Should women be allowed to vote?

Should women be allowed to vote?

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do you want socialism/feminism/lgtb/etc.?

obviously no

>still voting
>believing in politics


How did you find this pic of my niece maisie????

Females generally lack intelligence and perspective (they are stronger emotion-wise), so they should be allowed to vote only with approval of their husbands.

not anymore

What should we do if they riot once we abolish their right?

No woman should be involved in politics whatsoever. But it's too late now. We reap what we sow.


The make decision with their emotions. Emotional decision are often the wrong one.

nothing? the majority of antifa is ugly fat women who "riot" by destroying peoples garbage cans.

The answer is a complicated no.

Of course dishwasher shouldn't be able to vote they're in adamant objects

>(they are stronger emotion-wise)
it takes a lot more strength to keep your emotions from effecting your most important decisions. Freaking out, panicking and just doing the first thing that comes to mind is a sign of low emotional strength and maturity.

Please elaborate.

Where else they should not be allowed?

What else a dishwasher shouldn't be able to do?

Act like sluts kill their babies the usual crazy leftist bullshit yeah get rid of all that

i once asked an ex gf who she voted for in an election and she answered. this is (more or less) how the conversation went:

> me: 'why him?'
> her: 'he's got nice shoes, always looks smart and has a nice smile'
> me: OK, but what about his policies and standpoints?
> her: oh, I don't give a shit about them
> me: ....

These are the typical Yea Forums responses I would expect from this question. Edgy anonymous neckbeards trying to impress other edgy anonymous neckbeards and fall in line with the standard narrative.

My answer to this question is, why shouldn't they get a vote? They work, pay taxed, and the outcome of the vote affects them equally. If you want a free society where voting actually has meaning, then you shouldn't deny it to any adult citizens (non citizens should not get the right to vote). Minors shouldn't be allowed to vote because their brains aren't developed enough to make a decision properly and they could be too easily swayed by propaganda. There is already plenty of propaganda aimed at kids, but it would go crazy if they had the power to vote.

Sure there are plenty of movements and ideologies popular with women that I don't agree with, but plenty of women don't agree with them too. The whole point is to have an open forum of ideas and people can listen to both sides and decide which makes the most sense and which aligns with their values. I would be wary of placing too many restrictions on who can vote; it undermines the whole system and it can be just as easily flipped the other way. I'm sure there are plenty of feminists on tumblr having the same discussion about whether men should be allowed to vote, you guys are no different, just the other extreme.

In her defense, that's how females think about most of things. They're sadly useful only for breeding and taking care of the house.

women shouldn't vote because only idiots would date you
chicken... egg... chicken... egg...

>he's got nice shoes, always looks smart and has a nice smile

experienced this one as well especially the "nice smile" thing. When i asked how that effected his stance on the economy she just said to trust her instinct.

What ideology you would discontinue which females propagate?

>My answer to this question is, why shouldn't they get a vote?

because they vote like morons based off of inane criteria? I'd never vote for bernie based on his principles I don't consider his looks and hair part of the "problem" with him.

Women lack the IQ capacity for complex thinking in order to manage appropriate voting that would benefit society. They can operate only with emotion IQ.

Got him OP. operation whiteknight hunt is successful Mission comprete!

women lack logic and society is built by men. If they don’t like it they can fuck off.

people like you make me wonder if you just live in a area that isn't always fucked by retarded females in positions of power. Our cities comptroller literally fucking forgot to request funding for road repair so our shits falling apart. Apparently this has never happened to such a small town before so theres an emergency request that had to be submitted through the county on the behalf of the fire dept citing safety concerns. She fucking cried in her newspaper interview so they canned it and now that people want her replaced for her idiocy she whipped out the race card. Expect this shit on CNN

Should OP faggot be a fail troll

tits or gtfo

I really wish women could keep their voting right. I really do. But the reality is that they lack the capacity to deliver reasonable and intelligent output when comes to important decisions. They are different sex. They think completely differently.
For that reason not only voting should be prohibited for them, but also abortion decisions, driving and any high-rank functions at important corporations or politics.
There's plenty of other areas women can excel and they all know it. The push for "equality" is nothing else than a twisted propaganda which only worsened the world by a huge margin. I wish it would be otherwise, but sadly that is not the case. Look at all the SJWs, insane feminists and other crazy outcome of our time.

