A.)Ex broke it off before engagement
B.)I'm in a shitty space(financially/mentally) to be involving anyone in my personals atm
I travel to much for work. And its easier to work for pussy then to waste my time trying to find a solid gf in this day and age
I'm a loser... there, I said it. You happy now?
Because I'm average at best, have bad social skills, and because of the fact I've never kissed a girl let alone fucked one I'm too nervous to do it now which has led me turning down multiple propositions at college parties I've been too. Like how the fuck do you even makeout? Do you just move your tongue in and out and open and close your lips?
>I'm a loser... there, I said it. You happy now?
Trips confirm. Not only that, but you got all zeros. Might as well just chug bleach and go head first off the nearest bridge.
>Divorced with a kid in my mid twenties
>I'm fucking 3 women casually
>Going out with a different qt3.14 grill on Saturday for brunch
I'm not ready to start dating right again yet.
My little sister had downs symdrome and I have missed out on so many parties and opportunities to hang out with people because I have to stay home and watch her while my mom is at work.
And my parents are divorced and I only saw my dad on the weekends and I feel like I never really saw or learned how to talk to a woman
I'm broke and live with my grandmother.
A) unemployed due to
B) depression
C) miss social cues/ indicators of interest because of
D) Asperger's
E) I only attract crazys/ repeat abuse victims / women already in relationships/ uglies/ combination of two or more of precceeding...
F) I'm old enough to be the father of most of those that I am attracted to.
Other than those, no reason at all...
Girls aren't really worth it for me. I have trouble connecting with other people already, forget about girls. I'd rather watch anime forever and masturbate while shitposting on an anonymous imageboard about how you're a fucking faggot for making a thread like this.
Old man. Not interested in women close to my age, not wealthy or energetic enough for a young lady. Escorts will have to do.
Women are overrated, and 2d women are better anyways.
don't need the stress, drama and empty bank account. And that just for starters.
I have a boyfriend.
Im dumb
>Work for pussy...
You mean pay for pussy.
You mean pay whores for sex.
Say what you mean.
Yes, that is correct. The more tongue insertions per minute, the better kissing.
Why not get drunk and drop the inhibitions?
I'm flirting with girls currently in an attempt to get a girlfriend. As of right now, it's going well
My wife wants me to get a gf since she watched those stupid sister wife shows, but I don't feel like disappointing a 2nd woman.
I don't talk to strangers
When every girl says "I'm sure you'll find the right one", you don't find the right one.
Tongue is usually a during sex thing. Making out you just keep opening and closing your lips on each other. Don't overthink it, just muddle through until you find a rhythm
Because I don't feel like it.
Because I'm married and women are like Border Collies; ok and docile if you have one, liquid autism and flying hair if you try to get more.
Shyness and lack of confidence. Girls pay attention to me and are interested in me. I’ve had relationships before but if I’m being honest I hate myself and I don’t think I can be in a healthy relationship until I fix my current problems. I’d be too insecure and jealous.
I'm 41 years old. Almost got married a few years ago, decided not to.
I look like I'm 34, which still isn't young looking.
When I traveled in Vietnam I met a woman on tinder. Took her on dates, paid for everything. She was nice. By date two she decided to come to my hotel room. She gave me head and a deep rimjob. I was kinda surprised that was date number two sex for her. Usually with up to the kinkier stuff. Anyway, I really enjoyed it. We continued to hang out for the rest of my vacation. I tried to keep it going after, and make plans to meet up again, but she wasn't into it. She just wanted to keep slutting it up, which is cool, I guess. It's weird, because she's actually a really decent, intelligent person.
Anyway, that was my last date that led to sex. I basically didn't date for 4 years due to depression. Looking for a wife now.
Its so fucking sad to read of anons here who havnt even kissed a girl yet, damn
It probably doesn’t make them feel any better but it helps my confidence. I might be a virgin but I’ve kissed and gone down on a girl at least.
I'm this old already, and I've hardly even touched a girl. I figure I must smell/look lame as hell, and persistent skin problems make it seem pointless to do anything to change my appearance.
Dude, same boat. Was a kissless virgin until 25. Thank God I found myself in a wonderful 4 year relationship that was a perfect fit for me (was based on love and not sex).
Half the reason I didn’t pursue anything was because of insecurity regarding a lack of experience. Once you break out of your comfort zone, you’ll realize that it isn’t as complicated as it would seem.
I still don’t feel super competent, and am still learning, but I didn’t have the best references growing up. I watched way way too much porn starting from age 10ish, and it really fucked me with a false perspective of love and sex.
Just keep the porn mentality as far away from your life as you can. Bad examples lead to expectations that simply aren’t reality.
Just connect with someone you like (don’t throw it away with someone random). Keep your tounge in your mouth and lips not super wet/dry. Kissing is the easy part, expect to be a little... premature in other areas. Don’t stress about that too much. Lots of girls take that as a compliment!
>Just keep the porn mentality as far away from your life as you can. Bad examples lead to expectations that simply aren’t reality.
Care to elaborate? I'm always open to more advice.
Because I'm married.
im fat
Lots of fatties to partner up with
Not him but I was fat af in highschool and chose not to lose my virginity on multiple occasions because I was too proud to fuck a fat chick.
Kissing: just touch your lips to hers lightly. Don't give it any tongue. Kissing is highly intuitive. Just do what you think will feel nice to her. Ladies have hella sensitive lips.
I’m known as the funny kid and everyone knows that. However I’m pretty unattractive, so every girl that I talk to and try to get with just think I’m a joke.
Pretty much I’m the fucking gay best friend