I'm pro-second amendment
>but I recognize there is a cult of the second amendment
>it's toxic
>shutting down dialogue is the same as saying "let's do nothing"
>That's insane.
I'm pro-second amendment
Other urls found in this thread:
So? No one has any meaningful plan except "ban all guns".
We should just fucking shoot these fucking crybaby's that are always crying about guns. Get some damn peace and quiet.
That, and the gun community is doing such a shit job of recruiting new members, that in a generation or two, actual gun owners will be such a tiny minority that all guns will get effectively banned.
Any gun law past the second amendment is unconstitutional and therefore illegal, so there is nothing to do but repeal all the stupid restrictions the leftist have already tried fuck us over with.
Nice try OP. Too bad we see right through your horse shit
>Source: My ass.
Americans aren't a marginalized community. This falls under the category of Nationalism. So yes, burning a flag sorta is free speech.
As toxic as all this blatent disarming gun control shit being levied by liberal retards that wouldn't stop a single mass shooting but would deprive millions of Americans of their Constitutional rights? Grow up
Hate is ok, as long as its sanctioned?
>"It's illegal"
>Muh constitution
That can, will, and is reinterpreted however the supreme court wants it. They can ban full autos, they can ban destructive devices, they can ban this feature, require that permit, they can make it so regulated that it's functionally unpossible to own a gun, all without having to touch the constitution at all. The 2nd amendment will not protect you.
Good thing it's stacked with conservatives then huh?
>They can ban full autos
Already did, decades ago
You know nothing of which you speak
I live in a city. No one owns guns here except me, five grumpy old men over sixty, and criminals.
There is already a push to do away with all the unconstitutional bullshit.
Most people look at the 2nd Amendment from the wrong side.
They see firearms as a threat pointed 'AT' them.
People who support/defend the 2nd Amendment see it from the other side.
Pointing our best means of self-defense, 'AT THE THREAT'.
For everyone thinking the law-abiding shouldn't have whatever firearm they want?
If YOUR life, children, were being shot to death by some criminal/mentally deranged asshole?...
What would YOU prefer to have at your disposal?
Call '911' and wait/pray whoever showed-up actually did the job they were hired/paid-for, BY the Tax Payers (meaning, engage the threat and END IT?!)...
Draw your own firearm, and end the son of a bitch murdering the innocent/un-armed.
Ask yourself that, and then come back and tell me/every other law-abiding Citizen,,,
Why OUR ownership of firearms,,,
Fight the power
You just need to get out to the country once in a while. Here we start teaching guns about 4 or 5 years old
>there is nothing to do but repeal all the stupid restrictions the leftist have already tried fuck us over with.
except that time the NRA wanted to restrict guns...
typical "libs ruin everything" b.s
>The 2nd amendment will not protect you.
Agreed. The guns do the protecting.
If the choice is presented
1) go out on your knees, live as a slave
2) go out fighting with your boots on
To most Americans, we knew this day was coming, and we are prepared.
>Hurr durr thinking is hard
Full autos have been banned for a long time. "Assault Weapons" got banned in the 90s. "High-capacity" magazines are probably going to get banned. The 2nd amendment didn't stop it in the past and won't stop it in the future. That was the point you complete fucking retard.
>To most Americans, we knew this day was coming, and we are prepared.
>thinks a little pea shooter will protect against armored vehicles
Most of these trap loving faggots hear option number 1 and it excites them
Where? I know NRA-ILA does things, but where is the public support? Fox News, Breitbart, talk radio, is that it?
I'm on your side guys
Let me explain why we are wrong
Holly fuck leftist, the only person dumb enough to believe your shit is you.
Get a load of this dumbass that thinks the military or the police would enforce dumbass gun control laws when most of them are conservative and enjoy guns themselves
Go away, government
Of course not. But when they go door to door and house to house. Will you volunteer for that? Will you want your kids doing it?
Guns really make you think. If you want to take them the price for each one will be at least 3 lives. The only question is, who's paying? Will that be you? Personally I can't wait to make you fuckers pay.
Yeah, except I like my fast internet, my local game store, my hundreds of businesses near me, and my not having to drive for an hour to be anywhere.
Fuck you OP
America is all about choices. All I ask is that you don't make mine.
