"Is She Ugly?" thread. (bonus for reasons why or why not)

"Is She Ugly?" thread. (bonus for reasons why or why not)

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Face is Eh. Fat rolls on the stomach is a boner killer.

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not ugly.

she's got a great body and a decent enough face.

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She's sexy as fuck... super cute face, moar?

only other one I have

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I’ve been with some ugly ass chicks with beautiful pussies, inside them and out. You never know.

yeah that one is ugly. big nasty glasses. old age. she's probably a grandma at that point.

any opinions?

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that's average


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damn, she's really toeing the line. I'm gonna say ugly, but not too bad. She's the type you fuck but don't tell anyone about it.

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ugly. mouth too big. she's the kind of girl that has to compensate with good oral sex skills.

Is she ugly?

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7/10. Looks like a chic I would like to fuck.
4/10, too close to cross the "ugly" line.

a couple months back user posted her on Yea Forums. Shes not that hot bro. yeah shes alright but id fuck anything. I got her on IG but to lazy to find the name

If 4/10 isn't enough to be ugly, then what number is ugly for you?

I usually tend to call a girl ugly if she's under a 5 or so.

you talking about OP's girl? If you happen to remember the IG or have any pics, hook us up.

My toy

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my best friend. had fucked up fantasies with her for years

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and body

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and her new haircut. help me Yea Forums

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Should I go for it Yea Forums?

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very ugly face in the first pic, but it looks a lot better in the 2nd one. Decent body. I'd lean ugly but I'd still fuck.

closer to average

ugly with bangs, could be better without

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definitely average. go for it

not ugly, but I see why people would think that. unusually shaped face

> then what number is ugly for you?
it is hard to answer definitely, since there are such 4/10's that could make you boner harder than 9/10 ones. In other words, it is all very subjective and depends on my perception etc.

my dick is confused

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busy eyebrows and yellow teeth, but not ugly.

not ugly, decent.

with those busy eyebrows and yellow teeth, I'd imagine her cunt must be disgusting

eyes and eyebrows are horrendous. mouth too small. would fuck, but ugly.

my cousin

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Get drunk and she looks like a solid 8. In reality, a 5.5. Not great, but just above ugly.

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whwer diu faind dat?

horse teeth ruins it. any with closed mouth?

ugly as a rat. wouldn't go near.

don't have any with a closed mouth, sorry

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that's a down syndrome kind of ugly. still would bang tho. body is looking amazing.

average. not a fan of duck face, but not ugly.

I would say ugly if I had to make a black or white decision. but she's not a troll

Definitely not ugly. Like her asiatic face features.

my good friends

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yeah, that's ugly too. she looks high and fat, and just a mess. looks like the witch from a horror movie.

a lot of blondes look the same to me. I would prefer right over left, left's nose is a beak.

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almost looks like two different people. Left shot is what you see at a bar and fall in love. Right shot is what you see when you wake up the next day and regret your entire life.

That’s mom material I’ll take her happily

ugly. no eye lashes, nostrils are hideous. and shit stain on the pants.

I'd swipe right then unmatched if she messaged me.

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not my type, but not ugly

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damn, she'd be hot if it weren't for the nose and mouth. Still average though.


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not ugly. she's all right.


Hot as fuck

not ugly. what would make you think that, the glasses?

classic emo. not ugly.

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just nice to get a second opinion before sticking your dick in something

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hideous face. she's definitely ugly

obviously not ugly

obviously not ugly

How about these two?

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chubby slutty British girl

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borderline, but she looks like she'd be wild in bed

Like any of you losers wouldn't bang any of the girls in this thread if given the chance, lol!

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I'd bang the majority of them, and I'd certainly fuck the shit out of the girl you just posted.

not ugly. looks good.

incredible blowjobs

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ah shit. that's as ugly as they come. had to minimize the image fast because disturbing.

both are all right. nothing to break records but not ugly.

Rate/chat/critique your girl ?
Kik 1937d

looks average to me. not ugly.

definitely a little chubby but I love it

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not ugly. looks like a child though

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too much filtering, but would say not ugly

my god. how does the front teeth come out like that? if you just put a tape on her mouth, rest looks great.

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crack whores. they don't look all that ugly.

