How do I stop the balding

How do I stop the balding

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you're fucked friend

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Shave it and start working out. The sooner the better user, shits like a really sticky bandaid on your dickhead


You're high test. Be proud, shave it friend.

If you’re rich you can get lots of hair growth drugs. Or even hair transplants. Going bald is one of my biggest fears. To the point where I semi seriously considered taking low doses of estrogen to prevent it.

My barber told me wearing baseball caps (and even other types of hats) can contribute to balding. Something about sweat clogging the hair follicle and killing it.

Take it like a fucking man and stop complaining. We are all fat and bald.

Just shave and get it over with. I mean, if you really want to try to keep it you can go on propecia. I tried everything when my hairline started fucking off and it all failed. I am happier now that I shaved it.

It has a lot more to do with which hormones get switch off when you age. Wearing hats only quicken the inevitable. Also, you get the gene from your mother's side of the family, so if your uncle's on that side are bald you can basically forget about having a hairline.

Some of us need our hair to look normal. I got mine cut off years ago in military boot camp and I looked like a fucking mongoloid. But with a full head of hair I’m a solid 7.

Stop fapping, literally.


Lift nigger, nobody cares you're bald when you're in decent shape.
Winter is still a bitch tho lmao better get used to it if you don't live some place warm.

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By the time youre a worn out fat 45 year old, it wont matter

at that stage? shave it or kys


Stop acting like a pud just because it’s important to me but not to you. I’m not making fun of you about all the cock you probably suck.

Again, try propecia if you're really worried about it. There's always transplants, but there's no guarantee it'll keep. In the end you can either be a weird shaped head nigga with no fucks to give, or a weird shaped skullet head nigga that everyone laughs at because you couldn't accept your situation.

chrome dome faggot

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Bald and lift, a good friend of mine i used to take the piss out of for thin hair gave up and shaved it all off, now hes bald and lifts and he gets tons of pussy, its mental

Grow more hair

I'm balding like a motherfucker at 27. I legit look better with my head shaved but it's still a pain in the ass to keep doing it.

I've heard caffeinated shampoo is supposed to help stimulate hair follicles but I haven't tried, anyone tried it?

Balding at the hairline doesn't respond well to these drugs. There's no cure for this other than "Hair replacement" and that hairline looks unnatural.
Get in shape and shave your head.

Become a trap.

Rub Preparation H on your head. It won't cure the baldness, but it will shrink your head so what hair you do have fits.


>Balding at the hairline doesn't respond well to these drugs
What if I'm balding from the middle of my head?

Men today are fucking faggots. It's the women's job to be beautiful. Men have to be fit, clean and well dressed and that's it. Do you also wear makeup and get your eyebrows made? Fucking selfie generation of megafaggots I despise all of you.

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Get a new biological mother.

You can't and it'll only get worse.

Get an appropriate haircut so it doesn't seem so obvious.

Naturally improve your testosterone. Cut out carbs like white bread, waffles, bagels and whatnot. Work out more, get in fights, join mma. Eat foods high in zinc, only fap once a week and start fucking more bitches. Give it some time, a year maybe, if it doesnt help just go bald. Being bald looks better than having hair that's going bald

why are you so angry

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>la riata
la riata

Fair enough. I don’t want to look good for women or anyone else. I want to look good for ME. It’s ok if you’re cool not looking your best. And for the record I usually get my eyebrows trimmed at the barber. I don’t pluck or shape them like woman, though.

Clean your hair


Larry Ata

thou wot m8

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Testosterone has nothing to do with going bald. It's DHT and despite having similar names are two different male hormones.
Doing anything of what you said won't help. Except the shving bit.
If it's already gone too far shave it. Some men manage to get it back with DHT blockers, minoxidil and dermarolling, or at least two of those three. Good hair transplants exist but are expensive as fuck and you have to reach the endpoint first, where you stop losing more hair otherwise you'll just look goofy.

This was a fucking LOL from me friend

Back in Theater we used to rub preparation H under our eyes to emerge dark circles.

I don’t think people do that anymore because they changed the formula and it doesn’t work.

Guess I'm never wearing another fitted cap again.

ooga booga balding caveman

Give up, become trans.

you don't, you can only accept it, shave the rest off and start wearing a bow tie.

I would also recommend getting an accounting degree

Accept it and shave

Smget some self confidence you prick

Deal with it!


Posts a pic of himself deadlifting just 150kg and in sumo and crossgrip. Get training properly first before you try and act strong

Genetics my friend. Not everybody is meant to have a full set of hair and a nice hairline.

embrace it. Just shave it completely or get a buzz cut, join the gym and grow a beard.
you will be surprised how much better you will feel not to give a barber 30$ every other week just to get a faggoty looking fade.

>the /fit/ autist who measures fitness levels by 1repmaxes
lmao go back to your Mark Rippetoe worship board.

The mothers side thing is a complete myth


the dude is clearly in decent shape

post your pic before you try and act tough

Finasteride - this is now available for $30/month through many online “Mens’ Health” websites. This will stop the conversion of Testosterone to DHT which is what weakens the follicles.

Nizoral shampoo (once or twice weekly) - to wash away scalp DHT build up

Minoxidil - Vasodilator to help open more blood vessels in the scalp to stimulate growth (Dermarolling once or twice a week will help get better absorption)

Biotin, Zinc, Vitamin E or “Hair, Skin, Nails” vitamins just to round out your hair nutrition

Honestly your best bet is going to be preserving what you have, you’re unlikely to get much back at this point.

Shave your head

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hair transplant

Just accept it, shave your head and grow a beard

minoxidil 5mg (1ml) twice a day
finasteride 1mg once a day
hair transplant for what's already been lost at the front

anything else is pseudoscience bullshit


What's the point in the pills if you're just going to get a hair transplant?

How about you just stop being cock sucking faggot for 30 God damn seconds. Accept you're going bald, it's part of being a man. Grab those withered fucking prunes you call testicles, look in that mirror and say " I'm no cum guzzling thundercunt, and I WILL take this shit like a man. You epitome of faggotry.

Shave it off fag

Stop being white and having ass tier genetics that have all attractive qualities coded to expire by 40


The only absolute way is to get castrated.

Serieusly, it is only way to stop hydrotestosterone.

i just went full on bald voluntarily cos i hate my hair, feels pretty good

If you're going to get a transplant might be good to not be on medication. Medication will recover some hair, which will depend on continued meds. The surgeon will cover the bald areas, but leave the rest untouched. When you stop the meds you lose those areas again and you can end up looking weird.

a balding head looks 100x worse than a shaved head

Shave your head

brush ur hair really hard not joken

Too late, you’re bald.

oooof rip my friend best of luck to you

I use it and really noticed anything except my hairline receding more, but it tingles and feels like you're doing something at least

Dont use shampoo with sodium lauryl sulfate in it. It's in almost every shampoo and it's really bad for your skin.

I was the same bro, bald looked awful, spent years covering it up instead, got sick of covering, now shaved suits me. Try it again.