All I think about is you

All I think about is you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Slam your thumb in a door and then you'll be thinking about how much that hurts instead.

Even pain reminds me of you.

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Have you considered ECT?

*Hides thread*
Really glad we can post again guys


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the pain her dong inflicted on your butthole

jump legs first into a wood chipper maybe you wont be so boring to look at then

Time to draw.
(also I can't believe Liquid lost to Avangar. All of the teams I was rooting for are 1-2 so far)

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Do you want to listen to music together while I draw?

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These are ripa's images you have no right to them

dubs confirm

I'm tired of eating the same thing over and over again. I wanna go to a fancy restaurant with you.

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I'm not going to play classic WoW, even though it would be easier for me to do so, since I'll most likely be playing 24/7 and I'd probably forget about you(or at least distract me for a while).
I think I spent too much of my life playing video games and I just want to channel my time and efforts into something else.

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so yyou dont want to habe fun jsut be miserable?

It's not that I don't want to have fun, I don't want to waste my time anymore. After all, this will be my last summer where I'll be free.

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Anyway, I hate playing multiplayer games on my own.

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you're not going to be free anymore? why?

I'll mostly likely be employed starting next year.

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hello "hebi"

You and yoogee not talking anymore so now you come to pick on me?

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that sucks, what kinda job are you gonna get?

Probably something in IT. I do hope it's not something shitty like web design.

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I hear if you work in tech the best way to move up is to quit your job once every year or so and apply for a slightly higher position, something about promotion opportunities being shitty but employment opportunities not as shitty or something.

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Why are you talking to me? No one does that. You're weird.

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I feel like people are going to hate me even more now for "taking" the trips.
I don't even want them.

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yeah, kys retard

cause i like talking to people and i suck at it in real life
but i have to go now
bye Hebi


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I'm going to watch No Country For Old Men in about 20 minutes. I hope it's good. Apparently one of the guys in the movie is supposed to look like a poster from [s4s].

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Make sure to tell me if you liked it or not

I just finished watching it and I loved it.

At first, I was a bit disappointed that Llewelyn died so soon, I was expecting some sort of fight with Chigurh, but by the end of the movie, I was happier with the ending we got. I love movies that aren't a cliche where the good guy always wins.(like in most westerns). Overall, it was a great movie imo. Also Chigurh looks creepy as fuck.
That reminds me, I still have some westerns that I want to see. I've only seen A Fistful of Dollars so far. I plan on watching all the Clint Eastwood ones.

Goodnight. I love you.

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You should watch bone tomahawk

I'll add it to the list, thank you.

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Can you stop being such a faggot and kys already pussy