[s4s] nof*p thread #25

dis thread is for all of you who want to stop f*pping! u ar not alone. there ar a bunch of us here who r willing to support one another. beating addiction is hard so lets do id together!!!!

pls share tips and tricks dat work for u. and if u slip up dond be ashamed to share it so we can identify the problem and help u in the future

i will make a new thread once dis one is archived

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im on day 27 and might finally kick the habit

ops progress: day 13 out ob 14! ONE MOAR DAY!!! lasd night i had very very VERY strong urges. i was right on da edge of f*pping but den i remembered i only had 2 days left. dis is why giving urself a set goal for urself is tomato important!

tomorrow, i will complete my first goal and buy da doremi nendoroid!

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woooh!! good job fren! i am tomato proud ob you

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YEEEEAAAAAAH!!!! i lub dat song!! transformers is tomato cool!

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the erectile dysfunction enabling thread

dubs! woooh!!

i'm addicted to porn, video games, music, sugar, anime, imageboards, swearing, and online chatting what do i do

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also over sleeping

Attached: 12. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_02.42_[2018.11.12_13.15.19]. (960x720, 50K)

help me help help i need help please help me

Then send up the red sparks, and concede your victory

how can i help you friend

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I need you to tell me what George Lucas showed Harrison Ford at movie night

It was porco rosso

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i blive inn u sso muche fren
wee aul ddo

u camm ddo id, rember da prizzad reuuarde

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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Momok is so friggen hot

thanks tomato much fren! i jusd hab to get through tonight and ill be home free!!

a lod ob ur addictions seem to stem from electricity. try to start doing active stuff. im nod saying full on work out. bud just start out by taking walks around your neighborhood or a park. u can eben listen to music while walking.

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Have you gotten it through your thick skull that you are helpless to your addiction of jerking off? Find a higher power and let it take control of your life and you will have no addiction trust me

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not gonna lie, i am really hoping you fail tonight. would be epically hilarious

workouts have been one of the biggest helps for me lately, i should focus on that

Attached: 16. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_06.29_[2018.11.16_13.43.17]. (960x720, 109K)

my win will be even more satisfying because you said that

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good luck fren! i believe in you

Fourteen days then what? Never gonna fap again just take control of the life you were given and do it once in a while. Not sure what doing this is proving to yourself

he's one of those retards that literally cannot control themselves and does it numerous times a day, so i suppose he's trying to learn some control in the first place

dubs! woooh!! answers ur question (eben if its kind ob r*de)

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that is my situation lole and masturbating is a sin

finding God won't stop your physical addictions according to Romans 7:14-25

14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.
17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

Attached: 16. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_13.31_[2018.11.16_17.12.04]. (960x720, 96K)

No offense tutuposter, but you are an absolute retard. God is not real. Religion is a joke used to keep idiots at ease.

I once believed those things, I will pray for you friend.

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How does one stop urge of fap?

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r*de! id's okay to hab ur own beliefs but dond call other people names because u dond think da same way dey do.

when u feel da urge to f*p, distract urself. whether dat be watching an anime or mobie, playing a bideo game, or eben working out.

By not doing it. It's not fucking hard to just not be a slave to your mind

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed. If you truly want to undermine religion, work with the religious to make their lives better. Don't alienate yourself from the religious.

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John 14:6
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


Get saved while at it anons :)

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i seen this post occasionally friend, are you new ifb as well?

Attached: 16. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_17.09_[2018.11.16_17.32.30]. (960x720, 54K)

ah yes the edgy marx-quoting atheist has arrived

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smile for me~

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Good luck overcoming addiction with an attitude like that bud

so insidious

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hey can i join

no, you have to cum


dubs! woooh!!

ob course fren! if u need any help or want to update us on your progress, dond be shy.

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sorry but ive just been told that i have to cum so im going to cum now.

i think it's just more i understand why people are religious and i sympathize. i dont agree with it, but i dont think arguing is necessarily productive. you gotta form relationships with people across the divide if you want to influence them and in order to do so, you cant form relationships with people with the intent of converting them. its more like you open your circle to people like them and letting any relationship that is to be had happen, while religious discussion only happens like 1/5th of the time, if even that much.

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(dubs! wooh!)
bullyign is low qualelty aim ffor higher standardse

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how do i get rid of the urge to kill my family when they play their nigger shit on tv too loud

Attached: 19. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_10.50_[2018.11.19_16.10.36]. (960x720, 87K)

isn't murder a sin?

The hilda ponies

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Attached: 13. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_18.09_[2018.11.13_14.47.04]. (960x720, 43K)

*flys @ chu ffor sayign le BADE R*CIST WORDE*
tlell dem tto keep id dowm

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>ayy niggy you watchin that girly cartoon again?
>come straddle a seat next to paw paw and take a gander at Stone Cold Steve Austin

you say you cant form relationships with the intent of converting them, yet in the same breath you say you gotta form relationships with people across the divide if you want to influence them. which is it, mr. duplicitous? you talk about the religious as if they are vaguely alien and as if its some sort of forward thinking to "open your circle to people like them," as if its normally closed. they're literally completely normal people. you just talk to them. their beliefs shouldnt enter the equation at any point. even trying to talk about "influencing" them at all is some weird larp bs

and you do not understand why people are religious, or at least you arent actually trying to understand them if youre using that one marx quote. you're only seeking the explanations that imply your side is "correct." the marx quote is only a petty "gotcha" that more or less states the religious are misguided fools that mistakenly turn to religion. which you believe, so tahts why you quoted marx, obviously. im sure you realize on some level how condescending that is, how can you pretend to understand them when you only ever imply they are beneath you and that its good they are converted, that they are victims that need to be saved from themselves. when in realtiy they are normal people, just as brilliant and thoughtful as you believe yourself to be. and by the same turn can be just as condescendingly self-righteous as you are being. insidious

