Be me

>Be me
>Be 18
>In a romantic relationship with a beautiful, feminine, empathic, attractive, and traditional lady
>She has been a bit cold and distant latley
>Ask her "have you lost interest in me" expecting her to say no
>She says yes
>She says we're still friends though
>Being told this over text while in class
>Try not to cry in class
>Cry anyway

Fuck I'm supposed to do now? She was the perfect girl and future wife, but now she's gone.

Attached: sad pepe.png (734x506, 312K)

Sorry bro, that sucks. Splash some water on your face and get back to class. Go for a long walk alone after school to get your thoughts straight.

1. Block her texts, calls, and all social media accounts
2. Move on, find and fuck someone else. You had her, you can get others
3. Stop being a pussy over a woman

Did u ask why?

She said her feelings just faded away over time and it wasn't my fault, but something tells me I did something wrong.

Force yourself to forget hes as quickly as u can and try for another one. Its over deal with it as hard as it is

>Fuck I'm supposed to do now? She was the perfect girl and future wife, but now she's gone.
You can write a country song you're have way there. What's meant to be is what is meant to be. Get together with your friends, find a Ho. Fuck that Ho and then the next day you start to realize you will be ok. It hurts so feel the pain, get it out, then improve yourself and use what you have learned with your next relationship. She wasn't the one and you found out before you knocked her up or married her. So celebrate my b/ro cause now while looking for your next possible girlfriend, you can plow all the strange pussy you want. You will make it b/ro don't let a woman bring you to a dark place.

I feel your pain. I hope you will be ok soon. Take care user.

Attached: IMG_20190719_141902.png (401x565, 244K)

except that's what it is.
To you teenagers, love is just an impulse.
Once it's over, it's gone.

Dude... There are other fish in the sea. Stop being a pathetic faggot who cries over one girl and go stick your dick in 7 others. Problem solved.