Drunk, watching Brave, and wondering why so many people consider it a masterpiece. Just seems like Feminist propaganda...

Drunk, watching Brave, and wondering why so many people consider it a masterpiece. Just seems like Feminist propaganda. Why should this story interest me? Why is it actually captivating? What makes it interesting, besides the propaganda that women can do men's jobs (and that they were limited throughout history by peer pressure)? What makes this movie worth watching? Why do cucks tell me I should watch this? Is it Soy Boys or is it actually a good movie?

Attached: brave_merida_arrow.jpg (928x523, 78K)

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I really don’t understand either. Bumping for interest as well. If we were to choose a better Disney Princess film as of the last 15 years I’d say the princess and the frog of frozen are both much better.

So far, this movie seems to be "Everything men could do, we STRONK WOMEN could do, but we were societally pressured into not being able to do anything; the movie:".

Yea Forums should be ashamed of being reddit-fags who suck female clit, hoping they one day turn into dicks. Srsly, Brave is a trash movie. Prove me wrong.

You seem pretty upset and threatened by a fictional little girl from a children's movie. Maybe that's worth thinking about.

Naw. Just drunk and bored. Expected an actual masterpiece based on what people on Yea Forums told me, but realized most of them are cucks and Moana had a stronger female char than this piece of shit movie. It's gross to think how I could of used my alcohol to watch better shit than this. But "Cope"-fags will pretend their piece of shit fiction is better than it is, tricking those smarter than them into wasting their time onto actual trash. Please, don't ever share your opinion again. I wasted my whiskey on your garbage. Come into a Discord if you wanna try to explain your shit tastes to a 6 foot 7 inch fucker of vagina who drinks too much, but real talk, you make me ashamed to waste such valuable alcohol on your shit tastes.

Is this copypasta?

discord gg/VhJ6y9

for y'all fag as niggas. prove to me your shit was worth wasting my time on. I'ma be on for a bit, while drinking more beer. Come at me, I got time to waste. My dick is 7.5 inches and my height is 6 foot 7 inches. I got nothing to prove, but manlets proved to me I got worth cuz of these arbitrary measurements, so here you go "here are my honest measurements". Prove to me your stupid idealisms were a waste of my actual drunkenness and time.
Apparently Yea Forums thinks so, as "Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again"\

Fuck this gay ass shit.

When this came out I was still early teens, plus I didn't grow up in a super up to date town so a lot of people saw it more as just a normal coming of age/ independance story. Being 21 now I still find the movie to be good for a children's film. Plus a lot of us on /k/ love her so there's at least that crowd too.

Attached: 937077_Brave_EddieHolly_Princess_Merida.jpg (600x927, 590K)

>ITT: people who have never seen this movie

I thought this movie was pretty boring actually. I watching twice, I think? The whole plot is lost on me, it's been so long, but her mother turns into a bear and it's really fucking dumb. Merida is a gorgeous, though, so. That was my only real takeaway from the movie.

I like the bears in it. And also the Scottish lore and songs.

Meanwhile I am drunk an bored on it, watching actual World of Gumball shit to alleviate my boredom from such shit movies.

Are you proud of being someone who got to experience such a worthless "MUH WOMYN CAN DO WHAT MEN DO" piece of media history?

I just wish there was more rule 34 of her

Watching episode 38 of season 6 and, as a millennial adult, does this episode do feel too real and accurate.

The more I watch the Amazing World of Gumball do I realize just how shit our generation (and people above my generation) were when it came to tastes. Real talk, the fuck were people thinking when this Brave shit became a topic of praise? Why did people think this was a moment of their time? Such a boring movie with nothing worthwhile besides kike propaganda for feminism. Literally nothing. People who liked this and spread it are the most cuckiest of cucks. PROVE ME WRONG, CUCK. Waste of my alcohol and hours of my night on your awful "I am a cuck" idealism bullshit. Outta here. Commit suicide. Waste my time, your life ain't worth nothing. Srsly, I am so ashamed to have followed Yea Forums cucks ideals of what is a good show. Waste of time, motha fuckas. I bet y'all niggas are German or Canadian "I let my wife get raped by sand nigger" fags too.

God. When was Yea Forums taken over by redditfags? Anyone got an actual timeline for when YOU FAGS took over my good website? If you use Reddit, you deserve to die.

"But I used Reddit just barely to check some stuff I liked" but you still a bitch ass cuck nyugga who deserves to die for your cuckery. You are a cuck nigger jew slave who ain't worth shit. Please die. Fukken Reddit-fag. I've been here since 2007 and never used that cuck website. Y'all niggerfags who used it should honestly die. I hope death upon you. fukken FAGS. I bet you support gay marriage too, ya fukken Jew niggers.

FUCKING DIE faggot niggers.

Fukken faggots

kk I am going to bed, Brave is a garbage Feminist cuck movie. Nobody can prove it wrong. Bye.

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Disney's always been vaguely feminist in nature. What makes people like this movie is that it gives a princess to a large group of girls who rarely get any real representation in movies and media. And they can't say anything because they're white, sadly just the wrong kind of white.

If they ain't real white, they deserve no representation. Fukken niggers n mutts should just die or shut up, at the least.

It's not femi propaganda it's just because she's a princess not because she's a woman that her mom dislikes her