i will an hero
pic related, its me
i will an hero
pic related, its me
you wont and you shouldnt
look at me, i cant even smile like a person
plz dont
The rope wont even fit on that neck
>do eet
Plz don't. I loved you in the Blues Brothers
Honestly dude, don't. You look like a really fun guy. Shit gets tough sometimes, we've all been there.
You look normal to me. Studies have shown that people almost always notice a bunch of negative shit about themselves that is either not even noticeable to others or just shit that isnt even wrong with them. If you're just in a shitty situation I've always believed that it's better to just grab all your shit and leave to start fresh rather than kill yourself and never be able to experience relaxation, joy, or even just a fucking nice view ever again.
Don’t do it op
100$ says this asshole on anavar pulls more pussy than all of /fit_ combined
Bro you cant do it now this people are to fucking positive
thanks Yea Forums, i wasnt expecting any kind words from you. shit has been hard for a long time. im a fat autistic fuck, stuck as being the fat funny guy ín any small group of friends ive ever managed to be part of. i am so sick of being sad and hating myself and im too fucking autistic to lose weight and changing
Put this number in your contacts list. Call it when you feel like you want to hurt yourself.
All it takes to lose weight is to replace one meal with protein (literally slimfast) and stop drinking sugar (coke/pepsi/anyfruitjuice/sweettea) and mild exercise. Most people don't realize that they DRINK over 2000 calories a day. It's not that hard (for most people, some guys have a literal obesity gene) Id bet that's not you tho. If my retard cousin can turn into a 250lb body builder with zero willpower so can you.
looks like he has downs, you probably have it too
This! I stopped eating colesterol related foods like fried and res meat. In 2 months I felt better and lost about 10 lbs. Now I just gotta exercise...
Mostly eat salad and chicken. Pretty decent at what a lot of restaurants have if you go out with friends.
I have that phone, are you me?
feels good to be a jackass on the internet when youre anonymous doesnt it
The world is a better place without you
Your eyes look exactly like mine when you smile. It's something I've always hated about myself and seeing someone else who has a similar expression makes me feel less bad.
classic fat people, always want everything to be easy and never put effort into anything
here's an idea idiot, instead of killing yourself, how about you actually start eating vegetables, exercise every day and go outside of your house to find a hobby that interacts with people face to face
maybe then you can lose some weight and feel better and not be some depressed hermit retard who wallows around in self loathing crying about the situation he obviously created for himself by being lazy and retarded
Maybe he worked hard to become a depressed hermit. Maybe all of his life he's dreamed of finally losing enough precious hope that he can finally kill himself. So, making his dream a reality, he put in the hours and became the gross blob of illformed flesh before. You're just an ass. Follow your dreams, OP! You're not a faggot and you can do it!
People like you dont seem to understand that eating a few more vegetables makes a 1000x more difference than exercise. Seriously, run 5 miles and you just burned off a Snickers bar. There's more energy in a hersheys bar than in a stick of dynamite. Next time you tell someone to exercise think about your own diet.