Anyone who can reverse image search , or know who this person is ?

Anyone who can reverse image search , or know who this person is ?
Thanks in advance

Attached: 52C21280-DF4A-45B3-B46C-1192B1A423A6.jpg (1132x1134, 728K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Looking for her name

Maya Wright
912 Wynngate Chesapeake, VA 23320

The phone number I found listed to her is not updated and belongs to someone else. Working on social media accounts now, will post update in a bit.

Holy shit dude, thanks. I’ll be looking forward to the update.

Still here waiting

Twitter. Pretty sure it's hers because her last address is in Surry, VA which is an hour from Chesapeake. Trying to confirm Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Keep bumping if Im late.

This picture is linked to a Facebook account. I have reason to suspect one of my friends is being catfishes by them. Who’s the girl in the picture I posted ? Is that maya wright ? Or is Maya Wright the person using the picture ?

m.facebook com/justii.bieber1?fref=nf&pn_ref=story

Maybe this can help

Ok, thanks for the extra info. That's why I'm confused.

Maya Wright is a real person using that photo but now that you told me the context I believe that's not really her because I'm finding other photos of her that don't look anything like the photo you posted.

Yeah I know it’s definitely not her, I was interested in knowing who the girl in the original picture is, I tried reverse searching it but nothing comes up. I’m trying to get her name

I can probably find it, just going to take a little time. Do you have a throwaway/junk email in case this thread is deleted? If I can't find out who she is an hour or two then it's not possible without more photos.

Did you get it ?

how do you do a reverse image search on facebook?

Use tineye on google

been trying to find this girl's fb for the longest time

Attached: 0-1.jpg (720x720, 41K)

How about you take your ugly bitch out of here and stop trying to hijack my thread

oh, hey sorry about that. How do I get her out? didn't mean to interrupt your thing here brother. I'll take my ugly bitch and mosey on out of here.

I don't know man, at first I thought she was Maya Wright but then you told me about the catfish I thought she wasn't because she looked different in some of her photos.

I'm back to thinking she is Maya Wright from Surry/Chesapeake she's just darker and with different makeup than the photo you posted.

You're lucky I don't know who you are or I'd break your fucking legs

If you’re still trying , you’re good. Don’t bust any more missions to find it. Don’t wanna take up your time. Appreciate the help though.

Hey man, when I finish with OP I'll try and help. Just make a new thread.

This is her most recent picture using forensic image search software.

Attached: 1422e7b410f1b8e42376fa44f66249c3.jpg (457x495, 37K)

Yeah man I don’t know I still don’t believe girl in the pic is the Maya Wright. I believe Maya is using that picture to catfish.


You ain't gonna do shit but cry like a little bitch.

Fucking rekt

awesome. thank you!

Aww where'd you go?

Ok, well I've got nothing on that photo. I can get you more info on Maya Wright but that's it. Hope it works out and you find out eventually. Good luck!

Yeah just post maya Wright’s social media’s , I’d appreciate that. Thanks