Lol these liberals barely have a grasp of how guns even work and piss themselves at the sight of them, so no it won't be them. They're under the delusion they have some kind of non existent enforcement force somewhere that will do these things for them
Crazy edgelord gunfaggot nonsense.
>the guns do the protecting
Sure. Go ahead and commit suicide-by-cop.
The police ignore warrants for child support. What makes you think they are willing to die for one gun?
Well this delusion does explain this nonsense.
That how it works user. Too bad we outnumber them. You bastards will run out if volunteers, way before you kill all of us.
>my suicide
Yeah, ok
If "let's do something" wasnt always code for "let's strip more god given rights away from law abiding citizens to satiate my need for virtue signaling" coming from the other side, the gun nuts would be more apt to listen.
This man understands the most important facet of this argument
Really? Because I've heard about a hundred different ideas. Maybe you're just retarded!
Hate is illegal especially towards blacks and jews
thanks for posting at least 1
Go start something then Daniel Boone. Fuckin pussy lol.
The government could do mandatory buyback NOW. The only thing stopping them is the militias and terrorism you'd get. And they wouldn'd even succeed in changing anything, they'd just be annoying to deal with.
Magazine capacity restrictions. Mandatory lockup. Limit the number of guns an individual can have. Etc etc etc forever. None of those are ban all guns. Shit even 'ban some guns' isn't ban all guns ya tard.
Daily reminder - Head shots are required due to the wide availability of body armour. REMEMBER HEAD SHOTS ALWAYS. anything else is a waste of ammo
>we outnumber them
Lol, no
Facts don't care about your feeling. Sorry, not sorry
You have clearly never seen combat if you think that doctrine is at all effective. Definitely do this.
>shall make no law
Go start your civil war, capt feels. Do it. What are you a pussy?
magazine ban essentially but restrict magazines to what size
who's going to enforce the mandatory lockup? you want more cops to have access to peoples houses.
whats your proposed limit on how many guns
The CIA & FBI are causing these shooting because they don't likeTrump.
Oh I'm sorry I was just replying to the conjecture that the only idea is to ban all guns. It clearly isn't. If you want to have a faggot debate go find your dad and you guys can talk about niggers or whatever.
>a hundred different ideas
Exactly. Everyone's willing to speculate, and nobody has a clue. There's no consensus on any single alternative.
case in point. this guy
Actually it's me triggering you gunfag incels every day. When I don't post, you don't get angry and everything is fine. :D
You've clearly never had Niggers enter your home.
Home defense (close quarters)
Combat (battle field)
Yeah, they're different.
Okay. Now which of those are going to stop mass shootings?
restrict magazines to 5 rounds you don't need more than 5 for hunting. police will get a warrant to check locked up firearms its simple. you can have as many guns as you have hands. If you own more than 2 your tax rate increases by 1% per
I can wait patiently for it to come to me. But thanks for the advice just the same.
Maybe don't let private individuals sell guns to each other? Maybe don't let people loan their guns around?
the mandatory lockup. Its much more difficult to go on a rampage if your weapons are controlled by the local police. If you don't have anything to hide then why would it be so bad to call them to unlock your safe.
Is the goal to stop mass shootings? Oh lol that cannot ever happen. If you put your goalposts on the moon yeah nobody is ever going to hit them.
>Antibiotics are a good idea for infections.
>But does it completely eradicate all disease?
Ah so you're a PASSIVE pussy lol even better
Credit no
Trips yes
>maybe encroach on personal property control
>maybe further encroach on it
Sorry this isn't ban all guns so we can't discuss it lol.
the reward for this trolling may not be what you actually want. remember that
Fixing background checks, making them universal, properly implemented red flag laws.
trips of truth
keep doing satans work user
nobody was talking to you sperg
>Passive aggressive
Passive now, aggressive when you mom shows up
universal background checks and universal constitutional carry reciprocity.
First 2 shots to center of mass, 3rd shot to head.
Goal posts flying away. You can't resell your prescriptions. You can't resell machine guns without a dealer. It'll be fine. If you don't want all guns banned you may want to open your eyes to compromise.
could you be any more passive
>5 rounds
Guess my pistol will be illegal.
That's a stupid comic. Gun rights aren't equitable to cake
heres the compromise then. "machine guns" can't be sold without a dealer but NFA registry goes away.
maybe stop using a weapon that was only designed for killing people?
