This triggers the incel

>this triggers the incel

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It triggers me that you didn't sauce this video, which happens to be one I've been looking for for a while now.

I got you.

My nigga, I appreciate you.

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No more or less than any other video of people having sex. It's just another reminder that normal people have sex, and I never will.

>and I never will.

Because I have absolutely no clue how to present myself as sexual being without coming off as weird and creepy. I have no idea how to flirt or read signs of interest. I'm 33, never even kissed or been on a date.

Are you ugly/out of shape/have a small dick?

> how to present myself as sexual being without coming off as weird and creepy

just go out and have some fun mang, don't whip it out before you've banged her on the head with a rock

I'm somewhere around average for both looks and dick. Not that dick size matters since no woman has seen my dick since I was in diapers.
I could lose a few pounds, which I'm working on, but I'm still in decent shape and do a number of outdoor activities like hiking and biking.

>just go out and have some fun
This is what I do with friends/acquaintances. There is no sex involved, and no clear path from A to B.

if girl ever come talks to my group of friends (i have several) they never ever wanna talk to me, ive tried and tried and nowadays the girls might even hit on somebody but never me

Lower your standards. Get that experience.

Then my nigga, you're not an incel. You're just a self-loathing isolated volcel that hasn't put enough effort. You may be 33 but you're not old enough to be unable to make friends, start there. I spent the better part of a decade completely isolated from others and totally friendless and managed to make friends and have a few girls interested in dating me. It takes a lot of time and effort to go from an awkward spastic to being able to fake being a normie but it's possible. You just gotta learn how to deal with failure, be ok with being awkward around others and keep trying. If your personality is that of a mopping and submissive little pussy then you'll never attract girls. It's easier said than done and I felt this at the time, but the truth is that the more you socialise, the more confident you become as a person and the more comfortable you become around others.

Well, Heroes of the Storm is a pretty dead game thanks for Blizzard lel.

I'm trying to socialize as much as I can, especially with women. How do you go from that to sex?

Spotted the newfag

You strengthen your relationship from a casual one to a more intimate one where you find yourselves sharing things about each other and spending more time together, for example. If she makes an effort to be with you, then you're doing something right. Might just be that she appreciates your company and sees you as a good friend and thus your friendship stays as such, or it might be that she's developing feelings for you and wants you closer to her. Spending time together and getting to know her are always good ways of building a good rapport. If you happen to have qualities she'd like in a partner and both of you happen to have compatible personalities, priorities and goals in life, she might be inclined to take your relationship that started as a friendship to the next level. A good idea is to not start crushing on every woman that gives you even the smallest amount of attention. You're just gonna sabotage yourself if this happens. I realise this is hard to do if you're affection-starved but make an effort to not let it happen.

basically you need to flirt with girls you are interested in, make strong eyecontact with her and smile. Also try slight physical contact such as padding her back or shoulder.

I just find this funny.

Yes I started browsing 20 minutes ago. Wanna show me the ropes?

IDK how or why you are 'suffering' then. You have gotta be purposefully self sabotaging yourself. thats the best explanation i have.

How many people/women do you interact with? work, gym, just in life...

I did this in 05 with WoW. Its funny hes playing Hots in this vid. Bet most of you retards didnt even notice thats what it was. Hes playing ETC.

I have a similar problem, I have some contact with women but I can't "feel" anything for them so even if one is interested in me I don't notice...I think I just got desensitized to other people by being alone for a long time

Attached: love.png (278x194, 90K)

There are a few women right now who I think might possibly be interested in me, but I'm terrible at reading signs so I have no idea if that's true or if they're just being friendly.
Is smiling and making eye contact really all there is to flirting? I do that with pretty much anyone I talk to, whether I'm interested in them or not.
I interact with tons of people at work. I work at a company with about 100 people, and know pretty much everyone. The people I work with more closely all seem to like me.
I've got a group I go hiking with around once a week, about half women.

