Whats a life lesson that you learned the hard way?
Whats a life lesson that you learned the hard way?
Always make sure you wiped good enough.
Faith is important in a man's life
don't let mom find out what a furry is. having knowledge of it implicates you for life
Don't cook bacon naked.
Don't keep any evidence to yourself as a souvenir.
Most women are sluts.
Always feign knowledge of any internet obscenity when talking to any parent or relative, in fact most friends or other people as well.
feign ignorance*
It's better to learn to rely on yourself than to ever have to rely on anyone else.
I'm not gay, I just have really low self esteem. (This applies to most of the faggots here)
Take calculated risks when they're presented to you.
I still wonder what would have happened in my life if I grabbed Sadie's ass and fucked her when she obviously wanted me to 5 years ago. Probably would have married the bitch
Count on yourself or no one else will do it for you.
Life is meaningless and nother we do here will ever matter
Trust no one. No one.
Lol you're a faggot
Stick it in the pooper is funny to say, not to do
A moment of hot sex with a bitch isn't worth 18 years of child support payments and having to put your entire life on hold
Weed is addicting.
I probably spent €50,000 on it
So true
Never play with the cat and the vacum sweeper at the same time
porn can ruin your life
how did that end user
Blood,lots of blood
girls are going to use you
Always follow your heart not your mind
So fucking much of this. I love little dude, but I hate so fucking much his mother. I have to wait and be living like a retard untill he's 18 and I can go back being myself.
- Dont ever fall in love with a drug addict.
Shell never love you any more than she loves that habit of hers
- its an addiction even if she says "oh I only do coke and xans and vic at parties"
- people who do drugs are toxic
Yup yup yup, jewish business
Do shrooms
Marriage is no good
Don’t use drugs to make life more bearable because you pay for it later
Condoms ruin sex
Family isn't tied by blood but by people who care about each other
why are you here then?
>people who do drugs are toxic
Nobody cares about you. Also, buy Bitcoin BTC
Holy fuckin yes. This. You want to have a good first time or just good sex in general ? Too bad you will not feel anything or barely an agreable pressure thanks to piece of shit in latex.
That ignoring debt can eventually lead to you getting served papers and taken to court.
Sorted that all out and turned shit around. Credit score is now just shy of 800, own a house and only debts I've got are the house, my 2018 car and some credit card lines that I treat myself and wife to stuff with.
If any of you are drowning in debt/deb collectors, you can dig your way out. You just need to eat shit for a long time. :(
>You just need to eat shit for a long time. :(
Shouldnt be a problem m8
My dad made a plan to live in a beach in Brazil, spend lot o many and time, he made his plan perfect, but one day before take the plane he die of a heart attack.
Lesson, life if pointless, u can make everything well and plan your live but for nothing because your can die in every moment
People rarely call the cops and the cops rarely get there in time.
Being 18 what’s the best ways to avoid being in debt? Like what mistakes did you make that I should watch out for/ not repeat so I don’t end up having to struggle like that? I’d appreciate any advice user
It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
Love doesn't last
Never trust a junkie
It's not about how much you have, it's how much you spend.
Don't get fucking credit cards.
Don't buy an expensive car. Don't buy a house.
Buy fucking Bitcoin and save money.
Life is about experience, not material wealth.
traps are gay
You're the one talking about traps, user. Telling...
Budget & live within your means
It matters not what anyone posts in this thread. No one will actually learn anything from it. At All.
I've been around long enough to see the circular nature of history and see that literally no one learns anything at all from it.
YOU will see history repeat itself. In your own life and in the world in general.
never fall in love with a hippie
Being in combat isn't like a film or video game, every second is visceral and real beyond your unknowing imagining, every horror you think is there to be found is replaced by horrors no human could ever conceive.
I joined the Marines when I was 17, my dad came with me to sign the papers, I signed away 27 years of my life on that dotted line, do I regret it? Yep.
I've killed and seen others killed, I've seen people burned alive, turned inside out, blown to pieces, losing limbs or heads and this is only my comrades.
I don't feel damaged by my experiences, but everyone who knows me says I'm different, sometimes they say they worry what I might do.