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Yes but we need state run media that talks about the world at large. Too many people think the biggest issued in the world are about gender or womens rights when the west is slowly collapsing while no other part of the world gives a shit about freedom.

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womans has little stupid brain and only it’s good for having sexy and making babys and anything good but they can not be leader or make choice. god say this to this is and it is truth. you can see it.

Oversimplification and generalization. Statistically, there is very little difference in intelligence between men and women. But the average intelligence level is pretty low overall, so any time you listen to the noisy masses then you facepalm at their oversimplified and emotionally driven opinions. Many people in this thread are no different, but lack the intelligence and self awareness to see it.

What part of my post is white knighting? I gave an argument as to why we should be wary about restricting anybody the right to vote. If they really wanted to restrict voting then an IQ test would be a better restriction than sex, but even then I wouldn't support that, because it just isn't enough of a fool proof measure of intelligence. Also, I don't necessarily think non intelligent people shouldn't get a vote, for the reasons I already gave above.

I think the insane progressive and intersectional feminist ideas that are popular with women and beta males are really wrong and damaging to society, but I feel like they are losing in the battle ground of ideas at the moment. I think the important thing is to not restrict the flow of ideas, and I think platforms shouldn't have the right to censor political ideas they disagree with, despite being private companies. I think the election of donald trump is a sign that people are getting really fed up with the narrative being shoved down their throats by the mainstream media, and I expect a similar shift in Canada next election.

As a grown man with grown daughters and a wf. HELL NO!! Unless they are married then maybe. Single women 100% fuck no. Look it up when they single women are more liberal left give me free shit. Married they want to keep their shit. Also women are emotional and dont think things through.

Example is those poor babies at the border suffering.
>Man logic Obama did it and all was fine and you for abortion yet the GOAT does it and now its racist.
>Women yes thats right. Free the babies, allow everyone in, abortion is a god given right, give me free shit, dont slut shame me, more lib ass shit
>Married woman this is all a con and fuck off you not getting my familes money bitches

This hurts peoples feelings but the bibles tells men to run the house this is why. Women are fucked up. I see it all the time.

Very little difference between men and women? Yes. But you do agree men are slightly more intelligent on average, yes?

Problem is how do you assert your dominance over women? They are going to whine a lot if we cancel their right to vote. And you can do anal only so many times a week...

I too watch rick and morty

Do you seriously believe this shit or are you just trolling?

Women are for family and emotional state. Men are for running the world and logic. There's nothing wrong about it. We only say based on this, it would be interesting to look into the possibility of abolishing women's vote.

As long as they vote for hitler

I fuck her on the weekends

you could literally walk into an all womens college and get them to vote on abolishing women's right to vote. It wouldn't even be very difficult. Just mutter "womens sufferage you know? like john oliver and the middle east right. You know its like the racism and sexual abuse of minors. you know we should abolish it"

bam signed into law


"In adamant"
It's inanimate you cretin.

They usually vote with emotion. So frankly they arnt making the best case for them to retain their right at least

no its En Atom Ant you oaf. Latin for as important as the atoms that comprise an ants ass

Well, if you look at the data, on average men have larger brains than women, but there is little difference in the average IQ test results between men and women. But I think that the average intelligence level is quite low overall. Just look at any facebook comment section and that is a good reflection of the average intelligence level. So I think the majority of women are stupid and emotionally driven. But the same applies to the majority of men. So really the argument is, should stupid people not get a vote? I know women who I would rather see get a vote then plenty of men that I know, if I had to choose. The particular women I am thinking are in engineering, and other complex fields.

But we can't reliably measure intelligence, so everybody should get a vote.

Oh there are plenty of incompetent politicians fucking things up in my area, both men and women. Justin Trudeau comes to mind. Things just aren't so black and white.

The 19th amendment was a mistake.

got a simple test then. 5 questions regarding a candidates policy are put down on paper.