Ok. So?
Because the magazine holds more than five rounds?
Get a different magazine?
Oh you mean a wheel gun?
Nobody cares about wheelguns retard.
>Oh lol that cannot ever happen
A full ban ended mass shootings in Australia. Similar in the UK. We know a full gun ban works. If you want to keep your guns, any alternative has to be at least that effective.
yeah its more of a denny's grand slam thing
You will take one between the eyes between your first and second shot. Body armour.
First shot - head shot, target illiminated
*psst your trying too hard by adding the personal insults at the end.
using VATS right?
Even tiny pocket guns often hold more than 5 rounds.
Since we're bargaining how about this one. The police come to your house, take all your guns, rape your family and torch the place. Cool?
Yes so all you have to do is put a pin through them so they can't be loaded with more than 5. California does this
Passat this is Yea Forums I'll post whatever I want faggot. :*
Ok. Get a new mag. Block the mag. Who cares.
>Yeah man, im going to make that head shot, just like call of duty!
>Nervously shake while spaghetti falls out of pockets
>Miss target completely
Saving ammo, due to small magazines
i'll see that and raise you a "The police change their names to 'The Huns' and i legally get to own a tactical nuke without papers"
It works really good for stationary targets in other video games too.
yeah but if its a stationary target its a poorly scripted NPC
Correlation is not causation. Other violent crimes also dropped at similar rates.
How about ending gun free zones? I'm kinda sick of random shitheads getting obscene killcounts going after soft targets.
holy fuck how come we never heard about this?
shhhh that's what they think they'll be shooting at. they've mentally underestimated their opponent to the point of depersonalization.
gun free zones don't exist. This and the hurr durr beto wants to confiscate your guns thing is just some far right extremist bullshit lies
Cause it's fake?
Yes they do. Plenty of them. We mainly need to ban AR-15 and AK-47s along with all high capacity magazines for any semiautomatic guns. Don't need more than ten rounds in a hand gun or five rounds in a rifle or shotgun. Require all gun owners to carry liability and personal injury insurance on each gun. Mandatory six month waiting period for any gun purchase and a limit on buying ammo and how much ammo a citizen can own. Require a license to own any gun and outlaw all carry of guns. Just common sense gun laws like the rest of the world has. Also limit gun ownership to one pistol one rifle and one shotgun per household of course.
Sorry not ban all guns. Please don't discuss it.
I want you to understand that most of these kids who genuinely want to ban guns were raised on movies and videogames where ducking behind a cardboard box protects you from an M60
here we fucking go...
Australian lies are quantifiably less valuable than other sects of the white race. No offense to Aussies because they're pretty cool but it's not like there arent reasons to be embarrassed by them
So wait... People can still have guns and access to the for hunting and self defense... But with rules? That make sense?
unless your black. only 1 gun per neighborhood
Are they on there way to give some really naughty boys a present?
the city sucks way more criminals cunts i can get drunk and party til 3am no worries of cops being called in the city you get them called immediately. Why do you need a game store when you have a fuck ton of delivery options.
it very well could be fake. I think someone's a complete moron if they rule out the possibility
I want you to understand that nobody on the planet believes jumping on flying turtles makes you jump higher.
There are rules on the first amendment. I can't legally threaten you with violence (a law made by the republicans). I can't shout fire in a crowded theater
Can you distinguish the difference between a miss, and shooting into body armour. Cause they both accomplish nothing IMO
>Correlation is not causation
And 4.5 inches is a perfectly reasonable penis size. Causation is causation, stop lying to yourself.
I don't understand why it's wrong for anyone to own a lot of guns. Can you explain that to me? Why is it dangerous for someone who hasn't c committed a crime to own any number of guns?
as a dude who's been shot in the SAPIs before i can tell you getting shot in the armor accomplishes a very strong message from both the shooter and god
False. Hitting body armor still transfers kinetic energy into the target. If you think that has no effect, feel free to wear your body armor and let me shoot at you.
Yeah I agree. Rules are allowed. It's insane to say "they said no rules so no rules". Especially when they didn't say that and nobody has ever felt that way until the NRA and Fox news indoctrinated a bunch of wife beaters.
its just weird that peoples claim that australia hasn't had a mass shooting since the buy back but thats such a crazy lie.