Don't join the armed forces kids, unless you are truly prepared for what no government will ever tell its citizens about what goes on when their children are sent to war.
the only job is the lease of properties
I bought a honda civic for less than 15k about 18 yrs ago and it still runs great and ive only ever took it to the mechanic for oil changes and one time i hit someone else's car
My brother in the air force got a dodge challenger and they charge him up the ass for repairs which it requires every single fucking year
You actyually said
>I thought war was going to be fun.
Blame is worthless, justice is better. Always analyse what you could have done better in every situation even if you did nothing wrong personally.
haha, very funny
What if shes rose McGowan in deathproof?
Justice? That's cute.
I was a peacekeeper in Sudan and saw an entire schoolhouse shot up by rebels
Even though i or my unit didnt do it, it still fucked me up and made me feel guilty
If someone commits a wrong are you to ignore it? I don't mean revenge or law, but actual justice. Just as a simple example if someone breaks your mailbox, they should replace it - that would be justice.
Death is inconvenient.
That even tho its only gay if balls are touching, fucking a trap is still gay.
wat if they run over your baby?
once the shit hits the fan you are on your own
A bunch of shit:
Don't catch feelings, just dump your load and hit the road
Having clout would make me happier
>protip: it doesn't
The "friends" I have around me are my genuine friends.
>Spoiler alert: some of them just wanna use me so they can get famous themselves :')
It is what it is
never trust an arab.
Was it an accident or did they purposefully murder your baby?
life is fucking meaningless. No one of us is really special.
No purpose. Nothing. Nothing to do that will keep you away from this. No meaning in love, in money, in ideas, in people, in love, no meaning in the world itself.
I have learned this since I was very, very young, about 14 years old. This gave me depression and suicidal toughts.
The point is that now I accepted it. I know that we have no meaning. I know that I am not special. I just wake up and do what makes me good and happy every day, caring only about the moment. I never think of the past. I just program some little things that need to be programmed in the future.
I got enough money to live good. I got friends. A good family. Some cool objectives and responsibility. But everything of this, I know it's meaningless.
When you understand that every gesture you do is not special, and has no meaning, you start to appreciate the little stuff you did not notice, because you were so occupied thinking about how to be happy and find a purpose where it is not.
or a joo
If a girl who's out of your league is really trying to get you to like her, then she is looking to scam the daylights out of you.
Pic related, girl in question
Sadie was a blonde uppity bitch with an ugly sister. Forget her.
Don't mix business and pleasure.
genuinely made me kek
Some helpful advice here but also some TERRIBLE advice like >Don't get fucking credit cards.
>Don't buy an expensive car. Don't buy a house.
Horrible advice. You need to establish some credit if you ever want to do big moves like buy a house and a car without paying out the ass in high interest rates. At your age, get a single credit card and only use it when you know you can clear the balance. Every time you pay down a balance, that counts as a "Paid Tradeline" alert and increases your score by a few points.
Don't charge more to that credit card than you make. Try and get to know/understand your impulses so you can know how to curb them.
Right now, though, at your age: get a single credit card you can manage, pay off the balance, if the balance gets to the point where it starts making you anxious about your ability to pay it off, destroy the card while continuing to pay down the balance. If you get declined for all cards, get a "secured" credit card (where you put down cash, say $500 and you can use a credit card with that limit) to establish SOME credit. Other card offers will follow.
In a few years you'll have a good credit score, get offered even better cards with excellent rewards and will get good rates on your loans when you ultimately decide to make a big purchase like a house or car. Don't listen to this dumbass about not buying a house - rent money is money you are burning and never getting a return on the investment for. You can eventually sell a house and break even or make a profit.
If she's out of your league then u must be really ugly
One of my gfs who already dumped me and acts like she doesn't know me tried to get me to cum inside her, saying she'll take the morning after pill.
Was regretting a bit that I didn't do it since I really loved her and a baby might have done the trick, but now I see how retarded that is and goddamn did I dodge a bullet. She probably wouldn't have taken the pill and goddamn, trying to imagine 18 years of trying to raise a kid with her - FUCK NO
I'm on Yea Forums am I not? And so are you, for that matter
Speak for yourself, I'm pretty handsome.
