Illegals are destroying California, Gas is $3.78...

Illegals are destroying California, Gas is $3.78, sales tax is almost 10% (it actually is in LA) and cost of living is astronomical! average cost for a studio apartment here is like $1200. The money has to come from somewhere, in this case its the left mindlessly paying for it without questioning anything about where the taxes go to!

This is why the Tourist traps like disneyland know they got it by the balls. You idiots just pay, when in reality its all going to feed pedro and lupe's 9 kids that didnt belong here in the first place!

Globalization and world peace work on paper.. so does true communism or socialism.
>>so are all the third world freeloaders who get more rights than the citizens.
>>also not a trump supporter. nor a hillary supporter.

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¿¿es hora??


¿you got a problem, gringo puto de mierda?

Communism and socialism wouldn't work on paper if the math was done right.

no es comprehende. mi es por quito latio senor mooch.

yeah but what can you do besides leave? they got the majority now

>no one will say shit about New Somalia in the state of Arizona?
watch real news you fucking niggers.

I noticed. its fucking sad because of dipshits like think cause they speak spanish its some big super top secret hidden language. this is exactly the asshole who sits there and talks shit about you in public and has nothing to say when you show them you not only understand... but speak his super secret language.

You broke little bitch - brown person here - it hurts doesn't it? Blaming all your problems and all the issues on illegal aliens. It's so much easier to do that than hold accountable the massive corporations and organizations who operate in California without paying their fair share. The cost of public services and "welfare" are a drop in the bucket compared to the massive subsidies that the state kicks to mega companies in exchange for just operating in CA. It's silicon valley that's killing California. That money that's given away needs to come back - taxes - high demand for gas because we have so many drivers (98.9% of them are legal citizens) - so the gas prices are high - infrastructure costs alone to keep up our shitty freeways - its not illegals. It's population. Stop blaming the brown people and make more money. Loser.