Need some advice. Thinking about dating this chick but she just told me she has herpes. I've been doing research...

Need some advice. Thinking about dating this chick but she just told me she has herpes. I've been doing research, looking it up on Google but I'm still concerned. And I really like her. Any info, especially from people with herpes and those who have dated someone with herpes would be greatly appreciated.

Attached: 300px-SOA-Herpes-genitalis-female.jpg (300x224, 24K)

Holy hell, don't be fucking retarded

Almost everyone has herpes. That's what a cold sore is bruh.

If there’s no breakout, you’ll be fine. If she ever has one, then don’t fuck her until it’s gone. Rinse and repeat.

Ew you guys are gross, I wouldn't have sex with someone with STDs!!! Ew!!!!! That's forever!


Legit everyone who has sex, has herpes bro. Some people have breakouts, some dont. I don't and I've banged some nasty chicks. Just go for it

If you are concerned enough to come around here looking for idiots that already have sti's to encourage you.. Then go ahead and do what they say man, otherwise find a new bich, this sea isnt small.

Someone with an std should be married before having sex with anyone. Would you marry her?

Are these all niggers or something?

this is the truth

So she told you extremely private medical info but you're not even dating. She doesn't have herpes, she's trying to get rid of some retard

it is not worth it in the long run man. You'll find someone more suited and she will find someone more suited for her. Just let it go before you get to emotionally attached.

It's more common than you would think, I've bailed on bitches that told me as they were taking their clothes off(doesnt mean I knew them well either)

I've fucked a girl with herpes, if she's on medication and not having a breakout, you should be ok. Creampied her like 50 times and no issues. It's a dice roll though.

dont do it, it isnt worth it
if you get it you get it for life
its never worth it

anyone who says "bro we all got herpes" dont understand whats going on or anything about it

its a no-go unless you are insanely insanely desperate but then you could just fuck a single mom instead

omg LOL!!!!!

tits or gtfo


Anyone who defends it, has it or is a ignorant nigger.. Or maybe dumb enough to stay with someone who has it.

True facts nigger. 90% of people at the age of 30 have had a form of herpes already. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Odds are you have some herpes going on right now but your leukocyte bois are keeping that cold sore bitch at bay. However, when a bitch warns you beforehand she has the H, you can be damn sure she's had a length of nigger dick reaching into the Oort cloud.

Short answer: wear a fucking raincoat

Trips speaks the word of truth. Very little marriage material left in this world.

You’re all nasty std filled niggers if you think that shit is ok. I know this is Yea Forums but come on have at least SOME standards


You might wanna consider how she got it in the first place. Maybe she has some history as a slut who likes to fuck random people unprotected.
Anyway she was honest with you which is nice from her part.

Feels good being in the 10%

Women are filth and all of them have hpv at the very least. Not most of them. All of them.

Haaa most degenerates here would do anything to get something that has a pulse to touch their 2 inch cock balding fat fucks

Some of them did come from good old school families and were picked up in high school dude. Some clean chicks definitely left in this world.

Females are definitely 90% mudsharks and they are beginning to pay for it.

I've seen some retards in my day but these retards should've been given the mercy of being put down at birth, could the doctors possibly not have realized such an obvious defect was present?
Behold the incel, in it's defensive stance

begone, thot

You are kinda on point except for the trips post.


Please be b8ing, it's an incurable disease that causes horrible itching burning blisters all over your genitals, and spreads like wildfire, so good luck ever dating anyone without herpes again

It is 100% not worth it.
Trust me. I did that shit and it fucked me over.

There are some very pretty girls on std date sites, begging for anyone to take them. Kinda tempting tbh but if it didn't work out, an hero time.

Don't fucking do it. If you're having so much trouble getting laid that you're even CONSIDERING fucking a herp bag...

...imagine how much trouble you're gonna have getting laid once you're struck down with the herp.

Hell, she could fuck you until you get it and then leave you, it's a life sentence, happened to a friend of mine.

dumb lying cunt