Hey Yea Forums. Lost a person extremely dear to me 3 years ago on this day...

Hey Yea Forums. Lost a person extremely dear to me 3 years ago on this day. Found her body on the couch and by this time I was probably talking to the people who take the bodies to the morgue. Ive taken a muscle relaxant about an hour ago to stop the migraines but my mind is still moving too fast. it always is, it never ends. How do you Yea Forumseautiful bastards cope? It''s liek a hole in your life that cannot be fixed. Surely there are others that feel this way too? Any advice? Don't know what or how to do if that makes sense. Getting drunk and feeling lonely but it's a beautiful day and that's all that matters. I hope to see her again one day.

>inb4 blogpost
>missing eight ch

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Other urls found in this thread:


You can see her right now. Just kill yourself, bro. I gotta warn you though, she’s probably sucking on Trayvon’s cock up in Heaven.

You don't have to 'cope'. You lost someone important and on the anniversary of that memory it's only natural you feel strongly.

Mourn today, enjoy the sun tomorrow. You're allowed to have feelings

you can like stop being a faggot or anhero

>Lost a person extremely dear to me 3 years ago on this day
Good I’m happy she’s dead and glad you’re miserable

That's a gorgeous photo of Vic Falls.

getting drunk or taking pills isn´t going to fix anything.
trauma therapy is a thing you should look into.

damn you are so cool and edgy i wish i could be like you

Sometimes when I'm sad this cute video cheers me up OP

Thanks bro I try

Can we bring back the rick roll?

What do you mean?

Thanks user. I'll try to do that to be honest, it's hard you know but at least i've got good company in you. I appreciate that. It's a beautiful day outside.

Thought about offing a few times but that but it's probably not what she would've wanted. Too many people still depend on me. I don't think Trayvon made it to heaven tbqh.

Let them be, they'll face it too someday. Just wanted to get if off my chest. Thanks for being kind user.

Live a life that person would be proud of. Can't imagine the person you lost wants you to suffer. Make something of yourself user, for those that have gone but mainly do it for yourself.

Thanks, here's a good one in return.


Beats me OP. My best mate died in my arms seizing haemmoraged and shit himself in November last year. I was literally holding him while he bled out of his ass while my wife was driving him to the ER.

Got his fucking blood all over me and can't forget the smell ever. He apparently died from sepsis because he had pancreatic cancer because he didn't go to the doctor for his intense abdominal pains.

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Don't be sad because she's gone - be happy that she has existed in the first place. You shouldn't be mourning, man. Celebrate the great moments you've had with her. I have been 'suffering' from the very same thing for six years now and it still is hard for me to accept the fact that she is gone. But I don't mourn anymore. I am just thankful for everything we've experienced together and hope that she's finally found her freedom so her broken soul can rest in peace.



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Yeah man, i'm a big guy... got a bit fat after everything but still tall as fuck and strong but never in my life have I felt so small,vulnerable, alone and scared about the future. Sorry for sounding a pussy but I wish to agree with you. You're right. She would have liked that. Lol, she still said I should go on a diet. I guess it was just the suddeness of everything. Have you lost loved ones if I may ask? Anything you do to heal a little? I read the poem called "miss me but let me go" but not a day goes by when I don't think about it and I just don't know if things get easier, I don't think they are and I as sure as hell don't intend on giving up but it's the burden that i'm trying to shake which I'm struggling to... you know, struggling to move forward if that makes sense.

Anyhows lets change the subject, maybe let's just shitpost and remember the good times ey.



So fucking hungry, maybe will make some soup. I remember drinking soup with her back in the day. in the cold winteArs. I bought pea and ham soup this morning. What are you having? I'll make it when I run out of alcohol. lol. And when I do make it i'll think of you and say cheers in the air and pretend you're here :-)

Thankyou. Xx (nohomo)

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Well did you do it after he bled shit out of his ass? Did you suck the warm log coming afterwards

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Man up faggot

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I fuck bitches and make pol fags sperg

Stop being a pussy and get over it

Did you have your dick up his ass while he bled out?

>Yeah man, i'm a big guy... got a bit fat after everything but still tall as fuck and strong but never in my life have I felt so small,vulnerable, alone and scared about the future. Sorry for sounding a pussy but I wish to agree with you. You're right. She would have liked that. Lol, she still said I should go on a diet. I guess it was just the suddeness of everything. Have you lost loved ones if I may ask? Anything you do to heal a little? I read the poem called "miss me but let me go" but not a day goes by when I don't think about it and I just don't know if things get easier, I don't think they are and I as sure as hell don't intend on giving up but it's the burden that i'm trying to shake which I'm struggling to... you know, struggling to move forward if that makes sense.
>Anyhows lets change the subject, maybe let's just shitpost and remember the good times ey.
>So fucking hungry, maybe will make some soup. I remember drinking soup with her back in the day. in the cold winteArs. I bought pea and ham soup this morning. What are you having? I'll make it when I run out of alcohol. lol. And when I do make it i'll think of you and say cheers in the air and pretend you're here :-)
>Thankyou. Xx (nohomo)

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t. 12 years old

So you’re a fat fuck?
Did she die from you sitting on her?

