I am realizing I kind of a have a thing for Greta Thunberg. Is this weird? Am I alone?

I am realizing I kind of a have a thing for Greta Thunberg. Is this weird? Am I alone?

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U're alone

Yes this is weird you are 110% percent alone on this...fuckin nigger

well we're 2

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there are plenty of 18+ year old down syndrome women looking for a guy like you

or you can wait a year and a half for her i guess

It means you are a brainless lefty incel, and are therefore attracted to brainless lefty incels. You should leave the board that put trump into office

holy fuck, the age of consent in sweden is 15 and she's 16. Some lucky pedo has been smashing for a year

There is something kind of awesome about a girl who is literally trying to save the world.

I love her too and i'll walk with them tomorrow

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Yes. And Yes. Fuck off

Yes thats a dude
This is true also op is a fag
True and Epstein a hige Dem proves theycare pedos and support what you are saying thats way he was "hanged"
Little man isnt doing shit but look at me and my assburgers. Hes a retard and ugly as fuck. At least that Beaver kid was cute and i could get you fags wanting to rape him.

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Gross, she is a child

whoa budd careful with that sharp edge

You're just horny come down

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she has ass-burgers not FAS you dumb cunt

You’re alone in many ways OP

I fuckin hate her and her tween mob. Get out and work to pay for all your own shit and then let's see how much you care about the environment

she's autistic for real. she even said it herself. this explains why the left loves her.