ups and selling pictures of her feet

I know but the bish was crying and saying someone else took her pic. The account is private so cant see more.

"A spam Instagram account where people post what they are too afraid to post on the real account"?

It could be worse, she could be watching Parks and Recreation instead of The Office.

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What's the account let's us see op

It'd say its not impossible but it certainly doesnt look good. You see scam facebook pages all the time, some pajeet steals pics of a girl, uses them to lure idiots to a scam website, deets get stolen or the user blackmailed, rinse and repeat. You should have collected more evidence before accusing her, checked her phone for dick pics, tried her insta app to see if it takes you to the profile etc


You made that beautiful woman cry, user? That's not a good thing to do. She should give you 30 hard slaps on your bare nuts with a wooden spoon. You deserve it.

How did you discover the secret account?

Should I be worried over my girl going to lunch with some guy she met ? She’s explained his nothing will happen & just wants to get to know him. He’s also apparently a black comedian, if that means anything

nah you're good, it will be ok

enjoy bringing up your brown baby in 9 months,

Highly doubtful , but thanks for feedback

Beat the shit out of her

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You might as well watch and record them fucking and post it on here for us to jerk off as well


I think the only senseful solution to your problems is suicide

You like watching people get shitted ? That’s weird

dudes who get jealous of their girl so much as looking in the direction of another guy are pathetic.

if my girl got pissed everytime i went to lunch with her friends Id be fucking them and not her.

trust is key peeps.

she cried because she got caught you fucking retarded cuck.


Women lie. Then they cry when they know you’ve caught them in a lie and they have no escape. It’s something children do too. Sounds like you’re with an overgrown child.

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So you're telling me you dont havr a side chick right now?

Create secret insta, hit her up, see reaction.

I don't. I could, but I reward my girlfriends trust by giving her someone that she can trust.

You gotta trust your partners, and your partner has to be someone you can trust. A relationship shouldn't be about control or neither one of you will enjoy it as much as you should.

How on earth would a troll account get to have this picture? Who made it? who sent it?
It's her account and she isn't trying to know someone better, she's cheating on you.

But you are too stubborn to listen to us because you want to hear that everything is fine and she still loves you.
Guess what, we're not going to lie for you.

The account looks like a phishing account. Wait and see if it closes or deletes posts. If that happens it's hers.

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come on you retards, this is so obviously bait

this is literally just jew propaganda to make you not trust women. Yea Forums gets more easily manipulated every year, i swear to god. Yall some sheep

you sound like one of those polyamorous cuck faggots

I don't need propaganda to know that trust isn't something women or anyone else for that matter have by default but has to be earned.
Also how on earth do you connect jews into this? Ladies and Gentlemen, we got a mindbender here.

Crying over nothing is super manipulative.

Newfriend please..

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well i just use jews as a pseudonym for the powers that be.
who knows who actually wants to control the young mens mind from Yea Forums, but the amount of shills and propaganda that go on here make it an absolute occurrence.

see how the propagandist works?

This, best option in the thread

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Geez the whole town must be yelling "YYYEW!"

really shoulda done this from the start instead of confronting her, oh but it's bait so whatever

This is a total win win. Drop the bitch, NOW. Shes lying, no two ways about it. Dump her and call her every name in the book to her face. Then go out and get a new wife, you did it once you can do it again. Tell your new wife all about this shit while also telling her how much hotter and better she is than your old wife. This will trigger her competitiveness and make her an instant ride or die bitch, who knows she mite even fight your ex for you.

Follow her there. I found out my girl was cheating on me by saying she was going out with certain girlfriends until one day the girl she was supposed to be with popped by the house asking if she was home. This obviously got my radar up so I snooped her shit and it turned out she was whoring it up with a bunch of different guys. Like 20 fucking guys. This was before tinder and shit but she was on some obscure hook up site I never heard of. When I accused her of cheating on me she kept insisting I need to trust her. Then when i had the hard proof she tried to turn it around on me being the bad guy for snooping lol. Women are children.

I dunno man, happened to my wife.
Caitlyn spelled Kaitlyn, & had all her pictures, excluding the ones with me, & our daughter with copied, & pasted taglines, & comments from her Facebook.

Creepy af

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based and truthpilled.

OP = Fag baiter
and the rest of you just fell for something on the internet.

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You’re right . Thanks real person that has actual sound opinion. Bless

It's hers and she's probably had it for a long time.

Like you're the person to judge

this warrants murder

Yes you dumb fuck, she is going on the date with the nigger.


men are physically bigger and stronger than women so we can dominate them.

start fkin dominating.

Lol, you are the exception to the rule, user. Most people would expect that there was something weird going on. Are you one of those partners who holds threats of cheating over their other's head to gain control?

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