ITT: Actual reasons why you dislike minorities

ITT: Actual reasons why you dislike minorities.

Stories are acceptable because your lived experience shapes your world view.

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Because they don't integrate, they are a separate entity that follows its own interests that a lot of times go against our interests, for example here in northern Greece we used to have an Albanian minority, they only cared for themselves and didn't give a shit for the rest, the situation reached its climax when they cooperated with the Italians during the occupation of Greece in WW2, we sent them packing as soon as the occupation ended

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Hm well I dont like society as a whole so it isnt specially minorities I hate, also minority in what context, it varies from place to place. But nigs tick me off because of that shitty attitude and I've run into a couple real 24 carrot niggers working food service. The way they act and speak and the names some of these people have like are you for real?

Niggers. They are pathetic beggers and should have their head chopped off ISIS style tbh. They don't care about shit other than themselves, they'd fuck their mother over if it meant they'd get a dollar. Disgusting :nauseated_face:. And I'm talking about the ones that come from slavery, they shoulda just been killed or sent back to Africa with a chance to get a citizenship maybe then they'd do something cause the ones that dont immigrant here dont do shit but ruin their own community. I swear if I see one on my property I'm shooting first just for the fuck of it

live in a white community..go to baseball game and as we leave have a group of nigs throw ketchup on my mom and me..have one mixed kid in our the worse person there by far..throws a girls backpack out of a second story window..she calls him a nigger..she gets a week suspended, he gets an i have a job around them and where to start..they are the rudest..most violent animals ever..i hate niggers so much i smile when i see stories on the news about them killing each other..


There are exactly two out of five that get any sort of work done in that office.

>mom gets ketchup on her
>backpack gets thrown out of window

Yeah I agree, they're savages and must be eliminated.

I hate spics because they just act too maschismo. I've made friends with other hispanics but not spics, they just try too fucking hard. And working with them is terrible. Give them an inch, they pack it with 20 spics

The Chinese have taken over my city and much of my country. They purchase all the real estate with their dirty money, get approved for mortgages with less paperwork and verification that I as a citizen would need, and drive up prices. They literally kick us from our homes. Awful people who care nothing for others or one another. Just an absolutely brutal society of letting others eat dirt while they stomp on them to squeeze out another nickel and that mentality is brought to our shores. I hate how they arrive and instantly link up with a Chinese lawyer and a Chinese real estate agent who knows a Chinese mortgage broker. They set up their own communes, get into government, and literally work directly for the Chinese government to advance their interests while bleeding us dry. And they know what buttons to push. The moment you call this out they start screaming "racism" and "white supremacy." Repulsive people destroying the planet faster than any ecological disaster ever could.


Its basic maths and ethics.

Would you kill 1 person to save the lives of 10 people?

So why not denigrate 10% of people to elevate 90%


>Actual reasons why you dislike minorities.
This is my elementary school, today. Illegal immigration is literal fucking cancer.

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I was gonna say the same thing.
I'm half Chinese-Jamaican ( a small minority) so my culture is far fucking from chink status.
I cannot stand chinese people. They are the rudest and most ruthless cunts. Just absolute trash.

They make living in this city a fucking joke.

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sounds like jews to me

Toronto. But same problem.

Although in fairness, 25% of Vancouver is Chinese. It sounds like a nightmare.

It's literally Chinese.

>chinese person had sex with a black

now that's weird. you don't see that a lot of that

Borat pls.

You don’t think you might be overreacting?

The real three fifths compromise

I'd say 3/5 if the Asian girl was one who worked instead of just doing her best to game the system.

I'm honestly surprised you didnt say was raped by

come to think of it, so am i