How can I tell if my nigger slave girl’s ass is clean...

How can I tell if my nigger slave girl’s ass is clean? I can never tell because the shit is the same color as her skin.. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY

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>wanting to fuck a monkey

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Lick it of course

I got her for a great price. Luckily her baby wasn’t part of a package deal

What part of serious answers only didn’t you understand, retard

smell it it won't smell like flowers but if you have to vomit right after that ass ain't clean

Wipe it. If the paper comes out brown, its dirty.

There has to be an easier way..

How do I know that’s not just the skin.?

Put a white dildo in. If it comes out clean, she's clean.

You don't. The skin is also shit, so it's still dirty.

You might just have to take her in the back and hose her. Niggers don't know too much about hygiene.

Seems like the only logical answer so far

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wash it yourself you degenerate
ooooooaaaaaoooh you make me want to write a manifesto

This, a proper nigger hose setup might set you back a couple bucks but its worth it.

You're shit, you racist garbage.

OK white boy.

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Wipe ur dick over her ass.. If it turns out brown, let her lick it clean.
Rinse & repeat until dick stays white.

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You racist faggot. Fuck u u get no pussy

Sniff the a-hole. Then lick it.

Worst possible way to find out

>Unironically complaining about racism on Yea Forums.
No one cares, because this isn't Tumblr. You both need to go back.

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Hot water.

shut up nigger


First spray her with a hose to make sure you have an actual nigger and not just a really dirty white girl. That happened to me once. Second, make her turn around and spray her asshole with the hose. As long as you use a fairly high pressure hose it should get most of the chud off. The more water pressure the better; don't even worry about hurting her because niggers get sprayed with fire hoses all the time. She 100% won't even care.

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Racist incel keep crying whitey