Far from anything special. I'd enjoy spitting on her face before forcing her over and making her squeel like the slam pig she is

eyes are way too far apart. mouth is way to wide. would I bang? probably, but ugly.

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meh. that's not the best angle, but looks decent.

Which one would u fuck?

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some older men are into that sort of look. not me. ugly.

Looks like the type of girl you'd take home when the clubs closing and you've ran out of options. Bet she's a freak though.

in the original picture, all the way left. in your new one, pink skirt. giraffe on the right is a big pass.


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is she?

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not ugly, ugly, ugly, not ugly but needs to hit the gym

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meant left. too early to think.

not ugly

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gorgeous, disgusting, ugly, average.

don't really like to see squeezed gums and misaligned teeth like that, but her face looks all right. not ugly.

looks like the auntie that when she calls, you let it go to voicemail.

Alex Jones? Ugly.


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Is she ugly?

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not ugly. looks good to me.

>Which one would u fuck?

no. she's try-harding a facial expression tho. can't tell what it's supposed to mean.

that's probably just a bad pic of her? probably.

forehead is too small, fake smile, just looks uncomfortable, borderline not ugly.

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Is she?

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not ugly. she has a pretty cute face.

How about the girl on the Right?

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I'd fuck her like an animal

Oops, I did not see that one coming. I have to cancel my previous statement

I feel like this is the kind of girl that just grows on you. Initially borderline though.

>not ugly. she has a pretty cute face.

Fuck you, she's making my life hell and I need convincing that she isn't worth it :(

girl on the right looks kinda like a man

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this looks like the face of a prostitute after she shot her client. I don't know if it's the straight mouth or flapping ears, creepy eyes, I'm going with ugly.

to be fair, not ugly isn't a ringing endorsement. She's only like a 6.5. There's better pussy out there.

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can't see the face fully, don't like the tattoo on her arm. looks average.

Is she?

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Nah thin hair and too much makeup, the makeup makes it hard to tell but it seems like she's an uggo underneath. Also she's 100% not my type so who knows

both look decent.

Thanks user. She's a massive whore.

On the cust of being ugly

not ugly

shovel face uggo

typical blondie with braces for half her life. never hated these types of girls. they're usually very sweet. not ugly.

not ugly. she's like your friend's little sister who is kinda cute but not hot. You eventually fuck her and then feel bad about it and never make eye contact with her again.

looks like she just woke up. not ugly tho.

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too old for me and not my type, so yes. that's the kind of women men in their 50's are fishing for.

not ugly. looks like a mom.

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ah the victoria secret and fashion magazine hoarder. eyebrows are too much, but not ugly.

left is ugly. her face is too tense and fake. right looks good.

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my god. are we in the 1970's again? she looks like she went to the disco and roller blade show, but came home disappointed. borderline.

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Yours are probably bigger fatter and meatier

a pregnant mom? and a face with cat filters? not worth my attention.

Is Left ugly. I can't decide.

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Is she ugly?

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very average

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Plz tell me she is a single mom. I eat that shit up. I love milfs

she just has darker features, but looks okay.

Yes she is

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leaning towards ugly. face is just too fat.

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miss ginger who would like to drink your blood after she dismembers you. not ugly tho.

both are cute

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body looks hot, but face is a miss. ugly.

Is his name Vinny?

Okay.. Op I got this.
>Is she Ugly?
Not necessarily, facially shes cute. Weight wise shes not too far gone she can still come back if starts working out and get out without saggy tits.

this is the type of chick you see in the mall, but never pay any attention to them. very average. neither are ugly.

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no, looks all right. probably has some mexican in her.

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not ugly

ugly as fuck. That's kim jung un's wife.

Would bang the shit outta 2. More please?

not ugly, and I'm actually really into her. any more?

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both look good.

Would love tenderly

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Name's Rileigh Smirl

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Would smash many times. Got any more??

niggas like you dish out the worst shit but yo bum ass prolly look like lord farquad fuckin whiteboi

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right is closer to ugly than the other two, and left is a nigger. fact that they are lesbians brings them a couple points down. pussy eating, dildo sucking deviants.

is that a 16 year old? borderline ugly. looks autistic a little.

