let the false-flag begin
Let the false-flag begin
Is this from the drone strikes in saudi
where's the "made in iran" sticker?
yeah. the supposed iranian drone strike
Right over the engraving on the side which says "made in America"
Iran needs to be dealt with. They're been harassing everyone like total dickheads.
nigga this real flag shit
keep drinking the kosher kool-aid
Sorry but I'd rather not take the side of lying dirty Muslims
Which is a false flag for "made in Israel"
10/10 you almost got me
and yet you are taking the side of those who literally financed 9-11
I don't think you know what false flag means
A painting I made 4 u
Wow this thread has it all figured out. I feel dumb now. Pls tell me more oh wise one
thanks you user, is good
Who's got that old shoop of a Dr. Seuss cover entitled 'Would You Like To Bomb Iran?'
Nono, that's us. The US are the harassers. The whole purpose of the CIA is to go out and create enemies for us to fight to justified the continued existence of our absurd military budget.
The US isn't the only country who does this tho.
I'm sorry I don't sell out to the enemy because Im an angsty teen who hates his dad
No, but we are the best at it. At least we move the most money doing it.
Shut up jew
On the world stage this will never go away. Once the next power rises they'll do the same thing. Would you be upset about that? Or ignore it since it's not the US.
sabbaten frankist
>this will never go away
I disagree.
You look at human history, people have steadily become less shitty towards each other. I see no reason why we can't evolve beyond this behavior as well.
You need to start reading up on history that isnt just school text books mate