Asian thread

Asian thread

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10/10 for me god damn

Kik me some Asian pics : worthynebula098

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thoughts? smash or pass?

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Fucking an Asian girl completely cured my Yellow Fever. Could not be less interested in them now.

She riding in the rati

cute feet

Same, actually not the fucking, all the bullshit after.

Attached: 66700133_150427532811755_7847858996748141250_n.jpg (1080x1349, 201K)

Fuck off we're full

requesting Sora

Attached: 51196509_393173478113239_2222872135204864000_n.jpg (1080x1320, 180K)

only have socials, won't bother posting it if you already got those.

post your best stuff

who's Sora?

Attached: 29718082_990009667842092_3154805245876371456_n.jpg (1080x1350, 235K)

keep going, stroking

any sauce?

Attached: 41557312_510917786048874_1361497303776828725_n.jpg (1080x1350, 120K)

fucking an Asian started my yellow fever. Why are you even in this thread?

post more

more of her?

That's a woman thing in general though. But the allure of a very exotic looking woman evaporated along with my jizz in her stomach

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She’s pretty

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Fuck me, more?

wwyd to fiona?

Attached: 49480116_339206220008752_703158247056264694_n.jpg (1080x1249, 178K)

japanese princess
today she'll comes my country

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Would def smash while she wears that swim suit in

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Her body is amazing

made for breeding

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Would creampie daily

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Any new wins of her?

That’s the exact outfit she should wear to her bukkake

Hot as fuck tbh

Not that I found sadly did you get all those?

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wwyd to fiona while you creampie her?

Attached: 4321.png (299x827, 562K)

Sounds hot

Attached: 8.png (553x1156, 1.08M)

Got kik?

So cute

More of the chick on the right

yeah my kik is galiumm

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More of these

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Enjoying the indowhore?

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Kik you

Kik me some more of her plz so hot: worthynebula098

Kik me some more of her so hot: worthynebula098

What would you do to this cheating bitch?

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Go on..

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Would choke the fuck out of her

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Anything that's revealing? What race is she? Thai?

Don't have kik

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Anything more revealing? What race is she? Thai?

no only have pics of the younger sis now

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Are most of you guys seriously getting these kinds of women? Are you guys buff?

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Where can we do that?

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Post sis

anyone got more or source on this one

searching for a while

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You got kik?

My experience was the opposite. I had yellow fever my entire life but only had white or latina girlfriends. Dated a lot of asians but never bagged any.

Finally I got a Korean 9/10 qtpie, changed me forever. We've been together 6 years and I'm still not tired of her or her snatch. If we ever break up, I will literally never seriously date/wife any woman who isn't asian, and highly prefer only fucking asians from now on as well.

She got a nice ass?

My Chinese ex’s tight holes

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no kik sorry

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I’m always willing to chat


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Looks similar to my gf lol been posting her for years

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i would also like more

Holy shit post more

More amigo

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Well that's cause you genuinely like her, clearly. I'm just talking about wanting to fuck an Asian girl for the sake of it.

I do like her, but there are shallow reasons why I only want to fuck/date asian women from now on:

>More feminine
>Softer skin
>Pussy actually isn't the tightest I've had, that belongs to a white girl. However it's the perfect mix of tight, wet, and just loose enough to feel good. Too tight = hurts
>Hair is feminine as shit, smells good
>Asians smell good, always
>Petite, always petite. All her asian friends give me boner
>Fun in and out of bed

Asian women truly are god tier. I'm hooked for life. I'd still fuck a latina,white,black, whatever...but the experience of a woman who is feminine, takes care of herself physically and mentally, and is FUN is just the tits.

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Bruh keep this train going please

Same here, did you get to cum on her face? Fucking blew my mind.

Any Filipinas or brown asians?

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She’s cute

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Jesus Christ it looks like a dead hooker’s cunt

100% agree

Those are some big fucking teeth

Now that’s one flat bitch


got kik if interest

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yo i am interested
kik: drwyion

not mine



Wish I could bone my old coworker. Shame she wasn't single.

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Pinay? I love pinays

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You're the sexy Asian chick? If so you have quite a hot ass face. 9/10

Very nice

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she is a cutie


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I hate you "WWYD" and “would you?” retards. Why do you have to ask? The answer is always the same – fuck her. And stop with all the stupid “Derp – I’d throw her down and shove it up her ass!” type answers. No you wouldn’t – if you met her in real life you wouldn’t do shit except stare at her hoping she doesn’t notice. Given the opportunity, we’d all fuck her. We all know that, so why do you fucking ask? Next time just post your shit and shut the fuck up or don't post at all. I genuinely hope you get hit by a truck, you ignorant fuck

Ah yes for once this is a good comment Amen


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I didn’t make one not enough stuff

I'd throw her down and shove it up her ass.


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Should have been chad and cucked her bf

hung white guy with yellow fever, send me your asian girls and ill rate them

my kik is velikynovgorod

Wow... Kako's getting cuter with age.

I was a big fan of Mako, before she wasted her life with that dipshit.

Then again, top of the royal pile for me would be Jetsun Pema, queen of Bhutan. Pic related.

Attached: Jetsun Pema.jpg (468x650, 53K)


At least she gave you something to look forward to at work...having that little cutie to look at and flirt with

Does anyone have research that quantifies how much an Asian is worth over a White or Black women?


Underappreciated post.

Just so everyone knows:
When you tell the wwyd guy wywd, he is jerking off. You are helping him jack off


who is this, any ig?

what is this?

More of her?

more of this bitch in pantyhose

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More of these girls

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Attached: Screenshot at Aug 31 05-27-47.png (954x1176, 1.21M)


Holy fuck she's cute

Kik? She is adorable

Dump more


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Same slut

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Korean wanna be slut, love it

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She’s the chick from above

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Got pussy?

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Keep her coming please

Anyone interested

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these threads are cancer, i mean i'd fuck these girls too but i honestly don't understsnd all this yellow fever, you guys must be incredibly autistic and fat in real life


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Smash then pass