Might talk a job offer in Charlotte NC; never been to NC and reside in Idaho at the moment. How do you fags feel about NC?
Might talk a job offer in Charlotte NC; never been to NC and reside in Idaho at the moment...
Take not talk
Lived all over the place. Mostly rednecks. Churches every half mile. Charlotte, Fayetteville, and Durham are places to stay away from, too many fucking niggers and gangs.
Source: lived in goldsboro, Pikeville, Raleigh, Cary, Knightdale, Smithfield, Lillington, Sanford.
I'm black
Raleigh/Durham is a big tech center. It's getting expensive but I've heard good things.
Just don't go live out in the outer banks. They get hit by hurricanes nearly every damn year
Try to live in Mooresville. Not far a far drive from Charlotte and it's still got a nice little historic small town feel.
You can be black and not a nigger. I'm talking fucking gangbangers, wannabe rappers, and fucking, well, niggers in those areas.
Unless OP is a nignog humself. Then he’ll fit right in.
Don't move to Elizabeth city if you're name isn't Elizabeth. The residents there are VERY hostile to people that don't share the name of the town.
>Might talk a job offer in Charlotte NC; never been to NC and reside in Idaho at the moment. How do you fags feel about NC?
I have been offered a job in Charlotte, NC. At the moment I live in Idaho and have never been to NC. What do you fags think about NC?
Can confirm
I live in Fayetteville and it's decent. Charlotte is okay too, but some parts are really awful. Like, Detroit level awful
It's weird, isn't it? Have you seen the low-key hostility first hand?
Also, I heard that in the late 90's a woman named "Liz" (not Elizabeth) thought it was ok to move there, but then her house caught on fire "mysteriously". "No cause of fire" was found?
They definitely have toned it down from the earlier days, but the hatred is still surprisingly strong.
Charlotte is ass. the only good parts of NC is the raleigh/durham/chapel hill area unless u like niggers
Summer is ruthless. To walk is to die...
Job isn’t with Microsoft by chance, is it?
Hope you like niggers. Number one export here. And I mean stinky cheese niggers.
id dont exist, it was invented by annal smeethee
It's ok... the Virginians near the line are all inbred though.
Better inbred than niggers. Faggot.
>would you rather play in shit or vomit
OP make sure you have a garage for summertime. Your car will get hot as fuck