Trumpfags, if saudifags get merked by iran, why is it up to us to bomb iran...

Trumpfags, if saudifags get merked by iran, why is it up to us to bomb iran? And why is nobody in the news asking this question?

We werent bombed. Saudi fagrabia was. Why are we doing anything, america first fags?

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wtf are you trying to say?

Because We have enormous amount of money tied up in Saudi oil assets

Where do you think we get our oil from? Who do you think buys billions in military hardware?
Currency. That's why.
Currency is always the answer.

We should go to war against iran. That would be awesome to send the military to protect the guys who did 9/11.


Mercenaried, attacked

That's another way of saying the Saudi's have got us by the balls

Our President. Was waiting on word from Saudi's to retaliate against Iran for drone strikes claimed by rebels from Yemen

You can't make this shit up.

You need a history book
During/after ww2 certain countries allied
Some were born from it

Eat a dick.
It wouldn't be the slightest stretch for you anyhow

>so triggered he can't even answer the question

What happened to sticks and stones user?

Saudifag here, can say we have your oil

White trash ruining murrica

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>[ X ] Hurt
>[ ] Not Hurt

The US-Saudi alliance has nothing to do with WW2, even if it formed during that time. Not sure why you're bringing the war up. The point isn't simply that we're allies. It's the question of whether we should be allies. The two purposes of our alliance are oil trade and to support a large stable country in the region. However, Saudi Arabia has consistently acted against American interests, violate human rights and American principles, shown they don't really care, and breed a population that actively hates the US (see 9/11). If you can't recognize these issues and think that someone who brings this up just doesn't know about alliances, maybe you're the idiot.

>can say

Still don't know what you're trying to say.

Because we must honor Mr. Bolton's legacy.

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its simply oil. america is not self sufficient in oil and is a gasoline hungry nation.
Investing in alternative fuels isn't just a hippy climate change idea, its also a way to stop sucking middle eastern dick.

Because Iran is an enemy of the Jewish people

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Kashogi ended, we can’t do anything they buy our guns, they get bombed, papa US pls help we have no guns. Fucking sandniggers

for almost a year now, thanks to the fracking boom, texas has been producing more barrels per day than saudi arabia. American interest in the middle east is waning and Iran knows it. The only conflict is that we still have tons of boomer neocons in our intelligence infrastructure who think of the middle east in terms of outdated alliances

>Where do you think we get our oil from

The US is a net exporter of oil again, finally. Saudi oil makes things easier, but we don't actually need it. Good thing too, or the price of oil would have spiked to like $120 a barrel after the drone strikes

Right? Fuckin hell. Some of these places are so wildly different then when we allied with them but we treat them like they still hold any of our ideals. Saudi Arabia is literally a monarchy that butchers dissenters. Why are we their friends?

it's literally old boomers who have friends and hold grudges from the 1980's and are concerned with American saving face. They care so much about saving face that they will prop up medieval theocracies and starve and bomb children.

A lot of Republicans were pushing really hard for Trump to pressure the Saudis over Kashogi too, but Trump seems to be in their pocket.

Also this

Trump is in pockets? Who could have saw that coming?

Small loan of a million.

Quite literally money as Trump escribes
>Saudi Arabia should fight their own wars, which they won't, or pay us an absolute fortune to protect them and their great wealth-$ trillion!

Shameless shit. At this point, Saudi Arabia is our only committed ally against Iran.

it has been a contract held by agreement by both nations since forever new fag.
but i think it is a trap
iran has been supplying arms to rebels and announcing terrorist ambitions towards their enemies with no retaliation from nato, it is blatant "state terrorism" and it has been proven iran sends death to its enemies with their enormous arsenal of munitions to rebel allies

Can you name a middle eastern power that doesn't sponsor terrorism?