Why are so many high ranking leftist politicians being outed as racist bigots on an almost daily basis...

Why are so many high ranking leftist politicians being outed as racist bigots on an almost daily basis? Now we learn that far left extremist Canadian PM Justin Trudeau dressed several times in black face & is now being accused of sexual assault by a number of women. The left truly are fucked up.No wonder everyone hates the modern "progressive" movement to the point that every mainstream major comedian is openly mocking them now.


Attached: Trudeau & Friends.jpg (1200x679, 256K)

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If you look back in time, even a couple of decades, people did things that would be considered really bad now but wasn't thought about then.

Not excusing it, but we have to judge people's actions at the time they did them.

this thread again. kek

I like how they try and minimalize it by calling it "brown face".

i like how the right is REEEEing.

>outed as racist bigots on an almost daily basis

name 3 other times in the last 14 days

True. And it's hysterical watching the same "woke" frine leftists that have feigned outrage over blackface over the past 3 years - now fumbling & sputtering in frutration as they try to manufacture incoherent excuses / rationalizations as to why Justine doing it is somehow "different" than the hundreds of other incidents where the left have ruined people's lives for the EXACT SAME ACTIONS. And reading Twitter responses, no one's buying it. posts calling for Trudy's resignation have 75,000 to 100,000 likes & even members of Trudeau's party are calling for him to step down. The Crowned Prince of "Woke" has been bitten by his own arrogance & self-professed "moral superiority".

Really shocked me how fast the Hollywood far left turned around & started REE'ing in outrage, demanding Trudeau resign. So many of these leftists are being exposed as mouth foaming racist bigots. Reading Dave Chapelle & Chris Evans, Brie Larson calling for Trudeau to resign has been the best entertainment in years.

Not surprising to me, mate. The Hollywood wokies were bound to toss Trudeau out of the Church of Woke for this. As far as Chapelle goes, he summarized it perfectly - Trudeaus been so fast to try to destroy political opponents for similar actions, he deserves the backlash. Man, I love Chapelle!

Trudeau is closer to Trump than people realize.

They're both clueless trust-fund kids who never had a real job and were elected based on their family name only. And people wonder why they're both gigantic fuck-ups!

S-M-H, fam

This Justin Trudeau ridiculousness is further evidence of my theory that the more woke you pretend to be in public the more racist things you’re trying to cover up for in your past. It’s like the guy who is the most homophobic being the most likely to be gay. Total science here.


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>far left

>Far leftist thinking they're not far left

>Liberal white guy

Ur dum op

Canuk here from Alberta - Yes, by our standards/ political compass, Trudeau is significantly far left. I realize your myopic ignorance & lack of basic education makes it difficult to understand different cultures / countries have different considerations of what they consider the partisan fringe. So I can't blame you for your stupidity. You can't help it. It's inherent.

Exactly. Ontarioan myself. OP's correct in that by Canadian standards, Trudeau is extreme left.

So, what's your point? Lambasting the "left" (whoever that includes) for mimicking the behavior from the right just shows how much of a gullible tool you are.

because he's dressed as someone from middle-eastern lore, not someone black, you big fucking moron

Representin Vancouver BC. For all the intellectually deficient simps in the thread - Trudeau and his party are fringe left if you look at politics thru the lens of Canadian politics.

blackface, wearing a kkk outfit, or even being the majestic cyclops of the kkk isn't racist if a Democrat does it.

Because they have finally figured out that by calling everyone and everything racist for the last 3 years they desensitized it and no one on the right cares anymore they almost expect it so now they go after their own political party members because they cant get good person points from anyone else in the US except their own often outraged libtard comrades..

Because no one pays attention to Canada.


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so shouldn't a nigger from zambezi not be allowed to wear a suit and tie, which is western european and american in origin?

don't misappropriate my culture, mother fucker.

and you, nanook of the north - get the fuck off that snowmobile, your people didn't invent that, stop misappropriating white peoples stuff.

Trudeaus friends in the US are all democrats. Nice try at the deflection though snowflake.


Surprise surprise, politicians turn out to be shitbags. Who would have known?

I'm not talking about his friends. For wealthy trust-fund kids, politics is just a big larp and they don't take it seriously.

That's why I say Trudeau and Trump are the same. They're both shit because they are wealthy and don't give a sweet fuck.

Yep, just look how quickly the faux outrage in Virginia disappeared.

Donald made the Trump name famous . Trudeau made his family name a joke.

Blackface has always been racist lol

Trudeau's mom sucked more cock than Alexis Texas, and that is saying a lot.

Hell, you can be a nigger rapist and still be attorney general in VA.

Not at all. In fact, the most thought-of performer in blackface, Al Jolsen, was an anti-racism activist.

Right?! I scrolled through the various comment streams, got up to make my coffee, and suddenly realized I live in a world where Justin Trudeau has literally emboldened racist white boomers in the exact same way Trump's done the same in the US.

And they aren't isolated comments.

You can sexually assault a teenage girl, admit it, and still be accepted as a running candidate for president as long as you are a Democrat. And at the same time call for a sitting supreme Court judge be impeached for just being accused of the same.

Bingo! And you notice who's defending Trudeau? it's 99% rich, privileged left wing white folks who use their alliance with leftist organizations / parties as cover for their deep seated racism & vile anti-semitism. These white motherfuckers don't realize we see right thru them. Especially after this incident!! And these KKKlan motherfuckers try to pretend there's a different between white folks on the far left & far right? Nah, this shit & the shit with the Virginia Democrat governor proves left wing white folks are just as racist as their brethren on the right.


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new video have surfaced.

