What would happen if you told your therapist you jerk off to her do it or you're autistic

What would happen if you told your therapist you jerk off to her do it or you're autistic.

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he'd probably figure out that i'm gay

He should already know this is a good way to find out

he doesn't need to know. checked though

I used to jerk off to my previous therapist, but I stopped seeing her and then she didn't take me back

I imagine she would need her own therapist.

Most likely he/she would recommend you to a new therapist and discontinue your treatment

I told mine and she asked me about it. I tell her how many times a week I do it thinking about her now when I see her

That's dumb. She's a therapist she shouldn't tell you to fuck off she should be inquisitive. Obviously can't contribute to the fun intentionally

Why is that dumb? Do you really think some therapist who sees some neckbeard basement dweller psychopath from Yea Forums is going to just be like "huh, so you want to piss into my butthole... go on user?"

No. Sorry to ruin the fantasy. She'd just politely and professionally tell you that it was inappropriate and due to the nature of your relationship as doctor and patient (essentially) she will be referring you to a colleague (likely male) who will see you from now on.