Really? I was kind of on the fence with but pushed me over to the "would fuck" side. A little pudge is cute, and it gives you an excuse to get out and go running with her. Plus she's got a cute face.

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looks good. she looks like she will have the most excruciating sunburn of her life shortly after she is done at the beach.

She's about 20 pounds off of being very average

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You must be in the wrong thread

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your sadistic chemistry teacher that enjoys torturing men? not ugly.

Fucking amazing body, odd face she's making though,


looks decent

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looks pretty. not sure what she is doing in this thread.

looks like she is addicted to coffee and tattoos. not ugly.

I would make sex with this man

She ugly. Not a bad body but she has the face of a man. Look at the pic with focus on her face and try to picture short hair on her

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ugly. that teeth and the pinch in the forehead, the eyes, it's all a big no.


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Humiliation slut gf?

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More of her face for judges

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looks pretty. not sure what she is doing in this thread.

Oh shit I see the manliness now

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hate bras that look like that and she is way too white. face is maybe a 5/10, so give or take borderline.

Mixed messages. She’s 20 in these pics, 22 now

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If you think that’s a 5/10 your standards are still too low

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what is humiliating her have to do with yanking her nostrils up? face looks okay.

she's average

looks good

yeah, no. RIP to the husband.

Same girl, better face pic?

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Body w/o face

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this is usually the face I see behind the counter when I go to a dentist office or somewhere where there is a reception. very average. not ugly.

Nah shes ugly af. I'd still bang if my dick was screaming at me but I'd wear 2 condoms and slip her a morning after. She looks like the type who is hunting for a guy to get her pregnant.

big burned tits, small head that is smaller than a single tit, and massive sunglasses. not ugly. some men will die for those tits, not me tho, I'm an ass guy.

everyones belly is like that when they sit down, also the pants push it up. I'd go on a date with her


Has the same face as Neymar

might look better if she loses the bangs.

Is she fuck ugly?

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the psychology student that just graduated. can't see eyes but doesn't look ugly.

Her from behind, different bikini

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Shes not ugly but shes nothing to write home about. Bout as average as they come would fuck and only stay if she can cook.

Pretty average. If she worked out and did makeup well she might be hot some day.

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better lighting and all, but still average

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this picture is funny somehow. her face looks good though.

body looks decent

Not really. I'd smash

looks okay to me.

Make her face/teeth redeemable ya think?

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I agree. Mate of mine swears by calling her hot af, I think she's meh. Not bad, not great.

>Thanks user. She's a massive whore.
What did she do to you?

looks good, is that some kind of a photoshoot?

Anyone else think she has a weird looking nose?

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Here's a then and now. To the left was about 2 or 3 years ago

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I don't like fat chicks.

friends milf of a mom

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looks decent

>roller blade show
roller skate show if 70s...

yeah if it's a tight pussy, if she's all used up, no.

ewww yes. Nothing kills my bone more than an ugly nose.

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yeah, she definitely does. wouldn't call that ugly tho

How do you rate her ?

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now that's ugly. the quintessential. everything in her face is off, even the dimples.

She looks like a bad drawing of herself

Probably tight, she did a lot of athletics, gymnastics, floor stuff, kept in shape

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bet you she's an alcoholic. doesn't look ugly to me, but old af

An old whale with a dick. 10/10

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might be better with longer hair and a smile. maybe.

how do you know? are you the husband? or are you her?

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Late 50's iirc, yeah

fuck ugly. I'd look the other way.

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Went to school with her.

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I'd hit it for sure.

wish I could say not ugly the left, but those nostrils and the teeth does her in.

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Reading this thread shows exactly why 90% of this boards closest ever contact to a woman was a hug from mother, you don’t just need to lower your standards, you need to drop them off the roof of a tall building

pancake nipples. I'm not a big fan though.

She'd be better with her hair down

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Settling for gross thots is wrong. It is imperative that every man in this thread aims high. Fuck women and cucks like you hold women to a higher standard to do better.

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braces would have helped

the typical all american girl, not ugly, but absolutely average. she will marry a guy named John who is a construction worker.