Is it still fucking summer in here? So many le edgy fucking teenagers cancering the place up.

Stay strong OP, she'd have wanted you to.

Ah fuck man, i'm so sorry to hear that. Yeah, I had a friend reclusing? re- something somethign when you're out of drugs and withdrawing from Heroin. He lay in my arms shaking like a leaf and I split my last few cigarettes with him, then we spoke about death and that was the last time I saw him. It hurt like hell but nothing came close to how much I loved this person and even though it feels like everybody around me is dying, hers hurt the most if that makes sense. Fuck, i didn't even know you could die from pancreatic cancer without knowing. I remember my grandad once got bowel cancer and he was lying in his own shit for 2 days until i finally got to him. He was moved to a better place and I used to bunk school and steal the car to go visit him. Lol, funny times to be honest. Had a dream about him after he passed but that was many moons ago. Sorry about your loss though.

glow in the dark niggerfaggot: youtube.com/watch?v=JCyFvcQidvI
here's your (you)

100% correct man. Will do.


Sorry dude. Yeah, look up that poem by the way. Miss me but let me go. I'm not sure if it's going to help but it's good to know that other people feel the same way. You're 100% right though and what you said makes a lot of sense. Thanks dude. As long as the birds are singing outside, the seasons are semi okay then we should be okay although i do thknk we're in the last days when you look at how fucked everything is. maybe it's a blessing because its going to be a wild ride and i'll go down fighting.

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>Is it still fucking summer in here? So many le edgy fucking teenagers cancering the place up.
>Stay strong OP, she'd have wanted you to.

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hahahahaaha!! no she did not you asshole. And i'm not that fat. 6ft4 at 97kg. Work it out for yourself unless your mutt brain is too stupid to figure it out. Still had a massive chuckle! hahaha, no i did not sit on her. I found her peacefully. So I suppose that was a blessing. Rather instantly than a long road of suffering.


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Same conrad

try alcohol

anhero on livestream with op newfag

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One of my neighbors kids hung themselves a few years ago. I thought it was really sad. I cheer myself up by telling myself that at least she obviously got some use out of the present I gave her to cheer her up. (It was a jump rope)

OP here. Were you molested or something? Why are you so callous and bitter? You do know that you don't have to give a fuck about who you are here and there are many individuals, even more so on other sites that actually do bother and care about individuals in order to seek a connection of somekind. We can't help that we're lonely user. You making fun of us isn't as harmful to us than it is to your own psyche and that's why i'm talking to you. Thanks for making things interesting, I preferred the first gif though. We're all retarded at the end of the day.
- Also, were any of you here when duckroll and jewt ran the show? This place has gone to shit big time.

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Yeah, fair enough. She's probably in a better place. Had a dude hang himself in the garage and he was found as his parents drove in. His name was Sven. Nice guy but never saw it coming.

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>OP here. Were you molested or something? Why are you so callous and bitter? You do know that you don't have to give a fuck about who you are here and there are many individuals, even more so on other sites that actually do bother and care about individuals in order to seek a connection of somekind. We can't help that we're lonely user. You making fun of us isn't as harmful to us than it is to your own psyche and that's why i'm talking to you. Thanks for making things interesting, I preferred the first gif though. We're all retarded at the end of the day.
>- Also, were any of you here when duckroll and jewt ran the show? This place has gone to shit big time.

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Did you give a quickie when you found the body?

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A song literally about what you're going thru

don't ckix this it I s domino pizza

lol this is Yea Forums, they're just retarded 15 year olds with sheltered lives, looking for (you)'s. Ignore them like everyone does in every thread. We're talking about real shit in this thread, these kids have no life experience so they seek attention by being little assholes instead. When was the last time you saw a man acting like that? Probably never? But kids act like that all the time because they're dumb.

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>mom I posted it again

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Nope. Have you ever seen a dead body up close? Even with her... I mean, it was her and all... but it was an empty shell. It was horrible. The tongue turns blue and the skin is as cold as a fridge. You'll never understand it until you experience it. You like to joke about this kind of stuff but there's a saying which says "van lekker lag, kom lekker huil." which essentially means - enjoy your fun at my expense now user, but know that you'll be crying as I am in due time. It's a horrible experience.I used to make dead baby jokes all the time until some homeless woman pushed her dead baby in my face in a parking lot. I stopped making dead baby jokes thereafter. Similar to your style of trying to illicit frustration to those you're messaging. The best part is, nobody really cares. Your words carry power, but your intent is just another shitpost in a sea of irrelevancy/ I urge you to look in the mirror, because I don't wish this upon my worst enemy, the mindfuckery of life and death regardless of individual.