Is Joe Bidens policy on Immigration

A.) Gas the Jews
B.) Open Borders All Day Err'day
C.) No Policy Yet
D.) Restricting Legal Immigration To A Number By Annum.
E.) Increased Border Security With Stronger Background Checks No Restriction To Number

If any meme shit gets the answer then the vote is discarded

My point is that men tend to groom their logic, while women tend to groom their emotions. On that base, even if almost same in intelligence in terms of brain, the actual intelligence through society is slightly higher with males.

>Things just aren't so black and white.
Again it seems like youre just trying be facetious to lengthen the conversation. Are you fucking with us?

Yes. But only if they own land. And are white. And Male.


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But what if they posses at least 10 head of cattle?

Why are females by nature submissive towards males but spend their lifetime being feminists? Are they idiots?

Because while they are indeed submissive, it triggers humiliation in majority of them. Good females can tank it, other go the way of feminism.



That could be, it's difficult to say. And its difficult to find data that supports it, not saying it doesn't exist but like I said, its not black and white. I believe you are right that when you take men and women at lower intelligence levels women tend to lean more on emotional response, while men tend to have a bit more of a logical thinking process, but unintelligent men still have similar pitfalls. They will die on a hill for whichever uninformed opinion confirms their biases.

only if you want your society to collapse

theres a couple series on YT about old feminists that regret listening to the insane dykes and self hating lesbians because it took old age to realize that the world wasn't against them and having kids, loving a man, being a good wife wasn't supporting the patriarchy. Its kinda sad because now theyre too old to have what they really wanted the entire time and those angry lesbians and dykes betrayed their own words and had kids decades ago.

Of course women should vote.
A general IQ criteria could be interesting though. Half of Yea Forums would not qualify.

>but unintelligent men still have similar pitfalls. They will die on a hill for whichever uninformed opinion confirms their biases.

Heres another major difference. Though I don't think you caught it. A female with a stupid opinion will eventually panic and run away from her mistakes while never changing her mind while most males will grit their teeth and take the whip and learn from it or die.

>Half of Yea Forums would not qualify.
no argument there. 90% of Yea Forums would fail a basic physical fitness test.

No such thing as emotion IQ, having a high IQ doesnt mean you're going to be good at deciding who is best to lead a country. Thats why local voting (mayor etc.) is much more important rather than presidents which are usually the best at manipulating others and have the most resources to win, all qualities you dont need to lead a country.
Voting is essentially pointless in many countries like the UK, Russia and USA where you can manipulate the outcomes.
If you want to see a good system at work look at Swizerland where direct democracy actually brings people in that know what they are doing.

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What about my answers gives you the impression I am fucking with you? I'm just giving my opinion user. The topic is whether or not women should be allowed to vote. I am making my argument for why I think they should. My argument is that overall stupidity is a bigger issue than sex when it comes to voting, and stupidity is universal, but I don't think stupid people should be barred from voting. I think that the free forum of ideas should be allowed to play out and let that dictate the results.

You are a fucking idiot

I'd agree the system Switzerland uses is better for smaller nations but somewhere like the U.S. its not really conceivable.

My ex voted for someone based on her favorite singer endorsing them, couldn't even name any of his policies

So at what areas are women worse than men? Apart of physical. Driving? Orientation? General logical thinking? Let's focus on the general thing, not just the voting question.

Youre essentially repeating what most people have been saying. Women shouldn't vote because they make "stupid" decisions. Women have a tendency to make more stupid decisions than the average man. Hence if we just stopped dancing around the subject if we completely removed their ability to vote a major portion of the problem would be excised. Yes SOME women who are mentally and emotionally mature enough to stand on their own two feet will be ignored but that can be addressed.

True, point taken. I wonder how much of that is societal. Women are propped up by the media and feminist narratives constantly and told they can do no wrong. So of course an unintelligent woman will eat that narrative up. I think that comes back to toxic narratives that are being pushed through our society. I just don't necessarily think that women should be barred from voting because of it.

Fucking an unintelligent woman is also a pure bliss in contrast of fucking an intelligent one.

Women should be allowed to vote only with permission of their men.

