Go home from working at CVS, see this what do

Go home from working at CVS, see this what do

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>Ask why my submissive black husband is fucking some inferior white bitch.
>Get his understanding and totally non homophobic mother on the phone
>basically emotionally castrate him for being a traitor to all same gender loving African men.


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Ask why I'm at Op's house.

Go online and apply for a real job

Suck his cock, put it in my girl's pussy, then start eating his filthy nigger shithole until he creampies her.

double murder of course

Ask these two strangers to get out of my house and take the couch I've never seen with them.

tell that nigger my hoe charges by the hour so pay up.

Jerk yourself off with that long ass reciept yall give everyone

>ay nigga where you put my bong at?
and lock myself in my room because i just got a sack of some fire an i dont want to share with him and his white bitch. !

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Start by removing all my clothes revealing my chastity cage, tied with a pink bow, then getting down on my knees and kissing her feet, working my way up to the nipple sucking her rock hard tits, by now he should be fucking her so i go down and lick her clitoris like it's my last meal on death row and I ordered ice cream, he creams the fattest imaginable load into her pulsing stretched pussy then she grabs me by the hair demanding I lick her pussy clean and swallow every last drop while promising if I miss one single sperm cell my cock will never be unlocked again and I'll be forced to raise her bastard black child all while being nothing more than a foot slave who wont ever even get to taste her delicious pussy again

Fake and gay

>no one at CVS actually works

i don't get this shit bros i even tried to be a cuck for the lulz but this fetish no turn me on...

women in general not prefer black "men"

Com is the best lube. I'd prefer it not to be a black guy but as long as he's clean its fun making my gf fuck other guys (which she generally doesn't enjoy) so it feels a little better for me

>sexual control is a fun thing if you can stomach it


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The Game

I don't know you two. why are you fucking in my house? put your clothes on and get out of here.

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Wow that's impressively bad

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I have a white chick and a friend,
we'll gang bang her all night long

It's been a while... just testing to see what kind of encoding might work for the copy pasta. The normal alt + number has been disabled for awhile.

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Ask her to turn over and get that BBC in, so I can fuck her in the ass. DPs are great.

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Call the police as two crack addicts broke into my apartment.

Fuck outta here Gazi, bitch ass nigger

unironically this
you can calm down, you fucking autist..


cry and fap

Make video and join to the fuck

Join in. Perfect position to dp that white whore.

I'd wonder why there's a nigger being crushed by a blow-up doll filled with Peeps on my couch that used to be yellow

>get home
>two strangers fucking on my couch
>call police

Reminder to MODS and the posters of this subversive dgoshit. I am saving every image and every response, to send to the FBI, in a few months. It will be gigs of the same images, same posting style and it will 100%, get you V&.

reminder the thread would have died if you didn't post cause it was at page 10
learn to sage you retard

Too bad, we get 100+ a day anyway. It is going to stop.

how fucking stupid can you be moron? it was at page 10 and you bumped it when it was gonna die just to complain like a fucking retard

yeah because the majority of white men are retarded fucking cucks who can't even figure out how to sage
so much for whites being intelligent

whip my cock out and stick it in his ass raw till he cries like a little bitch


Sauce of this pic????

why would you want to see a white woman fuck a nigger? what are you a fucking faggot?

Attached: elsa-jean-petite-blonde-teenager-big-sex.jpg (900x506, 52K)

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Because I'm a cuck and I love that :)

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all cucks should be executed

i fuck black girls and they love my dick
why cant you just be a real man
what's wrong with you?
if you were a real cuck you'd kill yourself

Think "Why did I have a job at CVS and why are people screwing in my home?"
I ponder how much time I lost.

can you just kill yourself you nigger loving faggot? why would you seriously respond to this disgusting shit?

you just jealous of the black boi getting his ass pussy ravaged, don't worry, i'll be around your place for seconds.

you're just a cuck faggot who doesnt know how to sage and promotes niggers fucking white women like the moron you are
you are the jew's a nigger's bitch

Name of the girl?

exactly. also a lot of people dont realize black men loose out in interracial relationships, so stuff like blacked and such is to their detriment.

every race firstly prefers their own race, except blacks, followed by whites by a large margin, in the case of blacks, it is whites then their own race. Basically any virgin white boy can just fuck a black chick.

can you kill yourself you fucking faggot?
who the fuck wants to know the name of a whore who fucked a nigger? you genetically defective freak end your own life faggot. you're a disgrace

you sound fucking retarded cuck bitch
go promote niggers fucking white women like the cuck faggot bitch you are
you're a fucking disgrace to white people

Bitch i can fuck who i want up the add, but i'll make sure yours is rough. Hope you enjoy fissures and hemmeroids, mate.

Secondly, Niggers can fuck who they want as long as they give me some of that ass pussy.
Pic in the OP looked ugly as fuck so the blacks can fucking have her.

you are a cuckold bitch and you're fucking pathetic

sometimes my wife enjoys being massaged by a weak dicklet who cant get it up

>what do

Get rid of that outdated couch

can you stupid fucking faggots stop bumping the thread or are you retarded?

beastiality, gross

hello there fren

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There is a thread on /qa/, to get this shit stopped. Support it! Stop the madness!

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I think by your own definition you're the cuck if you think black people fucking white girls make you a cuck.

let me tell you, if i am not romantically involved in a girl, who she fucks does not matter. she is just a convenient cock sleeve.

shut up nigger lover
Jews are the ones who want women to fuck niggers

it makes your race cucked you bitch

you sound like a cuck faggot

i dont give a fuck about my race, why should i.
Every time i have had a threesome with 2 girls, are the 2 girls cucking me as i go balls deep inside their pussy?

Why would be sticking my cock inside a black man make me a cuck lmao, shit makes no sense

because niggers fucking your women makes white men which includes you look like cuckold pussies who can't satisfy their women

and? why would i care if i am getting ass and pussy?

because your race is dying you double digit IQ subhuman

after i die i am dead though so who cares

if your dna survives you live on

Get tested because they both have stds.

Cum in my own mouth and french kiss him

can you disgusting faggots stop responding?

and it will. i have had children and their children will have children etc. who fucking cares who they fuck. will still have my dna in it.

if you dont protect your race your children will be mass murdered by niggers

not if they become the niggers

Say: “Honey, y’all keep going. I’m going to get a drink and sit here and watch. I’d like a turn when he’s finished!”

find his dad and give him a word of my opinion
oh wait...

I would already have killed myself for working at CVS.

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Sit back and watch.

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I'd sage thread

oh wow, it's lynching season already?
