What are your predictions for the area 51 raid tomorrow? How do you think it will go down?
What are your predictions for the area 51 raid tomorrow? How do you think it will go down?
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Im very excited,i can't wait to get shot
Is it tomorrow ? Are they really doing it
Doubt it.
i don't give a fuck about it they already moved everything out
Kek even if by some miracle someone did get in all they would find is a bunch of plane parts and shit.
It won't. Likely scenario: a few people show up (kooks and people going ironically) and get turned away by security like normal. There are no logistics set up for a swarm of people trying to make it, if they try you'll have people collapsing from thirst and fatigue long before they reach area 51.
probably one conspiracy theorist who thinks this is all serious will do something stupid and get arrested / shot but that's about it
Lmao fags are still on about that?
You mean alienstock? Sponsored by bud light?
Two Dutch YouTubers jumped the gun and were arrested this morning for trespassing on the Nevada National Security Site outside Area 51
Maybeeeeee… they know you all are coming and will show you something BIG...?
...here's to wishing :"D
i don't think anyone will appear.
You raid any military base and they will shoot you.
maybe not raid... but watch? be safe at least :"D
Minors will be intercepted and turned around.
Adults will be charged federally with various offenses. Enjoy your IRL b&.
Com tot el que feu els estaudinencs romandrà com un bluf. Sou molt de fer alababalàs i posturejos varis,però mai fer res de debó. Cunyats bocaxancles.
someone is definitely going to show up. with how much coverage this dumb meme has gotten, both crackpots and attention whores (with social media they can pollute with this bullshit) alike will show up for their respective reasons. will it be an army of people? probably not. but i can see a few handfuls showing up.
My bet is on the military turn the place into a museum of sort and let the idiots in, and the place become a tourist trap with little green alien keychains and such.
Flying from Holland as we speak with 10 more other dudes!!
I think there will probably be a few hundred just coming there to visit Rachel. Some might cross the border but it won’t be a huge number.
we either get to see em aliens or get shot so i see this as an absolute win
Shut the fuck up normie
Full disclosure is long overdue.
Who is rachel?
I meant the town of Rachel, Nevada.
The whole 2 million sure as hell aren't. My prediction is 20-50 people show up and get arrested so much faster than they ever expected.
puto catalanet com va?
Rachel Rae
I just don't understand why area 51 when it's s4 that the alien tech is at
Moses desires macaroni art
Right. If they want aliens they're in the basement of the Pentagon.
I hear Satan
2 of the aliens escaped, no point in going now..
I'm betting anywhere from 100-200 people show up, and they have what is basically a big tailgate party just outside Area 51, and nobody gets the cahones to actually "raid". If they do, they'll "raid" until the soldiers with guns point said guns at them, then they'll calmly turn around and leave.
Or, the same 100-200 people are rednecks, bring guns, and they turn it into an anti-government movement, killing a few soldiers and getting most of the raiders killed.
Worst scenario: ALL of them are dumb rednecks with guns, and they actually kill a number of soldiers and they all die/get put in prison for life.
I feel really bad for the soldiers, unless it ends up being a huge party and some of the soldiers actually get to go out and party with them. That'd be neato.
fuck the soldiers. if this starts the second american civil war, that's the BEST outcome possible. Now how about you tell me what your plans are?
It will be a great big nothingburger. People will get drunk in the desert and party. A good time will be had by all.
yeah. god, i hope something happens though
i'm naruto running there right now from ottawa for the lols
a couple of neckbeards will show up. one or two will have guy fawkes masks. they'll warily eye the perimeter, take a few pictures, then back off and go back to their mom's basements.
isn't that under the pizza parlor where the pedo ring was? wow
Realistically, hardly anyone, if anyone will show. Those that do will stand around waiting for someone else to start it but no one will and they'll just meander around for awhile while staying at the armed guards. Or if someone had the guys to try and storm it, everyone will get meet with tear gas, pepper spray, and arrests.
Government agencies already infiltrated the groups that they thought are most likely to actually go. Plans will be stopped before they even start.
Plus I'm sure they already have upped their security and presence in and around area 51.
>upped their security
>civil war
No song sounds as sweet to brainless right-wingers, fucking retards.
It’s just the government doing natural selection to filter out retards and weebs
200 people show up
1 fat guy gets a heart attack
I thought the organizers cancelled it
It's gonna be like 200 homeless paid by leftists to play "Tag the fence" while wearing Trump hats
I hope it happens and makes kent state look like a joke.
>8099183 51
alein detected
Barely anyone will show up. A couple of people get detained and arrested. No deaths.
>Civil war starts because a bunch of twitter retards get shot
I can see it happening.
Those knife guys?
Im on my way there now.
Going to try and find a nice place on high ground to set up a tent. I need a good vantage point to see these idiots get tear gassed,water hosed, beat by clubs and attacked by guard dogs.
My predictions is that I'm going there to suck some huge alien dick.
make sure to record it and post the vids in rekt threads
Save me some coke
>water hosed,beat by clubs and attacked by guard dogs
lol,what do you think this is some eurotrash no guns country? they'll be getting shot
>implying a mass entry and a few dipshits with guns isnt going to turn into a massacre
nobody is going to show up. just because people are stupid doesn't mean they're brave. and the mentally ill probably don't have a means of getting themselves there. it's all a stupid fucking meme
>if this starts the second american civil war
u a retard?
I plan to.
One of the main reasons im going.
Look for a red and yellow tent , I'll be there.
Do you think they will resort to shooting American citizens?
It'll be a nightmare for the government.
Dude, hundreds of people are already on the outskirts of the base and thousands more are in the towns around the base.
It'll be business as usual tbh
Maybe a dozen people at best
You underestimate the power of weaponized autism.
>Do you think they will resort to shooting American citizens?
>It'll be a nightmare for the government
Nigga the police shoot hundreds of people every single day. We're balls deep in Legalism. If big daddy says don't do it then the sheep just accept that big daddy is gonna murder you if you don't listen
Maybe, but I also know that people are lazy as fuck and bark way more than they bite
Never underestimate the stupidity of people. Especially of this newer generation that was raised on the internet and would do anything for likes and e-fame. Ffs I've seen videos on fucking YouTube of people abusing drugs and uploading it on there. Absolute fucking retards.
But when they are Naruto running they are bulletproof.
Theres already many people gathering around.
I think there might be a couple thousand.
Its just going to end up a big party in the desert wit stands selling t shirts and beer
There is someone here that is going to go or atleast be near, just for curiosity?
As i stated before,i will be there to document anything that can be posted in a rekt thread.
Godspeed user
If 9999 then aliens are there
Thanks ,i will be posting videos here
what in the fuck language is this? waloon? catalan?
i doubt anything will happen, probably just going to smoke some weed and get shot at a bit