Can one of you sick pieces of shit rate my fucking music. I think im the best producer on the fucking planet but no one listens to me. prove me wrong faggot.
Can one of you sick pieces of shit rate my fucking music...
Prolly don't steal the name from something copyrighted.
That was music
Not even going to waste a second
Rating a dumpster fire
youre an absolute fucking moron. i cannot believe you have a set of ears. You fucking degenerate obscure listening mathrock ass faggot. I bet the more obscure it gets the harder you cum. You're a waste of life .
i agree you are the greatest producer in the universe everyone else sucks and is gay
post some funny memes and we might just rate your music
Show us your boipucci
Show me your BBC please daddy
First 42 seconds sucked.
The rest of it stunk.
No, Jamarcus we don't want to hear your shitty mixtape.
I tried homie I swear but when that bass kicks in there's no way the eq is right. You create any of this "music" or strictly producer and eq guy?
I take that back, I'll rate it straight away, absolute nigger/10
at first I thought the file was corrupted and two tracks were playing over each other
then I realized you just suck.
maybe your ears are fucking broken you stupid idiot.
It's chaotic, has no rhythmic vibe, feels repetitive and without structure or vision.
Sorry dude, it's just noise. Clean up your productions.
i can make my own melodies and stuff and i usually try to but this one is just a track already made with eqing and effects and a different bass and slowed down
>being mad that you do nothing unprecedented
Gave this shit a real listen. How many YouTube tutorials did it take for you to get this 'good' at fruity loops? Keep hating on musicians that can actually play instruments while u sequence and automate.
imagine thinking anything other than meta/rock is good lmao
also generic garbage
no one cares that you can play guitar decently dude. literally no one is jealous of you. hate to break it to ya bud but computers are way better than you'll ever be at anything. instruments are outdated.
i wish i could find all of you who replied and personally beat the shit out of you scrawny fucking beta losers. you have zero musical taste or talent.
We get it you suck at anything that can't be spoon-fed to you
10/10 garbage well done
you're not going to find jack shit on youtube. the most valuable information anyone can give you is which plugins to pirate. everyone on youtube except maybe one or two people suck at making tutorials or just suck dick in general. so just pirate fl studio, omnisphere, camelcrusher(free), elecrax, purity 2 , rc retro color, looperator, sausagefattener, and go on reddit /r/drumkits for drums. this information is gold. so fuck you if you profit from it, because i still havent
Sorry buddy that's not how life works. Stay mad.
anyone can learn any fucking instrument with enough time you jackass. the issue is what is the fucking point when you can just sample it into a DAW like you're going to have to do anyway and then i can play whatever fucking note i want to play and don't need the whining faggot waste of space with the guitar (you) to be in the studio anymore and he can just leave and get paid like $100 while i get 50% of the royalties of the song. So eat a dick you fucking dumbass and keep being a slave to the puppet master producers like my boy Rick Ruben
As a producer i can tell you this is trash
>i ONLY use obscure racks and sample rAnDuM stuff im super special and unique
link your stuff so i can royally shred you to bits because i guarantee that your music is the most generic piece of shit on this planet.
Lobotomite detected
anyone? then how about you? who even said anything about guitar? still mad you cant play one?
Can I buy some of your CDs fam I might make make a YouTube channel blending junk and garbage and your CDs would be perfect to blend
>posts generic tripe
>calls others art trash before even knowing it exists
y r u so mad? upset your two months of "producing" hasn't made you automorph into DJ Khaled?
We get it you worked hard to only produce garbage try doing something else that makes you happy, making toilet sounds is and expecting to be praised over is absurd. If you handed me your cd I would without hesitation smash it with a hammer
At the very least all of you listening to just mock and insult me will provide me with ad revenue. Thanks retards.
>boss makes a dollar so I get a dime
It's the same story all around:
Guy thinks most popular (read: numerically successful) art is "generic". Aims to create "something else", a niche he misses for himself. Does it. Gets super pissed about the fact that it doesn't become popular because it's still just a niche.
You fancy yourself a trendsetter, a pop-breaker. You're not, dude. I'm all for the "make art for yourself first, if anyone else likes it, dope" thing, but you lack production knowledge. There is nothing in your tracks that says you really understand the craft but you're giving it your own swing and you vibe with it. THAT's what's catchy. Not just throwing together stuff.
And believe me, getting mad because no one else likes your stuff ain't gonna help. The "I always believed that I'm the best of them all, and no one believed in me, and now I'm famous" story is one in a hundred millions, and most of the time this story is fake, told by someone who wants to look cool, to give his OG fans the feeling of "omg I ALWAYS KNEW IT".
Work on it, learn to be better, find that gold ground between what works for everone and what is still your art. That shit could just pop off. Until then, if you keep your attitude, good riddance and have fun in the muddy depths of eternally irrelevant artists.
oh shit its some actual advice. i'll take it. thanks!
This thread is masochism. You should twitch stream your production so people can tell you it sucks in real time.
No Tyrone
there's one hundred and two total plays on this song
stop lying to strangers on the internet, that's a bad character trait
Pro tip: Actually check out them purchaseable beats on YouTube, the ones with a lot of "oh shit this is dope can I use this in my X video" comments and likes. Try to identify what makes them popular and vibe. Take that recipe, add your spin. Play around. Have fun.
Let me tell you, that "Oh shit I think I have it, this is fucking IT" moment is the best thing in life, ever. Better than sex, better than topping charts or gold records or whatever. That moment is magic. Good luck.
Even if the story is fake it takes real artistry to produce that image. Take like half of all successful rappers for example. A lot of em don't actually slang bricks or sport any flag they're just artists looking for some space to exist in like any other artist.
I don't like music, so that's gonna be a no from me dawg.
That's not my point. My point is that being arrogant when you're famous is acceptable, being arrogant where you're no one will, in 99.99999999% of all cases, make people dismiss you and your work, even if it might be good. would probably just spend the time trying to touch nuts.
Not if you act that way to the right people with money
i.e. half of all successful rappers
The intro is way too long
The rapper sounds bored and slurry, their flow is kind of boring
the beat is repetitive, but not in a catchy way
sorry bro 4/10
2/10 put in shrek
holy run on sentence batman