Thats not what I said at all, I never claimed that women are the only ones making stupid decisions. Men also make stupid decisions, and decisions fueled by aggression. Thats a key difference between men and women, when women make stupid decisions its often fueled by emotion, and when men make stupid decisions its often fueled by aggression. Which has a more damaging impact on society?

I don't think its entirely societal but maybe a evolutionary vestigial function like pic related.

Ive always wondered why females and children cover their mouth during shock and duress. Ive read something in the past that said it was to prevent getting attention from dangerous creatures to ensure self preservation. Meanwhile males grow out of it and will often, as the user above said, grit their teeth and go through with whatever violence need be done to himself or others.

Women seem to have always had the option to simply slink away from a bad situation while most men have been raised by life and society to take responsibility and go.

As long as we allow stupid men to vote and politicians to lie, we might aswell allow women to vote.

>be allowed
Sheesh, you shouldn't show off your stupidity like that, OP.

I'd argue that a decision based on emotion is more damaging than one based on aggression. Its the same reason animals that are aggressive to each other for territory and mating rarely kill each other. It wasn't conducive to the species survival overall. Imagine if a deer made a decision based on emotion?

>Its cold, i'm hungry, wet and tired... guess i'll just lay down and die

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That's why anal is about asserting male domination over females. It's a bad thing they can't slink away from and they have to endure it to please the man.

>Should women be allowed to vote?

Let me turn that one around.

Should this thing be the 1st Class Ticket to Life?

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It also stirs up the dookie for easier passing

Giving them rights got us to the feminazi metoo tranny life we live in today. Women are unfit to lead.

A marble statue?

A committee should be set up to interview women over the age of 18. A small survey on general culture and a psychological test on emotions should be done. If they are not good enough, maybe some of the fat men who work there could rape them. that'll probably strengthen them over time and they'll stop making stupid decisions (like go to that committee...)

she's cute

Your argument could legitimately be why there are groups of females who cut off their breasts and sow hunks of flesh to their crotch. They think having a penis is what defines male logic and thought patterns

>women make stupid decisions its often fueled by emotion, and when men make stupid decisions its often fueled by aggression. Which has a more damaging impact on society?
Women are more damaging. The reason most times a man makes a aggressive decision is because a woman pissed him off.

I guess that depends a lot on her attitude and ideologies. A stupid woman who has to constantly blurt out her stupid opinions is just a headache all around. But there is a feeling of domination when you are fucking a less intelligent woman who is dependant on you, and I think that is very primal.

But right now I'm fucking a fairly intelligent woman and having the best sex of my life, she's a CPA, we've been fucking for over a year and her sex drive still isn't slowing down. And because she is intelligent she doesn't cause headaches in my life, she leaves me alone without insecurity. So there's something to be said for that as well.

God no. Not if we want a sane and functioning society. I don't think most men should be allowed to vote. We need a Caeser to come to power and clean up the mess that we find ourselves in. I'm not sure theres any going back though.

I like the idea of fucking the stupid opinions out of her, literally. With smart women you can on the other hand break them during fucking and mock them for not being that smart anyway. Funniest part is that all women love this. They are extremely submissive by nature, but extremely butthurt about admitting it.

women should only be allowed to vote for other women.

In a sense. But in another sense they can balance eachother out, because emotional decisions can often bring compassion in, which is not useful or logical from a purely competitive sense. But it serves a role. We've seen what happens when the pendulum swings too far towards aggression, it can create hell on earth. When the pendulum swings too far towards compassion, it can create other major problems as well, and I would relate that to something like having open borders. A horrible idea fueled by compassion and "good intentions".

unless the dishwasher is made of diamond, then it really is in adamant.

>But in another sense they can balance eachother out,

i'll accept that and posit to you that an unchecked unbalanced emotional response leads to a more cancerous result overall compared to the immediate blood and bone cost of aggression.

doctrine and policy made on emotion rots for decades as opposed to a few years. Unchecked it just destroys nations

Sadly, for the most part, letting women vote is irrelevant because when they couple with many men, their voting choices usually are the same as the men they marry or date. They still behave subservient to the men in their lives so they voluntarily don't vote for their self interest but for the men in their lives.