Aldous Huxley is the man!
Doing something wrong/failure/poorly is often better than doing nothing at all.
Always wear a condom or make sure that the bitch is on birth control pills
My own life lessons have shown me that it's always unwise to even try to make "big moves" that you can't actually afford, and which lock your life into set and unavoidable paths to pay them off.
The biggest moves I will ever make will be ones that I can 100% more than afford in the moment, and don't need help or debt to accomplish.
This philosophy protects me, and has proven itself the wisest overarching personal rule time and again. I watch friends and family throw their time, their happiness, and their very lives away making "big moves" all through my life, and meanwhile I live modestly and contentedly with massive savings and an unwavering high quality of life, and not a one of them can wrap their heads around it.
The only winning move in a system designed to fuck you in the ass and suck you dry for the profit of others is to NOT PARTICIPATE.
Ask yourself why loans and credit scores and shit even exist at all. Ill tell you, it's not for the good of the participants. It's solely for the profit of those who provide the service.
a shallow grave can be too shallow
I am semi inclined to call bs on that, when i was doing my draft in the Greek armed forces i volunteered for the force that went to Kosovo (every day there counted as two towards the end of the draft but i mostly volunteer because i was a hothead and wanted some action), we were supposed to to keep a neutral stance and prevent conflict between the Albanians and serb militias there but in reality our then socialist government instructed us to take a pro serb stance, most of the time there was no action only routine patrols ect, we only saw combat twice and only in one of these occasions we actually were fired upon (we were tasked with escorting a train full of Serbian children going to school and where fired upon by Albanian snipers) thankfully we had no casualties, we returned fire, put the train in reverse and backed away 500 meters, we held that position until our backup arrived which also contained IFVs, at this point the enemy retreated, although a later search found that they had at least one wounded, the most disturbing experience i had was when we visited a Serbian community that had been attacked by Albanians and an old lady showed us the wounds inflicted on her by being throwed in a fireplace, later a small group was stationed in that village for protection. Overall it was more of a routine job than it is depicted in the movies however the same can't be said for everyone, back in Greece we were stationed at the same airport as a paratrooper unit whose members had in the past been part of the Greek volunteer guard a paramilitary unit created with government support that fought in the Serbian side against UN forces in the war in Bosnia, these people experienced some pretty fucked up shit even taking part in the srebrenica massacre in which supposedly 7000 people where killed ( although according to these people the town was already evacuated with only combatants left behind) some of them even had pics taken with Ratko Mladić
Any clues about who you are?
Faggy faggot
The difference between successful people and the rest, are that successful people do what the rest aren't willing to do.
I want to call your daddy Daddy
Yo faggot, I don't care who you are but I want to get political clout behind the scenes. If you tell me that it doesn't cure depression I will fucking eat a bullet. Tell me that you're a YouTube or Instagram influencer and not somebody really powerfull
You dropped this
Counter steering on a motorcycle always works even with one finger. But leaning in combination with counter steering is the best body position to have through a turn. Also in a turn once the throttle is open it should stay open and be gradually rolled on through out the course of the turn with the exception of multi apex turns where you can roll off and back on. Also while in the air adding throttle will raise your rear end and hitting the rear brakes will lower it. And last but not least even though some states have no chase laws above 100mph cops WILL try to kill you with their car because they are practically blame free in that situation from a legal standpoint.
hate destroys everything good in one's life.
it's cliche, but do the most to live the life that's best for you and not for others. i was working a full time office job and paying off a new car for a few years. the stress fucked with me and i had a mental breakdown. recovered from that, quit my job and sold the car. now i work in a local record store and perform with a circus/sideshow group on the weekends. pay is obviously nowhere near as good but my happiness increased tenfold and i have genuine friends now not just workplace acquaintances.
I said the government lied as to how bad it could be and minimized the risk, I knew it was war but I had been fed the lies about how good we were and how bad they were at fighting and possible outcomes if wounded and the odds of it happening to us.
You're a cunt for oversimplifying my post, or do you always have to break stuff down to your retarded level?