Gtfo shill
I have been hit in the chest plate and I can tell you without hesitation that it's much different than not being hit you larpfag
No one, not even the people who supported the Buy-Back expected shootings to just magically stop
Grow own vegetables, raise chickens and pheasants kill a deer some rabbits and squirrels keep freezer and fridge stocked pretty well good prices at the butcher to get anything else i want and nearly non existent crime main downside is the closest car parts store is over 10 miles away
Because guns can be stolen and if you have a lot of them and don't lock them up, criminals shoot people with them.
Identity politics the root cause of Americans problems, when you can rationalize the same action to both be moral and immoral; fortunately by doing so you will always bifurcate your base smaller and smaller where every one is eventually an oppressor and therefore none has the ability to advocate for change.
well the purpose of the buy back wasn't to stop mass shootings it was to make sure abbos couldn't get access to firearms.
we should ban murder
>posted on 4chans Yea Forums board
Man fuck you, come and take them faggot.
how does it feel to live in such a racist world? Nobody but you believes that Australians have issues with the aborigines.
We did. It stops a LOT of murders. For example it's the reason you're still alive.
Posters like this make me certain that many internet conservatives are just sheep trying to avoid wrongthink
I'm not a messenger. I'm the angle of death, mine and my assailant.
Besides .22 cal message must be as close to the ear as possible for the message to be heard.
Yeah because we easily defeated the tabliban and they are no longer a problem.....
The average gun owner is better equipped and trained than a dusty afghani.
Lock em up or I'll get them when you're at work and give them to niggers.
ok antifa
"Gun free zone" refers to any place where it's illegal to being a firearm, like posted schools, malls, and other businesses in most states. If you didn't live in Podunk Township, Tennessee, then you might see them more often.
AR15's are mostly .22cal.
So um,... No
>I do not say tabliblan!
this guy thinks that if we legalized murder that the number of murders wouldn't decimate the american population in days
Civilians have shotguns and .22's
Apples and oranges
Cool, so what does that have to do with the number of guns? Gun safes have room for more than one gun. Why arbitrarily make there be a one gun limit?
suddenly its illegal to be a firearm. i literally can't believe you ammosexuals
They're mostly .223, and velocity is a thing faggot.
What are school zones? Where do a majority of mass shootings take place? No correlation at all? Give teachers a way to defend themselves
>I twolling them
Lurk moar
Ak 47s are banned..... obama banned them
are you serious? can you not use google to find out what a school zone is?
>passive aggresive whining
Do you realize how pathetic you are?
American citizen with 3 folded flags in my home. Defending my country is not a new idea for me
Nobody said that. The question was 'why is it irresponsible to have lots of guns' the answer is the same as 'why is it irresponsible to leave a bunch of ten carat diamonds laying all over my house'.
Yeah nice try attention whore. Even if thats true its disgusting to parade the death of a serviceman for your own gain.
just like Reagan before him
Still small arms. Berry little connetic energy. Can't transfer what isn't there.
its irresponsible for a man who's never worked a day in his life to be given 5 homes but bernie has em
I still fail to see how the number of guns is the issue. You can fit 5 guns in a safe as easily as 1.
Think about the woman you love most in this world. Now don't think about her being raped by five haajis in a slave shack in Dubai.
>i can get drunk and party til 3am
Cool beans, dude. I bet it was a real "barnburner".
I don't understand why we have to compromise with universal background checks. why does it have to be give and take?
Fucking bee stings. Can't even feel it through the body armour
*gahgunk* *crunch* lemme *crunch* just *crunnnch* shift *gronkcrunch* gears for a second
>Lurk moar
Shoot more.
there are literally no legitimate cases of rape by middle easterners. You keep believing the dime tabloids
it doesn't its just a point to prove that these people love saying "why won't you compromise" but there is no compromising its just take take take
lol thats only if you have the perk that allows that.
If every person has say two land mines in their house. In order to amass a hundred landmines, a person would need to break into 49 houses with guns. If every person is allowed to have as many landmines as they want, a person could steal a thousand land mines from one house.
>posted from a rusted out toyota tercell on stolen wifi
My father, a marksmen, and my trainer.
Stop being a peice of shit maybe?