Ugly or not? Has a big pig nose and wide mouth but I’d definitely smash

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>this picture is funny somehow.
Her face is squished. Her eyes and nose need to be higher up into her fivehead.

not my type, but wouldn't call this ugly

I always thought that was the worst thing she had going for her, never thought it was terrible though

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I'd hit it

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Be honest

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she looks all right

She's not all there upstairs either, so it only adds to the unattractiveness. Looking for a body pic now, claims to be getting 'hotter'

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this is closer to ugly than not. scrawny body makes it worse.

fire and magnets

whale. ugly.

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Crack head?

she's pretty fine. I'd never consider her to be ugly

Better (with the long hair). I'd hit it

You don’t get it, do you? Whilst you’re wasting time deciding if a girl is ugly or not on a Mexican corn processing board, Chad is in the gym, Chad is getting a shower, Chad is getting the high level bitches. Fuck a few uggos and get your dick game rep up, create a larger social circle. Get a job, improve personal hygiene, THEN aim for the high level bitches. Getting Stacey ain’t hard, you social rejects jut make make it hard for yourselves by focusing on women from the get go! You’ll get there one day, champ

same guy as GP - I'm in.

Has done crack before, yes

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this is the mama who will lay down the rules for her children. do I think she's ugly? yeah, a little bit.

Except not really though. Only ones we all agree are ugly are truly hideous. Maybe you're one of them- would explain a lot.

super plain

Bruh I am Chad. I'm on Chinese mango posting board to entertain myself at gym. I have a hot fiance and dont need help.

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I'm only rating 9+'s because I'm not going to waste my time on plebs. (I'm also not just rating their faces but the personality their photo implies.)

So here are the 9+'s (Everyone else can btfo):


My ratings are the only trusted, correct ratings. All other ratings are null and void. Your First Amendment Rights have been canceled. Thank you.

I mean, looks borderline. With enough makeup and a smile, she is redeemable, but it's work to be done.

got a pic where she isnt pulling a stupid face?

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Yes she is. But she has the Hillary Swank level of ugly that if carried that right way, mixed with personality can make her attractive.

looks good. typical woman you find in a club.

looks like Dave Mustaines sister

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Are you finna calling me ugly, champ? Do you want me and a coupla the boys to put your back in that locker you thought you escaped from when high school finished?

"I'd still fuck" isn't a beauty statement

Yes she is. Also, anytime a woman does a goofy looking smile, its because she’s insecure about her face and tries to had a small degree of ugly behind the “haha I just felt like being silly” look.

looks puerto rican. skin is flawless, but not my type in general. ugly? i'd say no.

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cah ringe


the icing on this sinking ship

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Right - it's not the end of the world. Some women look kinda cute with crooked teeth. She is not one of them.

did she just cry her eyes out because her husband fought her? doesn't look ugly.

Quite ugly. Has a manish look to her face. Eyes, lips, and nose look too big for such a tiny head(unless she is using that stupid ass big eyes filter insecure women constantly use)

Also, any pics with her hair down?

Smile, little eyebrow work, and not too bad honestly.

Not many actually

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omg those tits. did she leave them in a bath overnight?

lol, settle down Beavis.

Objectively hot.

Also checked.

Sad thing is they used to be pretty sizable

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astute insight

I was like...she's not that bad. Then I looked down.

Why does she have the stomach of a 60 year old?

Extremely ugly. She looks like the guy who played the head scientist who raised Eleven on Stranger Things

She lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, but trying to tone that excess skin would probably take the rest of her life. Considered lipo

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>she’s not that bad
Are you serious? That face is a train wreck.

Who can we vote is the worse looking female in this thread?

both of them?

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They both are pretty ugly

It's not great, no, but comparatively...

doesn't help she makes this stupid face willingly

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I'd vote for this one I think:

Yeah this face spikes her ugliness level for sure.

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I’d say and has her beat easily

Fugly. Bad shaped nose and lips. Pretty much everything below her eyes drags her down

eyes are kinda bug-eyed too

Great to know it's backed up that she's god awful to look at

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If anyone knows her really well on a personal level (even as just a friend), tell her to never make that face ever again. It's repulsive.

Yea this definitely applies to her

I'll keep that in mind next time I see her

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you wouldn't even have to be rude about it, just the next time she does it when you're alone, tell her it's "not flattering"

Lesbian? Tranny? Some kind of degenerative syndrome?

Has anyone stooped so low as to date this swamp creature?