Lol, I know that. I'm just a tad drunk and in no mood to take anything seriously after these past few months. I think it's like a breakdown. You snap and do something but in this case, that something is nothing and all items of boredom now become a fascination, including the kiddos who come from plebbit.

Listening to it now. Thanks. I once knew 2 brazillian girls who introduced me to the idea of "Saudace". There's no english word that can replace it but it's a feeling of melancholy when looking back on the good times. The music is too shouty for my liking but thanks regardless. Do you like this? youtube.com/watch?v=O0TmfEz8_wg they were better before they went all big with sex on fire. My estranged little brother once went to a show of theirs and I haven't seen the dude in ages. It's funny hey? It's like we're all alone even when we're around.

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Thanks Lori

Fucking diamonds.


So you couldn’t get it up cos you are gay? Is that why she killed herself? Or is it just cos you got fat?

This threads a bit fucked if you ask me.

It’s all yours XDXD

XD XD I know you're a german, you fuckers love your emojis. haha. Thanks.

I'm asking you nicely to top denigrating the death of the person I loved with all my heart. In my loneliness I came here because I love you guys, it's like a fucked up family that beats most of the places we try to express ourself. Since I do not have friends or any connection to the outside world, I figured i'd post it here. If you don't understand it now, you never will. Any responses are shitposts from now on but I wish you the very best in the future and admire your kurt responses with the ambivalence to connections in life you wish to mock.


So... you are a faggot?

I lost my identical twin brother 10 years ago when we were 21. One day at a time

Tldr faggot just neck please stop spamming b with your faggotry i dont care about your dead bitch.

Yeah. Fuck, all we can do now is reminisce and wait. I truly believe that we'll see them again. Living life with no purpose is not living at all I suppose. I'm sorry for your loss... Do you visit his grave? I haven't been in 2 years and I don't have the balls to be honest. I just don't want to confront it. I'm so sorry about your brother. I'll keep you in my prayers tonight.

And I don't care about your degenerate transexual porn addiction. Go fuck yourself Mr. Belgium.

the keen edge of your pain will blunt over the years and you can enjoy a dull ache for the rest of your life, always longing for the sweet relief of death

Sounds good I guess. No rest for the wicked and free at last.

Was your dead bitch fatter than you?
Did she die of diabetus?

Be more emotionally resilient and fuck up. Or go to a professional.

Small bump of ketamine will show that mind right down

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Did she die of diabetus cos she was a fat fuck too?

Help gais imma greeving cos I miss muh dead bitch

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Take a melatonin and relax. Time to move on with your life. In this past year I have lost 2 friends, but they live on in my heart and mind and so I have not really lost them. They come to me in good memories of days gone by.

Here is last pic of her before she died.
She would want me to share it again.

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fuuuuuuuuck man. She doesn’t look too healthy there.

omg she's a samsquanch

She was a saint you reprobate kike. You get many people who call themselves "christian" but fall into a religious category - she was not that. She was a person whom I could only count on 1 hand that was a true and good person... pure and humble. Besides, you make it out as if she was my partner and yet you don't even know if she was my daughter, mother, grandmother or sister... How silly of you. She was a woman of renown, a woman who had many knocks in her life but managed to get through it all. Her death was a release from a pianful world. She did not have diabetes. As I said before, keep going jack, be nimble and be quick but your words are a snare to your own world. Sweet, sweet dreams to (YOU)

Yeah I know, i'm on something less powerful but it has seemed to do the trick with the alcohol. Just that the captcha is a shit invention.

I don't believe in paying some jew to listen to me. That's why i'm here to begin with.

Pic for you.

(Ian Smith - best leader ever)

Cheers guys. Thank you for making my day. Thank you for sharing and bleeding your hearts. You are all special and wonderful people and you have no idea how much this has helped. Sometimes it's nice to know you're not alone in this fallen world. So thank you. I humbly and honestly do thank you and wish you all nothing but the best. I'm leaving this shithole and i'm off for now. My condolences in the fullest and my sincerest apologies if I opened old wounds. I suppose we never heal until we face it. Thanks for your words of wisdom. All my love. Godspeed.

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>that chin
Is that what killed her?

I’m beginning to think this ‘gf’ was actually an anime pillow. What happened? Did you poke your cock straight through the bitch or something?

So it was diabetus?

Here is a pic of her beautiful vagina.

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Please try to spell correctly. We are having a serious discussion here.

Fuck is that when she dead?

Its ok that you are grieving but you dont have to post her dead pussy here nigger

Do you really have pics of your dead gf’s corpse pussy? You are a sick fuck.

Yeah I bet you fucked that too before you buried her.

That’s fucked.

reap what you sow, avenged seven-fold.