Lol we go out at 1AM Friday here. Sometimes we don't come home til Monday.
he must be rolling in his grave as his daughter just throws his death out for attention
"Marksman" you dunce
Here's a compromise. Legalize full auto weapons for anybody. Whatever you want. No mags bigger than 5 rounds. Death penalty if you're caught with one.
Assume its there, and take the head shot.
...no? you appeared to be saying "you don't get universal background checks unless you give me universal carry rights." I am saying that I don't see why universal background checks needs to be something that you can use to push looser control measures with. I thought that ensuring "good guys get the guns" was part of your platform, which universal background checks help to achieve.
Fuck. *bring a firearm.
>No mags bigger than 5 rounds. Death penalty if you're caught with one.
fuck yes this!
shits metal as fuck. might as well go all out if youre gonna get put down anyway
Doubt that. But your fantasies are very important to me.
what if they have the Hard Headed perk that prevents critical hits above the neck? Youve obviously never been in the shit
over half of all serial killers were American were an extremely violent nation you think banning guns will do shit to prevent mass killings? Ban guns then it will be on to the next thing bombs, gas whatever it takes
Yeah. That kind of insecurity. That's what I mean by pathetic.
Exactly. Hate is okay, as long as you hate the people that the Party tells you to
i'm pro gun. universal background check to me means adding a block under the mental adjudication box saying "are you sure?"
like kavanaugh
If you get caught with a magazine of any type that carries more than five rounds, the insane gun loving zombie obsessed, shall racist, evangelical vengeance fantasists in this thread get to light you up with a crank actuated grenade launcher.
my car can be stolen to run someone over, should we limit how many cars someone can own? It can always be stolen whether 1 or 100 guns. It's just one of the risks of you and your compatriots being free, they can decide to break the law.
Hope a nigger guns you down you city loving cuckold faggot
get a better grasp of the english language before participating in the troll thread please
people who want to ban guns are naive idiots who think America will always be this stable country whose government will always have control of the country, but how long have countries actually survived without going through massive changes over the course of 1000's of years?
What happens when the govt collapses and there's just bands of militias going around trying to impose their ideals and take over the country, state, your town?
and in the short term, don't you want the power to be in your hands to protect yourself and family?
I think the majority of people are good people, the vast majority, so if everyone had guns, the power would be in the hands of the good.
ban guns and the power shifts from good people to the people willing to break the law to attain guns, none of the white people who complain about guns have ever been a victim of gun violence, they are just bored with their life and want to look like theyre socially just.
Keep trying to change gears Vlad.
so if i subscribe to a boxing magazine and they have a fight that goes for 6 rounds i die?
Leftist are cheap, and would never provide these for hired help that they care nothing about. Plus these would be take off the dead and used by us, and that would be the excuse for banning them from use. The left is so predictable. So possible but unlikely.
this has nothing to do with your retarded politics gtfo with that shit ammosexual
So what? How many shooters used more than a half dozen guns?
Lol if you leave your keys in your 10 cars and people steal them and run people over they're not going to let you have more cars, bud. Literally first lol at Yea Forums retardation in months.
Closed all the state mental hospitals then wonder why they have no mental health records. The left in a nutshell
Reagan was a fucking cuck too
who's they?
Baaaaw talk like I talk or don't talk at all. Muh free speech shall not. Baaaaaww
>What happens when the govt collapses and there's just bands of militias going around trying to impose their ideals and take over the country, state, your town?
Did not need to hear your jerkin' it fantasies.
or ban 10+ round magazines but forget to include the state police in the ban so they break the law for months
Who do you think they is, Brian Genious?
this is structured very poorly
What are you even trying to solve by doing this? Have you ever stopped, and thought 'wait why am I even doing this?'
When have you been a victim of someone with a gun and how would your ideas help?
Guns are banned in school zone therefore it's a gun free zone i was responding to the retard saying gun free zones don't exist
Reagan did that. If you consider him "the left" then what exactly are you? The rising sun?
What if they were minorities? Won't muh racism exempt them?
well if your a dem then "fox news" but if your a far right extremist its the jews or niggers. if your antifa "they" are the cops. flat earther? lizard people
Baaaaw post what I want :(
gun free zones DONT exist
this ones better at least
Sure thing soyboy
Lololololololol this fool actually believes the shit CNN tells him lololololololololol
Government double standards. No matter who is president.
Thus 2nd amendment
Imagine unironically posting a mainstream thought as bait.
