Silly American'ts. Why don't you use real units to measure your shit?

Silly American'ts. Why don't you use real units to measure your shit?

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I wish we did

Don't bother. They're too fucking stupid to use metric measurements and it's nicer for us to be able to laugh at them. The only thing they measure in metric is the size of the bullets they enjoy firing into schools. Might as well leave them to it

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metric is for gays and foreigners. Mostly the first one.

This is why.

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Fuck I hate burgers

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You stupid euro cucks will never know the pure joy of measuring things in dead school children per bullet

Ever made anything? Machine tools are in standard for a reason.

I'm not even in europe you fat fuck

Tools are in metric and standard


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I love america and teump is great, but i also like to joke and have fun and laugh when things are funny.....but that not even funny and even a little bit. Are you like 12?

You retard sOn

Y0u retArd s0n

youre a fucking tool

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We prefer to measure everything by our GDP because it is bigger than yours.

[Dubai intensifies]

how do you americans measure someones hight in feets? do you walk over them?

penis is erect now

we do.
your shit is fucked up and you keep redefining's almost like you don't know what you're doing....

Additionally, all units are entirely arbitrary anyway. It's not like there's a giant set of laws carved in stone by God or whoever defining distance, velocity, time, etc. We figured that shit out on our own.

So, in short: fuck off you mongoloid.

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What about the fuckin russians?

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Asia exists.

We collude with them now to get into space now.

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Cab fare to the ISS = one Gaylord of Uranium

Because fuck you that's why. Seriously though in a lot of places like the sciences and military we all use the metric system.

Celsius plz

That we don't do. Celsius is inherently inferior as it doesn't give the precision Fahrenheit does.

There must be a reason almost the entire world uses it.

Mostly historical as the British set it as the standard and spread it throughout their holdings along with the metric system. Metric system is superior but Celsius is not.

Ridiculous statement.

Fahrenheit makes no fucking sense, just like your month/day/year thing

Murica never went to the moon.
Kubrick directed that shit.
Everyone knows so stop lying about it.

Fahrenheit even sounds German. Murica is sooo cucked.

Kek yeah what do the burgers measure length in? Ching Chongs or some shit?

Ching chong small dong.

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i only like adult transsexuals

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The jews hate the muslims...

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I'm the non american conservative.

Oh you’re the type that doesn’t matter cos your nations so cucked

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The whole world will cheer when this happens

Trudeau should cuck Trump.

Kek he could put a video up on pornhub premium and get Canada out of debt in a weekend

Ewww why would you measure shit? Degenerate.

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To see if it's bigger than my girlfriend's 12 inch cock.

Fuck off with your shitty measurement system

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Looks like schizophrenia.


Apolitical gang.

>posting anti-american slander
>on an american website
measure my balls fag

Smaller than my gf's.

i'm so sorry

well then i was right that you were a faggot, i guess were all happy now

your complaining about the country that invented damn near everything?.


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I dont think you know what slander means, you dont use the metric system, thats a fact. Facts cant be slander.


citation massively needed, besides almost all the researchers and scientists that invent in the US are foreign.

>implied that imperial isnt a real measurement system
>not slander
don't be a dumb retard and not read the thread user

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Like clockwork

Found the guy who cant convert between units, pleb

>almost all the researchers and scientists that invent in the US are foreign
Citation massively need for this

Why can you only get ratchets in imperial drive then?

which one are you then?

How the fuck do you not know these things burger?
You can loser

I don't cair for them either

Burgers are stupid and cannot be reasoned with.

Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

Don't you know what a drive ratchet is?
Not wrenches.

So where exactly does it say there are more foreigners than US citizens as engineers and scientists again? Because they said " In 1994, there were 6.2 U.S.-born workers for every foreign-born worker in science and engineering occupations. By 2006, the ratio was 3.1 to 1."

Literally the same thing you fucking moron.

>I like turtles

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Your mama this you're clever. Everyone else thinks you're an asshole

in 2017 foreign nationals accounted for 81% of electrical engineering

etc etc etc for all STEM fields

Nah, your citation just didnt prove your point, nice try tho

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Citation? And cause one field is like that doesnt mean all stem

Its like a well known thing dude, its been like it since we got nazi scientists after WW2, indians and chinese students make up huge numbers of our highest achieving students and go on to be leaders in STEM fields in the US

the fact that we have enough global influence to make a bunch of foreigners on a random website commit to hate threads instead of going to work or getting a girlfriend really says something

White Claw is just Bacardy Breezer for gay people.

kek asking for citations when the guy originally said America invents ALL things. The absolute state of burgertown

And then the stupid liberal said how diverse conservatives were.

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the cope is real

The article only talks about and gives numbers engineering and computer science and doesnt consider the sciences (chem, bio, physics, etc), thus not giving the full picture of the stem or grad student demographics.

are we now just pulling shit out of thin air? Islam hates fags and treats women how they ought to- unlike the cucked (((Catholicism))). Also, nice use of some nigger pakis flying a mossad flag. All this aside, we both agree on kikes and National Socialism (nazi is a slur conjured up by a jewish journalist, look it up)

Where did I state the US invents "all" things?

They dont invent things, stop moving the goal posts you low IQ burger

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Wait, so chemists and biologists dont invent new medicines, treatments? Kek

The irony being Doctors and research are one of the biggest imports the US has when it comes to foreign talent, kekkk

I know user, you state the obvious, what is your point exactly?

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Open your fucking eyes

The meme is flawed?

Wait I thought they were imported for grad school and leave after they get their degree? So which is it, are the doctors coming here or are we getting brain drain(they get our degrees and go back)? You seem to argue for both

God you are so retarded and ignorant.

Israeli flag should be held in the middle above all other flags. Gods chosen people after all

Are you fucking retarded. How would one unit give better precision than another one? Kill yourself.

When did I say that?

Thats not a very good comeback either, do you admit you were wrong?

If you use anything other than a Planck Length, its a made up measurement that's not based on anything.


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Yea that article doesnt support your claim either. One line comes close but qualifies their statement with "The rates were even higher for the most educated providers", so overall through the field it is not the case. Nice try tho

The poor choices of others are not my responsibility.

Here you claim they are importing doctors and research. While here the article claims we are training doctors and they are leaving

>The irony being Doctors
Being Affirmative action hires

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>made up measurement based on nothing.
Yea a day on earth has nothing to do with one rotation along its axis and a year has nothing to do with how long it takes the earth to revolve around the sun once.

Reminder that the UK uses both. Reminder that imperial is defined using metric. Reminder that most European don't know this fact.

Basically, we are using metric, just our version of it. Reminder that Europe WILL be overrun by immigrants in less than 50 years and you Europeans WILL be clamoring to emigrate to the US and your kids WILL learn the imperial measurement system.

>uses metric system
>swaps to "burger units"
>forces colonies to swap as well
>Goes back to metric
>mocks colonies for using imperial
>starts putting up signs in both units after a while
Gee thanks england.

Exactly you idiot, thats why 1 in 3 of them are foreign.