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>faux conservacuck outrage

>This thread, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtuber, VK - ALL filled with people across gthe political spectrum calling for Justin to resign.
>One of Trudeau's last remaining boot licker far left sycophants desperately hope labeling universal outrage "faux cucservative" will somehow save Trudy

You morbidly obese, mentally deficient American left wingers are so adorable when you try to spin this shit show.

Attached: typical american.gif (342x342, 376K)

>The left truly are fucked up.No wonder everyone hates the modern "progressive" movement to the point that every mainstream major comedian is openly mocking them now.
If that's the only way you're gonna measure this, how's Trump and right-wing people faring?

>Retarded Burger detected

Go to chug some more McBurgers, lard ass.

KEK! It's cute when these diabetes ridden Amerifats try to act like they have a clue about international politics.

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Why are these pictures all in black and white? There's no reason that there should be a black and white picture of Trudeau, it seems like it's been done deliberately to make it look worse.

But then again, it's hilarious how many times I've seen "brown face", that's the blackest shade of brown I've ever seen.

Conservatives really dont give a shit he doesnt represent them in the least. This is all snowflake on snowflake outrage.

user, even the NDP party here in Canada - the farthest left party on the national stage - is calling for Trudeau to step down. NDO leader Jagmeet Singh has correctly stated that Trudeau has a disturbing pattern of racist, culturally offensive actions and can not represent Canadians in a thoughtful way.

Igf you think this is just fake outrage among conservatives, it's obvious you're just another pasty white American left winger that has an IQ lower than your dead grand pa's sperm count, Stay in your basement beating off to Japanese paedo cartoons, incel.

And American leftists wonder why everyone hates them.

Attached: wut.png (500x417, 112K)

*NDP leader...If
Hate fucking phone posting.

This is Yea Forums though, no one gives a shit about blackface. Anyone on this site pretending to be offended are either baiting, shilling, or have only been on the site for a few minutes.

Don't try to pretend that far right wingers are any lesser snowflakes than SJW feminists, they are just as selectively offended when it's convenient for them.

It's not racist.

Attached: blackface.jpg (634x382, 184K)

It's cute when Canadians think they matter.

He's so racist he thinks people from the middle East are black.

middle East have black slaves too.

Because "Leftism" is political narcissism. They're all malicious liars. Whatever they say they support or whatever they say they're about, they mean the opposite. Trudeau is a faggot LARPing as a straight guy. I mean, c'mon. "Leftism" is marginally unbridled political judaism and nothing more. They've infested the "right", too. Don't get me wrong. Neocons are just leftist faggots LARPing as Rightists. The whole game is rigged. And until we kill off every single jew demon the world will continue to sink further and further into the depths of Hell. That's what they want, after all. They refer to themselves as "the destroyers".

>And until we kill off every single jew demon the world will continue to sink further and further into the depths of Hell. That's what they want, after all. They refer to themselves as "the destroyers".
Pretty sad that people actually believe this. Let me ask, what do you think about Trump and jews?

This rich, privileged spoiled white fool has helped destroy dozens of other people's livelihoods & careers for MUCH LESS - and now this racist entitled white punk thinks an "oopsie, I sorry" is gonna save his career? Nah, f*ck that! He needs to RESIGN NOW!!
And before all you KKKIan white foIk pour into respond trying to defend Trudeau's racist crap - spare yourselves the effort. I'm done listening to you fools try to gaslight & do mental gymnastics to defend y'all's centuries of racial oppression, enslaving us & exploiting us, our culture & our resources to enrich yourselves!!

We were the cradle of civilization white boy. Everyone has black in them. Jesus is from Jerusalem and he was black.

because they are old and old people are generally racist by default

Trudeau says he is not resigning, get over it.

>they're just as bad!
nice propaganda you got there, be a real shame if someone were to point it out

Why would a racist defend someone who openly went after and ruined racists when hes being touted as a racist himself? Seems like a conflict of interests.

this is our clue that he's for realsies black and not just a propaganda shill

Or maybe he just lives in one of the states south of PA.

>enslaving us


>Everyone with a differing political / social / philosophical views iz uh Jewish shill hurr

Go back to your fucking containment board, Neo-Nazi

"propaganda shill"
Holy shit you white supremacists can't even blend into Yea Forums anymore without your alt-right slang seeping thru every post. Get back in your trailer park, toothless hillbilly meth head.

Using the term "shill" makes it pretty obvious you're a Alt-Right tard white boy. Go fuck your inflatable pepe sex doll and fantasize about your Orange Messiah, Bubba.

He’s a joke and and has no chance in the election, this blackface fiasco is just the grownups letting him know he’s not ready for politics.

Seriously, why do you paranoid inbred toothless sister-fucking Reich Wingers think EVERYTHING is a "Jewish conspiracy" & everyone laughing at your fat illiterate ass is a "shill"?

The cope of east coast faggots wanting to maintain their poggy

>Uses terms commonly associated with far right extremist hate groups
>Accuses other of being "shills"
You need to brush up on how normal people talk, Adolf. You've spent so much time in your Nazi echo chamber on poll, you forgot how to fit in with normal society. I t must be frustrating you incel fascists can't get a sniff of taint, let alone act normal long enough for people not to be creeped out by you repulsive freaks.

*Nazi echo chamber on /pol/

Fucking auto correct.

>Its only the right wing claiming a jewish conspiracy and calling everyone shills.
OK newfag, welcome to Yea Forums. Youll fit right in with your lack of self awareness.

Yeah I admit I can't masquerade and fit in with your left wing pieces of shit. But you all act just like every other Jewish shill that I've ever met! I hate you fucking kikes!!

OK, so I was wrong. You are a nigger. Go back to your fucking African jungles if you don't like it here! I hate you apes!!

trudeau is so far up the left's ass that you can see the fingers through the throat reaching for the uvula covering the rest of population wit the sick

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