Oy vey. Fuck off Zionist cunt
The justice system you retard. If you commit negligent crimes they will lock you up. Not everything is tribal.
Please move to a non-free country. Freedom is great, but it's certainly not for everyone. Freedom has downsides for many people. Most people want others to live in certain ways and free countries aren't for those people.
If you move to England you can sleep easily knowing people don't have guns but also know that if a big dicked nigger decides he wants to kill you but first rape your kids and wife into front of you, that you have no means to stop him. You're completely at the mercy of the craziest people in society because you have no means to stop them.
"they" are roving band of justice systems?
Has anyone ever been more afraid of their shadow than this guy?
maybe a good change is mandatory education for guns in the school system. I truly believe more guns on the street in law abiding hands makes everybody safer from both tyranny and crime. It's like how a snake with venom is safer than a snake of equal size with no venom, although it can't be 100% safe it's still pretty safe.
England has never had a mass shooting so maybe its far better.
Okay take a gun into a posted gun free zone and see what happens
but if we start teaching kids how to use firearms safely in school we won't have time for the drag queen story hour. simply unacceptable
>im pro-second
>but we should at least DISCUSS maybe killing it
Yeah, nah. Piss off, commie.
is this a joke? Please move out of the USA if you live here, there's plenty of countries that would appease your 'daddy protect me' mindset and lifestyle. Free countries need be inhabited by the brave, not faggot who want to be carried through life.
Freedom isn't for everyone and it sure as hell isn't for you. You are exactly the type of person who would have been against the revolutionary war and would have tried to stop people from separating from britain
OH a posted gun free zone. I thought you were implying there was some sorcery that made guns stop existing in an area.
that meme is too wordy
who do you think is fighting against brexit from here ;)
>Authoritarian thought police
>Please do not discuss
>Pwease weave it's easiew if you don't disagwee wif me
>needs keys to drive car, not hotwiring
>needs key to enter house, not breaking an entering
>doesn't need key to open lockbox of responsible gun owner
Huh, I guess you're right, maybe if it needed a key it'd be immune to crime
Here in Canada we leave our doors unlocked at all times.
Gun free zone signs are widely just a suggestion in my state. If the place isn't explicitly mentioned in statute, it's not illegal. I carry in places that have gun free zone signs all the time.
What happens when their govt collapses and bands of militias with guns are roaming?
They don't have black people.
Have you ever been a victim of gun violence? What is your motivation for stripping law abiding citizens from owning guns? Because crazies will always be able to gun anything they want on the black market, it's super easy now with the dark net markets.
>All that shit
And yet everyone out there has depression and city folk live happier lives.
Guns don't require keys to operate or special knowledge to steal. The initial analogy was perfectly flawed.aybe notice that instead of just digging, fat.
same here. Ive been turned away from going to a location that had a gun free zone sign. Just went outside concealed it and went back in.
What's there to discuss, faggot? It's clearly written, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Do we discuss dropping our right to life? Do we discuss dropping our right to free speech? NO. If you don't want your rights, LEAVE but don't fucking ruin the country for the rest of us.
Fun Fact: Australia has surpassed gun ownership of the pre buy back period
>pwease pwease weave
basically once the 2A is repealed we'll get to work on the first. Greetings from overseas :D
Fun myth: this post is true!
mass shooting not vehicular incident
>Free countries need be inhabited by the brave
This. Fuck yeah..
"See, there are three kinds of people: dicks, pussies and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes. And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything. So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because, pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes! And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!"
I'd never open carry in public unless I was wearing a badge too. If I'm hunting or working my property, I'll carry my sidearm openly. If I'm in public it's no ones business but my own that I'm carrying
Australians now own more guns in total than they did before the 1996 crackdown, according to figures from 2016 - the last time they were comprehensively studied. That amounts to more than three million firearms, according to separate government statistics.May 15, 2018
First is already restricted. Can't lie about people publically. Can't lie to police. Etc etc.
Tldr gay made up boomer shit
Dont tell them to leave. Tell them to do something much more difficult. Amend the constitution.
Nice source lol
sounds like a good personal decision. Personally i like open carrying because more often than not other people in the area introduce themselves or ask questions about the law or what i'm carrying. Rarely i'll have a soccermom moment thankfully
What you talkin aboot, guy?
That's retarded because gun ownership is increasing.