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god i wish that would happen to me


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>which is it?
both, it's that if you want to change people's mind, attacking them or even just being too direct with your disagreement only makes them not want to think your right. You lose any potential for discussion there. You gotta be humble and let them into your lives as if any other person. I guess its that A) you shouldn't judge someone necessarily for what they think, but B) it's still good to discuss these sort of things with people peacefully. Also, look at who I was responding to. What I said there was targeted at a specific person who was saying that religious people are stupid. I was meeting him where he was, if admittedly in a way that could've been more thought out.
>religious people are normal, stop being weird about it
Again, I was directing this to someone who hadn't accepted that yet nor the underlying premises of that. Religious people are normal people, your correct there. Should you talk about their beliefs with them? I hope so. I will admit that as the egotistical human being that I am, I think that what I think is correct relative to when I say it and that others should think so too. But at the same time, I acknowledge the possibility that at anytime I can be wrong about anything I think to be true. If someone knows something I don't, I'd like to know it myself. Besides that, religion is interesting, or at least to me it is. There is still value to it, regardless of whether or not it's 100% true or any percent true for that matter.

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>marx quote
I was more quoting that video than I was quoting marx, but you do have a point. It's not like all people are religious for that one reason. However, I hope it's a reason to be empathetic to those who are religious for that reason and that from that, it's not good to just discount it immediately as "stupid." Again, argument pointed towards da angrey atheist, not mean to be a general statement. And I anticipate that this might be seen as inauthentic or disingenuous, and some who are as such might try to apply it so, but my reasoning for this is that when you try to argue for t point and t point depends upon them also accepting p, q, r, and s, where do you start? If you just state t as something to accept in itself, then you're just stirring up dissension. I want to simply inform and be informed, idealistically.
Sorry for da laet reply lole...

It took me like 40-50min to formulate that response, holy cow...

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if you dweebs don't shut the hell up The Hilda Ponies will kick your shit in

like, you are basically admitting to being deceptive/insidious for the sake of making it more likely for people to change their mind. meeting people where they are to the point that you will pretend your beliefs are close to theirs, all in order to make them more likely to change their beliefs to something closer to your position, is practically the definition of being deceptive + insidious. you went from tacitly agreeing with the guy on the idea that religious people are misguided idiots, to saying theyre completely fine. like, is uppose that admitting to doing this isnt deceptive or insidious in itself, but how can you expect your arguments to sit well with anyone if they dont know what your personal stance on the topic is and if they know you are intentionally saying shit you may not even believe in. theres no trust. you cant have a potential discussion if you move the goalposts on a dime like this. and i don t see how you expect not to be attacked for saying stupid shit if you dont intentionally make it it clear that you dont actually believe in said stupid shit. like not making that clear means its straight up lying. and pretending to be someones buddy during an argument feels so fake. im not going to smile for you after you said user needs to work with the religious to make their lives better, as if religion can only make people's lives horrible, thats just gross. thanks for not actually believing that, i guess? what do you believe, even? playing so fast and loose with what your beliefs really are and pretending to be nice to someone for the sake of making them more receptive to your argument is kind of manipulative. whatever, i have no patience for it and really hate it. admittedly though you are still the most approachable of all the doremiposters, even if you go about it in the most shady way possible

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ok so... I am not in favor of lying to people about what I believe. I'm from the south and still surrounded by a very religious crowd irl, so I am * v e r y * hesitant to actually state what I believe most often since yes, I am not religious, but when they ask, I tell them. It's not deceptive to not directly contradict someone when you think they are wrong. People will most often think they are right regardless of what you say and they care more about winning the argument more than being right. Acknowledging that isn't deception. I mean think for a second, if I tell someone they're being an idiot for thinking that the earth is flat, for example, do you think they'll listen to anything else I might say? At worst, I could get into a fist fight, depending on that person's temperament. It's not about lying to people to manipulate what they think. It's about deescalating tensions so that maybe just maybe they'll seriously consider what you have to say. Whether or not they accept it after that is an entirely different thing. You can't force anybody to believe anything, but you can get people to be more likely to be open to consider what you have to say by how you treat them. What do I believe? I'll be honest, it's changed too often for me to give you a confident answer. For now, I'll just say that I believe in being adaptable and humble enough to accept the truth right when you hear it, not that I'm good at that. So like, one should generally not be too sure of themselves unless they there's 5sigma/6sigma confidence or something. If you'd like details, feel free to ask more specific questions. In the meantime, I'm on the east coast and it's evident by how late I'm staying up rn that I hate myself ig,, but feel free to respond anyway. I'll try to give u a (u) like sometime when I wake up, if u like. ill b here den

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>unless they there's
holyy sh-t,,, goonite lole

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