>retard for not being able to differentiate between mobas which are all direct clones of each other

>but I'm terrible at reading signs so I have no idea if that's true or if they're just being friendly.
That's just a part of the male condition, we're fucking clueless because women don't make things easier with all the hints and the bullshit games they play. I agree it'd be easier if they were more straightforward, but at some point you start picking up on all the signs. Them touching you or being closer to you is a good sign they're interested. You should learn about body language too, that's always a good way to tell.
>Is smiling and making eye contact really all there is to flirting?
It's a huge part of it, and I've known girls that say they like eye contact because it shows that the guy is comfortable around them and that he can be trusted. This might all be anecdotal but making eye contact can make a good impression on others. If you're averting your gaze, people might think you're an insecure little bitch. That's the experience I've had with people I've talked with.

No, THIS triggers the incels

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Shit! then what the fuck are you wallowing about then?!?

I am sure that based on your description there will atleast be one or 2 girls who have shown interest towards you. Talk to them. Interact with them more often.... and things will just fall into place.

Also... i get that you are not good at reading signs... NO ONE IS. But there are surely women/woman who talk to you in a generally more pleasant manner. They are the ones.

Also... if you are one of those guys who are waiting in hopes of finding the one thats hot, likes the shit you like, does not give you any problems and is understanding of yours, hot as shit but also not threatening, etc etc.... thats a whole other can of worms my man

The word "rapport" will always remind me of Burn after reading

I'm sure there are some who have shown interest. I think I might even know who they are (again, bad at reading signs). Trouble is, I don't really know what to do with this information. I do talk to them more often, and they genuinely seem to enjoy talking with me.
But I don't know how to make a move, or even know if making a move is appropriate. I'd hate to ruin the existing relationship by trying something and realize she wasn't interested in me in that way at all.


>But I don't know how to make a move, or even know if making a move is appropriate. I'd hate to ruin the existing relationship by trying something and realize she wasn't interested in me in that way at all.
>Hey do you wanna hang out someday? Maybe go for some coffee or something?
This is quite literally all you have to do if you have any suspicions they might be interested. No one goes for coffee just to drink coffee together, it's an excuse to hang out and spend some time together outside of the usual social contexts in which you normally interact. A coffee shop date is the best option because she's risking literally nothing in terms of safety and effort and it's the perfect way to gauge their interest further while getting to know them better. You have to make an excuse to spend time together with them to show them you like being around them beyond interacting at work and shit.

Shoot your shot. The fuck are you gonna do with an okay existing friendship anyway. you have then aplenty. Just ask one out for a date. not just out.... but out for a date. If she is not into it, she will either make things awkward for a bit and then be over it, or will avoid you completely... either way... the gains to loss ratio here is most definitely in your favour

This guy knows it

How do you make the difference obvious between "out" and "out for a date"? Do you literally say the word "date" or is there some other secret code that's more socially expected?

Naa. most people know the distinction. Asking someone out for a one on one outside of the usual social setting is where its at. Just don't go for something ambiguous like a movie or a group outing. Arguably... inviting someone for a hike even if its in a group setting is still fine too

Well I go hiking with some of them regularly, sometimes even one on one, and they certainly weren't dates (at least i don't think they were?).

Playing HotS instead of LoL or Dota.
Of course this triggers me.

If you're more focused on the activity rather than interacting with them then you're not gonna go far. It's great that you can spend some time doing something you both like but there needs to be some talking too beyond superficial chit-chat.

Playing mobas in general

I’ve never had to think about this flirting or reading signs BS. It just comes naturally. Maybe you’re overthinking it and it would be better just to be your genuine self and go for girls in your league.

Believe it or not there are girls out there who are just as sad and lonely as you.

The point of asking them out is not to perform the activity, but to spend time together. let them also see you as someone who they could potentially go out with if they don't already

Don't go into it with the objective of fucking. Just to have a good time and take things forward

>it just comes naturally
I wish I could be normal like that. I don't have the luxury of being able to do that sort of thing without specifically planning and trying.
I've never met any girls who are as sad and lonely as me though. I don't think they leave the house, so they're hard to find.

Women being alive and not bending over for them triggers incels.