Why would you ever lie to police? What are you doing talking to police? Silence is your right. Practice that instead.
Yes! when were done with it you americans won't be able to talk in groups of more than 2 people without documentation ha
>vehicular incident
t. nigger
"gun ownership per capita has dropped by 23% during the same time"
So it's just the crazy horders? Who are well regulated? And wouldn't ever shoot anybody and keep their shit in a bank vault?
Sure they do
>kek fake news
>too bad i can't stop people from clicking the link themselves
You wouldn't understand the truth of it even if it kicked you in the face. I'd like to kick you in the face also.
>Can't lie about peple publically
Not sure if this is actually a thing but if it is it clearly isn't enforced.
Skill Succeeded: Goal Post moved
>mass shooting not vehicular incident
A different kind of dead that doesn't count.
Hope that works out for ya.
its not. The closest thing is slander or contractual law
Nope sorry. Any competent attorney will tell you to not talk to police without counsel present.
Libel/slander are a thing and they are restrictions on free speech and they are enforced constantly.
a large scale car accident from some stranger is different than a racist white man shooting up a place.
i like how you only have 1 or 2 incidents.
Fewer Australians own guns. Australian gun ownership has not increased. Australians own more guns though.
worked pretty well for 12 years. Ive learned of many ranges, competitions and hidden away gun stores by doing it. Also gotten an oldsters permission to hunt on his property because of it as well.
>They actually think people are telling the truth about whether or not they own guns to the blatantly anti-gun nutjob that is randomly accosting them over it
>Australian gun ownership has not increased. Australians own more guns though.
Skill Check Failed: Logic Break
Lol what. It's called defamation and it's common as fuck.
>large scale car accident
How Trucks of Peace are reported on CNN
which is why you should be forced to allow random police inspections
Haha you don't know what "gun ownership" means.
>common as fuck
maybe in places like new york
Only takes one shitbag to ruin a good thing. When the potential consequences vastly outweigh any perceived benefits, it doesn't make sense to me. I'm glad it does for you. Best of luck.
Is this just another thread where everyone roleplays as a retard so they can all farm wacky screencaps that they can post on Reddit for imaginary retard points?
pretty much. Though theres probably one or two real communists in the thread. Its usually the case
If you're a fucking fanatic in the toxic cult
I hate owning a gun and everyone assuming I'm autistic. Then trying to go to a shooting range where they tell me I have to be part of the NRA to just rent a lane. Why the fuck would I support those homos?
>New York
>Aka everywhere
>I have to be part of the NRA to just rent a lane.
This is where your troll post fell apart. Maybe dial it back
As a leftist gun hoarder I feel this to the fullest my nigger.
Holy extreme situations not normal in any way shape or form batman!
I can't fucking wait until infinitychan is back up.
can't autism your way out of this one he's right
yeah totally bro
same though with the elections coming up in 2020 stand by for more faggotry.
I'm betting the site will be DDOS'd to fuck.
I've never been to a range that required nra membership. 35 years active shooting. 10 years competition. 10 years law enforcement. 5 years law enforcement firearms instructor.
Been to a lot of ranges over the years. Not one has asked for my nra membership card
It's pretty fucking simple but the NRA and complete hippies really skew the whole damn thing.
I hate seeing faggots at shooting ranges bragging about their 20 guns that they can't even shoot.
>yous only got a shotgun and pistol eh?
>yous must not support the second amendment
Like what the fuck is with these clowns? The one took nine fucking shots to kill a deer with an AR-15. Even his friends were shaking their head
For a thing that never happens and actually isn't illegal, right?
whoa how old are you for real?
my grandpa says shit like that.
Ive been to a couple (literally 2) ranges where they would give you a couple bucks discount on lane rental if you were a member but yeah never been told i couldn't use it without being one.
Yea Forums is already astroturfed to all hell, and infinitychan at least had a couple decent boards that were semi-fast that weren't trashed like all the big ones were. The second it comes back I'm running off to /hgg/ and /monster/ and I'm never turning back.
The moron labe tattoo on the backwards cap sunburn on your forehead is probably enough for them.
