Rate each others desktops

Rate each others desktops.

Attached: my desktop lol.png (1920x1080, 975K)

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That is the ugliest fucking desktop I have seen in a while user.

Attached: 1516542479912.png (1366x768, 143K)

Wallpaper pls?

it's a steam background btw.

Attached: burnt to a crisp.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

So op I want some pictures out of that my love folder there. Don't be a fag

checked AMD/Linux user
you in a VM?

wow uz so cool uz got fl studio and photoshop and uz got a crypto wallet wow so cool uz so smart and uz browse the darknet??!?! wtf uz so smart xdxdxd must make a desktop thread on Yea Forums uz so smart

Attached: Patrick+face+freeze+i+forgot+what+episode+this+was+from_4fdb40_4517284.png (420x315, 119K)

she's just some podcaster I like

Attached: anime tiddies.jpg (750x917, 94K)

>Not turning off icons on windows

Attached: Fuck you youtube.png (2048x1152, 1.75M)

>using windows

Attached: 1567460443176.png (553x798, 126K)