A.)Ex broke it off before engagement
B.)I'm in a shitty space(financially/mentally) to be involving anyone in my personals atm
I travel to much for work. And its easier to work for pussy then to waste my time trying to find a solid gf in this day and age
I'm a loser... there, I said it. You happy now?
Because I'm average at best, have bad social skills, and because of the fact I've never kissed a girl let alone fucked one I'm too nervous to do it now which has led me turning down multiple propositions at college parties I've been too. Like how the fuck do you even makeout? Do you just move your tongue in and out and open and close your lips?
>I'm a loser... there, I said it. You happy now?
Trips confirm. Not only that, but you got all zeros. Might as well just chug bleach and go head first off the nearest bridge.
>Divorced with a kid in my mid twenties
>I'm fucking 3 women casually
>Going out with a different qt3.14 grill on Saturday for brunch
I'm not ready to start dating right again yet.
My little sister had downs symdrome and I have missed out on so many parties and opportunities to hang out with people because I have to stay home and watch her while my mom is at work.
And my parents are divorced and I only saw my dad on the weekends and I feel like I never really saw or learned how to talk to a woman
I'm broke and live with my grandmother.
A) unemployed due to
B) depression
C) miss social cues/ indicators of interest because of
D) Asperger's
E) I only attract crazys/ repeat abuse victims / women already in relationships/ uglies/ combination of two or more of precceeding...
F) I'm old enough to be the father of most of those that I am attracted to.
Other than those, no reason at all...