What's his name again?
What's his name again?
His name was Robert Paulson
The Supreme Gentleman
Mr Straight A's
Sam Hyde
Hannah Gatsby
Jimmy Russell
Trum Passlicher the Incel Superman
Elliot rodger its right in the image name you fucking faggot
>this triggered
No dude it's clearly sam hyde the same guy who shot up that wallmart
Idk if this is bait but why did you feel like ruining a perfectly good thread you fucking loser
greta thunbergstein
>calls someone on Yea Forums a loser
>Yea Forums
do you know what site you're on right now you fucking cuck?
Not everyone here is a loser. A lot of people are here to laugh at you.
>Not everyone here is a loser
Not that anonymous but holy shit you're new
people that browse Yea Forums at 4 a.m are losers, wait, let me rephrase that, ANYONE that browses Yea Forums is a fucking loser, including myself.
You really are projecting lmfao not everyone here is an incel like you smh some of us do actually get to have sex
Is it 4am there? I'm on my lunch break on my phone to laugh at Americans.
The opposite actually.
>some of us here do actually get to have sex
This is getting fucking sad, even by our standards.
yea but you're still here, which makes you an incel loser like us
Nah. You identify with some hive mind 'us'. There is no us. There is only user. Sorry you're a loser though. Try to improve your life. :)
8pm here my negro.
Hey there not 'drunk middle of the night retarded american faggot that thinks their experience is the only possible experience'
but how do you improve upon being a 5"6' crippled fat kissless neet virgin neckbeard who's never even so much as held a girls hand and has to resort to substance abuse to numb the pain and loneliness?
Anyone actually watched this faggot's videos? They're actually hilarious. The way he complains and fake chuckles like some kind of anime villain makes my sides blow into orbit every time.
With effort, you self-pitying faggot bitch
You take a shower every day. You go outside. You get a hobby/get good at anything. You eat healthy food. You make friends. It's simple.
this is what i needed someone to say to me, i should stop self pitying and get outside
Trevon martini
Our lord and saviour
Benedict Cumberbatch before he was famous.
He looks like a guy who deserves some pussy. It's like the world owes it to him. Damn women just don't play along. They've got it coming.