Who is the best tranny?
Who is the best tranny?
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Not that one, for damn sure.
natalie mars is only acceptable tranny
Alexa Scout?
>Alexa Scout
looks like a man
Bailey Jay
They all look like men
Because they are men
>Alexa Scout
Suck on my dick like a sippy.
The one that actually looks female, oh wait...
Lile Demure
Femenine penis & buttholes
Fuck off you spambot.
They both looks like a man.
Sue lightning
I've always been partial to the T56.
Delete this.
She's so hot
Don't talk about her too much or else she may show up here.
Delete the adams apples.
Bruh if my girl is perfect in every other way do you honestly think I care about an adam's apple?
You spelled girl wrong.
Sorry homo. Trannys are wamens.
unironically speaking the ones in this server
discord gg kYZHxw
Are you self advertising to thristy virgins?
A tranny is just a man wearing wamens clothing.
You have a cock you are a male. End of discussion.
Cock = male.
Vagene = female.
I jack off to trannys, and I still agree with this faggot, faggots.
Stop bullying me!
*cries in corner*
Buck Angel. Obviously
>Who is the best tranny?
a dead tranny is the best tranny
Not into necrophilia.
Bumper. We have to find out.
the dead ones
But I want to fuck them?
i want to fuck them in the mouth with a loaded shotgun until i "accidentally" pull the trigger
I can’t believe none of you heathens has mentioned OG Bailey Jay.
But my favorite zoomer trap is either Blondelashes19 or Taftaj.
Blondelashes19 is a real cutie. Might just have to fly to russia.
I like kalindra but she doesn't cam or anything.
Why would a man ever fuck a non trans woman?
Probably if you want children. Gee I dunno.
But having children is gay as fuck.
A dead tranny.
Speaking from experience?
The best tranny is a dead tranny
Nope. And I don't ever want to.
Fucking incels get off my planet.
Those legs holy fuck
I think I'm in love...
I think you're a fag
Maybe. Who cares what some stupid user thinks though?
I'm not stupid! You're stupid! :(
I can't be stupid. I want trannys to fuck.
>Who is the best tranny?
>there is non
You get them tested for STDs before you pound them retard.
never do that you faggot
Holy shit that's hot
name plss
Holy shit is that a Teamspeak server?
>Who is the best tranny?
This is not a tranny. The whole point of a tranny is to be able to pull off the idea of passing as an attractive woman. This is just a man with long hair.
I like the nv4500.
russiandoll is my fav
a dead tranny
Love to massage that ass.
Jane Marie is the only good tranny
Fake boobs...
Russia has some of the world's best trannys.
See Fucking dumbass
user can't read lol stupid user
No dobut alexa scout.
Please tell me that's oc.
its not
Hazel tucker
>Hazel tucker
Hmm... not bad. Not too good either.
We going to summon Natalie Mars again today?
Agreed theres something about her snuggle tooth too
looks like a guy in a wig. (yes i know they're all guys in wigs)
Not all wigs. Some have natural long hair you know.
A dead one
Whoever this is
You mean my future wife?
too bad he got fat and got those terribad implants on his chest
What a waste of a perfectly good tranny. Small dating pool becomes even smaller.
test post
fuck jannies
Fuck trannys.
Did you just post a 2D image in my 3D thread?