I'm not laughing.
lol this
If your gf asks if it's okay to go see her ex don't say yes.
like it matters
>pay with cash in hand whenever possible. a piece of plastic distances you from the actual cash leaving your account
>thrift stores are great for clothes. winter clothes are dirt cheap in the summer and vise verse
>financing a new car seems attractive at first but catches up with you quickly. proceed with caution
>SAVE SAVE SAVE. each payday put a chunk of your earnings into a savings account. don't even look at it except for in the most dire emergency
>beware of for-profit educational institutions
>find a side hustle
>i scour thrift stores for old wooden furniture and decor and bring them back to life so I can sell them. sanding, staining, maybe some wood burning or etching. i buy them cheap and typically make about 2-3x profit on the turn around
good luck user, and don't get caught in the rat race. take life at your own pace
If you say no then you won't feel partly responsible for it later.
I was in Kosovo too but not as some volunteer half-arsed bunch of cunts, we went in 2000 as part of 45 commando, it was like a fucking holiday compared to my deployments in Northern Ireland x 4, Iraq x 2 and Afghan x 3.
Some kebab munching cunt telling me he's considering calling my life bs, go fuck yourself mate.
You don't know you're fucking born.
Hoping for people's better nature will create a delusion you can't escape.
You were in NI? When?
A state court has no interest in honesty or responsibility, they only have interest in procuring money for the state. Fighting these professional accusers is very technical, which is why a good lawyer cost so much. Ultimately, anyone who works for the state in the realm of law has one goal: To set you up in front of the judge so the book can hit you as hard as the judge can throw.
Guilty until proven innocent.
Never trust whitey
if you pizza when you're supposed to french fry you're gonna have a bad time
How the fuck is that ham beast out of your league?
I can second that. Spent nearly 4 years of my life turning up to a court room ever month or so because the diesel smoke from my 2005 VW golf "looked like a burnout", they impounded my car for 12 months too. Worst part about it is when I got my car back I took it took a track day and tried my best to spin the wheels and I physically couldn't do it for any period of time to create any smoke, the electronic traction control is too good (plus front wheel drive), even when i turned off the electronic traction control I still couldn't get the wheels to spin, nearly blew the turbo trying as well. Every time I'd turn up at court having travelled for like an hour and a half on public transport arriving there at 6:30AM just to wait for 3-5 hours for the judge to call my name from the list and the cops lawyer to say "sorry your honour the police evidence is still being compiled for this matter". Luckily the judge I got for the final court day looked at me and said something like "you've been coming here for nearly 4 years now for the same matter and the evidence is still not ready to be presented? The matter is dismissed." *Gavel slam*. TFW the judge is sick of seeing you and hearing the same shit from lazy law enforcement.
found the nigger
Made me stop and think, I really should be more careful
Operation Banner, I was there in 1990, 1994, 1999 and 2005, I was first deployed there a few months after the Deal bombing.
I bought a house in nyc that double in value that i now live in for free. Mybe your "big moves" were wrong moves...
Sucking cock really makes your jaws hurt!
Yeah that's a harsh time to be there. My father my grandfather (and most of my grandfather's brothers) were all UDA at one point or another. Not too proud of it if Im honest. That's why I've chosen to not be a part of it anymore.
Forgot to put "and I" after my father and my grandfather.
life isnt supposed to be a struggle
i was always told to put my best foot forward, be ambitious, work hard, blah blah. turns out you can live life being comfortable in your own skin and dont have to have a job that kills you every day
how do you pay your bills?
If her mom is a fat fuck, she will be one too, just give it time.
i have a job i just dont kill myself every day at it
Other people's money is easier to spend.
I made this mistake. The drug use made her skinny.
She did get off the drugs, stopped smoking and drinking. Still uses marijuana several times a day, but she's never going to stop that.
Gained a ton of weight when the drugs went away. Like, 100lbs in a year. My fault, got her pregnant.
Living with her isnt bad, married 13yrs now. We both realize we probably wouldnt have married if she hadnt of gotten pregnant. But she seriously would never kicked the drugs. She mught be dead.
We both love eachother, but her 220lb weight is hard sometimes. She was so beautiful.
At least she likes anal now.
This hit home
ur mom hit home