>They still behave subservient to the men in their lives
And that is how it is suppose to be. No idea what is your point. Women are born to be below men and in return they get safety, money and children.

i understand that you people are kind of hurt, living in an oversexualized society and being unable to have any kind of a relationship with a female. must be hard. i feel sorry for you guys. please don´t shoot anyone. it´s not anybody elses fault.

Females agree and enjoy to be submissive to men. They just can't talk about it publicly because they would lose their modern day status. Once you start dating, you will understand.

Women shouldn't be allowed to move or eat more than necessary to give them thin toned bodies and when not in use they should be chained naked by all four limbs when being raised they should be under no illusion that they're a person they're a breeding tool sure because they're psychologically similar to men they should be treated well enough to where they wont harm themselves or a human when unchained and that's it

I agree that an unbalanced emotional response can lead to a slow decay, and the damage is often under valued compared to the very visible damage caused by an aggressive action. But also we are coming from a position of living in a peaceful society so the slow burn of bad, emotionally driven political policies affects us overall more than bad aggressive policies. Swing too far towards aggression, you have a situation like Syria, and the country is no better off after its revolution. Swing too far towards emotion, and you have the soviet union. Which is worse? Depends who you ask and how they are personally affected. I wouldn't want either. Its scary that western culture seems to be swinging too far in the direction of bad emotional politics. So I can see the point in questioning the votes of women at this time.

But when we think about things swinging too far towards aggression, just think aboit the countries where women aren't allowed to vote. Mostly muslim countries. And they also happen to be some of the biggest shit holes. Now they are shit holes for more reasons then lack of involvement of women, but I believe there is something to glean from them as a lesson to the kind of social structure that can emerge from having too many regressive policies.

Muslim countries are shit because Arabs are shit and so is their religion. The white man used to keep his women in check and we did alright for ourselves until recently.

as a man who's gone to war i'd much rather take the pain of that over the inane and ridiculous struggle my nation is going through now. It does distill down to more than just "women shouldn't vote" but in those nations where women are finally given the right to vote you watch them, with a smile, vote for the same groups of people that subjugated them in the first place. Its mind blowing

just a grain of sand in the desert of life but holy fuck when we gave women the right to vote in the middle east you should have seen the mind numbingly retarded reasons they were voting.

forgot to add. My favorite "policy" that one woman was aiming to change was to remove the "nasty smell" from natural gas.

bruh its far from a democracy there but sweet black baby jesus

In that particular circumstance I think fear hold them back from making an honest vote, to suddenly be given the right to vote I think many women would still be scared to rock the boat. Even with the right they are still not truly living in a free society. Often even the election itself is meaningless in third world countries. I highly suggest reading pic relates, it goes into great depth on the topic.

I need to leave it at that and go to work. Good conversation.

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yep i'll check it out but

the decisions they made weren't done out of fear but reprisal to a male family member that they wanted to spite. The entire country of afghanistan is just one big pile of petty vengeance against family after family for shit that happened during the time of the romans

Women are too emotionally irrational to have hardly any rights. They deserve more rights than niggers though. Niggers belong as laborers and servants of various types. We've bread them to for that reason.


If women want to argue that men cannot have opinions on abortion because they can't get pregnant, then women should not be able to decide on the Commander in Chief since they will never be drafted into the service.

at the end of the day, if you have been with women you know how they are and how easily they are manipulated or vote for their biological imperative which eventually results in communism

women shouldn't vote

Excellent point.

All women are natural slaves.

You sound like someone who's never talked to a woman. If you have, you would realize that even though they might suck at math and science, and do well at reading, doesn't mean that when you talk to them they don't sound like adult toddlers.

Just because you try to sound pompous, you just sound foolish. If you think men and women are inherently the same, then why do they act completely the fuck opposite of each other?

Or why do men have behaviors that are typical and women do also? Why is it that when a man asks a woman what she wants to eat, she says "you pick", then you pick and she goes "oh no, not that".

It's because they are adult children that can read and write. They are dog shit in comparison to men. If you disagree, then you've never honestly talked to women that didn't have a writer giving them notes and speech therapy.

IF they arent AMERICAN, by all means YES