No worries. Once we get done destroying the second amendment we'll get started on your first. Greetings from Germany
It's not wrong to own a lot of guns
It's wrong to be cringey as fuck to make gun ownership a way of life. Like "men" who own pristine pickups they never use for hauling/construction/hunting
Real men know how to use their truck and the guns they do own. Very simple.
worst way to lose an argument right here.
there are NRA lanes. you don't fire guns very often
I dont have tattoos and I dont wear hats backwards. Sorry.
>people don't use things the way i use them ; _____________ ;
>kids without guns trolling this badly
0/8 b8 m8
If you say so champ
I guarantee you're 12 and just like guns
They do exist try traveling the world cletus
Unfortunately not. I'd give anything to be 12.
Lol lets see your guns
lol you faggots
I'm in the NRA and I go to ranges hat require NRA membership. They're not NRA sponsored kiddo
>wow who would have thought business owners can decide who they let in
Real men constantly wish they were children 8l
>spotted the butthurt manchild who think trucks are a way of life
.... that's a cringey fucking thing to post even on a Random board
There are plenty of NRA only ranges you sheltered dumbfuck. Just because you don't need a membership to dump rounds into your sister's trailer doesn't mean they don't exist.
>Hwell high haint hnever seen wun
>I'm in the NRA and I go to ranges hat require NRA membership.
Thats nice ive seen an alpaca up close. They smell funny
this thread is about ammosexuals get back on topic
12 gauge and Glock. I'm at work incel and I don't have to convince a child that doesn't go to shooting ranges what shooting ranges do. Try visiting a few
ok "user: World Traveler"
>I'm at work
>posting on Yea Forums
Cringe after cringe. Go back to posting about fucking your Uzi or whatever it's better than this.
Nice do you also have a girlfriend that lives in canada but nobody would know her?
>retard newfag either can't read threads or is still butthurt
I'm no stranger to private ranges. I was the range master for a private state range for years. We dont have any NRA only ranges in this state or the neighboring states.
>Pot screaming at the kettle for being black
Every analogy is flawed unless it is exactly the same thing, and at that point it isn't an analogy. "he used an analogy about growing carrots to my potato farm, while I know growing potatoes are different hurr hurr" the literal point of an analogy is to showcase what the two things have in common, and hint, it's not keys.
The hell is an NRA only range lol
I own small company my wife and I run together
I love when incel neets assume their sad situation is an actual way of life
Which state
When I was 12 my body didnt hurt from years of abuse.
When i was 12 my body didnt hurt from years of abuse.
>I own small company my wife and I run together
are you that much of a lonely underage you assume everyone is a lonely incel like you?
>which is why you would be forced to shoot the random police making unconstitutional inspections.
Good for you retard
Yeah back then it was just the weekly dad rapes huh
Again, they're not NRA sponsored you make believe faggot. The owners only let carde members in. Not fucking hard to understand
Lucky you guys, america hasn't been doing that on a wide scale since like the 70's
Ah. These threads are usually goldmines of comedy trolling. This is a new one lol
I've lived in Canada before and the people that leave their doors unlocked usually live in cities that are heavily policed or are living off the govt and mom and dad. Its easy not to care about your personal effects when you don't have to pay for them
Maybe not in your faggot cities but we do it in the country
Thats nice
Ive lived on both coasts of the US and never run into one.
>mfw you have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning than running into a NRA onry range.
shit like that reminds me of why some gun stores close within a few months of opening. owner too stupid to stay in business
Communists aren't people
Nobody cares what you have seen. Believe they exist and fuck off faggot.
>By almost every measure of mental health, the countryside now does worse than the big city, and the amount of pathology increases as you go from metropolis to suburb to small town.
Yes. They do.
>Believe they exist and fuck off faggot.
ok antifa
>posted from an iphone while dodging used needles and piles of human excrement. I'd rather be depressed than having a chance of contracting plague
>anyone who knows a thing I don't is antifa
They do
You'll be happy to know the only modern cases of the plague have been in rural areas then!
>anyone who doesn't believe what i believe is a faggot
I too live in the country, we just occasionally get people from a nearby city trying to break in
I guess you can call LA rural
You missed the point, faggot.
I three live in the country, bears don't care about locks
Captain Vietnam says “herro.”
Haha you're incapable of learning because you're terrified of antifa. The clown brigade.
Look at this informed guy! I’d give you two internets if I had them to spare.
>mfw I encounter the first 2A supporter who knows about NRA-ILA
KONY 2012