I hate women. Convince me otherwise. All women I've dated have been manipulative, even friends...

I hate women. Convince me otherwise. All women I've dated have been manipulative, even friends. 2019 women have astronomical egos as well. Why god, why can't I just be gay?

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Sounds like you are gay. I mean, you're not attracted to female qualities so...

I am, that's the problem. Fuckers are toxic though.

What did all those women you dated and your friends do to you?

If it's an "everyone but me" situation, it's mostly likely a "you" situation.

Emotionally manipulated me through jealousy and them having power trips over me. Basically guilt tripping me for shit that wasn't my fault, talking to other guys to grab my attention etc

what if im not attracted to male qualities either ?

Well, I see this in my friend's relationships and just observing how a lot of women act in general, that's why I want more opinions.

Sounds like you're better off without all of them bro.
Godspeed OP.

ahhh fuck... sucks

I appreciate that man.

im a girl

just be gay then. didnt you hear? homosexuality is a choice

i should know, im actively choosing to be straight right now

coping faggot detected

it is

good on you user so am i

chopping off your dick doesn't make you a girl

I've actually tried to be romantically invested into one guy before. We had a LOT in common yet I couldn't muster up the emotions for it. Same goes for sexual feelings; I've tried to get off to gay shit and am just unable to.

:( but user-kun... it hasnt been chopped off im fluid

>Why god, why can't I just be gay?
You've come to the right place to convert.

Why can't you just be gay?

Your own mother will be caty and bitch you out for simple shit; jus what girls do.

I guess it's just come innate chemical thing in my brain. I'm too attracted to girly qualities. :(

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So, why can't you just be gay?

You and your friends probably attract ratchet women. People in general are shity. Men and women are both deceitful creatures. Typically speaking, when you're older, generally both people in the relationship are genuinely more honest with eachother.

Besides, being gay won't solve your problems, gay relationships are just as stressful or complicated as any other relationship. I'm literally a faggot with a husband, and if you want "opinions" or "advice" for your bad experience with women, youre better off focusing on yourself and stop worrying about pleasing some cunt.

I'm right with you user. The common woman has become a selfish, hedonistic, evil human who's socially convinced that they're the center of the universe. Their erratic behavior is now recognized as "expressing yourself" they have no character and are often times nothing but a burden to those around them. Especially proudly single women. No one likes them. The only girls I've ever met worth pursuing are heavily involved religious types who seek fulfillment in family and service to a deserving man. First, become a man deserving a good woman in every sense, become passionate about something and show it. Then you'll see the right kind of women

That's kind of what I've been doing. Been lifting 5 times a week for the past 2 years, got pretty buff and have been focusing on my mental health. But I've also been living alone for the past 3+ years, so I'm isolated and looking for answers. I've heard that women "get better" the older you get, but I haven't seen that come to fruition (out of college already). Almost every girl I interact with have stupidly large egos about themselves, and it seems like there isn't a genuine woman out there, or it might be because I'm susceptible to manipulation. IDK

im not gay though >

You date garbage women, maybe improve your self worth and not date garbage women.
>proven wrong.

I feel ya OP, every day my hatred for women grows as I keep being reminded about how I'm constantly being rejected by women who aren't absolute gutter trash because I'm ugly. I've done the usual experiments on dating apps using a fake profile pic (and openly stating it's fake) and talked to women just fine and had them interested in meeting me and seeing my real pic, and upon showing them my real face they say "thanks but no thanks" or ghost me. No matter how charming, intelligent, and playfully flirty I am it means nothing since I'm ugly. It's maddening, and it builds up my hatred for myself and women every day.

> >

Maybe the problem is in fact your partner selection process.

>garbage women
Why does everyone say that? Every girl I've dated I guess put on a "facade" of being a nice, genuine girl and in the end turned out to be manipulative, terrible people. Every single one. So how do I trust girls to not be that? Where do I find these mystery women?

Maybe your ingestible personality is so pathetic they lose interest so fast youre left with question...more than likely so. Stop ptetending you are "impervious" to fallacy and just live life you fucking wastebag

Stop trying so fucking hard, be you and you will arive

my advice is to read Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo and The Mystery Method. It can set you in a better more optimistic framework - build on your social skills - and give you some decent tools to approach and escalate with women.

I.E. ive never not been me, whether that offends some fucking snowflake, or hurts some grill lovation, I dont care, life isnt linear and the more you think it is, the less you live

I'm 32 and I'm just seeing leftover women that have been through the wringer with a bucket of kids, or they still think and act lile they're in their early 20s and if a guy doesn't find them attractive then they obviously must be gay.

All the good quality women are paired up already. There's no hope for us. I've just being trying to eliminate the emotional need within me to be with a woman, I've been at it for years and I just can't kill it. I don't know what to do.

Self help books only help those who have no control

>still thinking being gay is not a choice

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Self help is essentially religion, just remember that

Being gay is a choice user.
The wrong choice

I'm not trying hard at all, actually I've given up ever since my last Tinder endeavor (I know not at all the most optimal place to meet women). I just want more straight to the point, anecdotal experiences of meeting good, women. I want non-theoretical non-analogical advice. I want a genuine human to be genuinely romantically interested in me with no caveats, yet, it's so hard to find personally. That's what I'm looking for.

dafuq u talking about? It's a framework for understanding dating mechanisms, not a fucking belief system

women aren't all bad, sounds sort of like the perspective of an unattractive person

I've dated quite a few women and had female friends, some are awful people, some are good people, some are trustworthy, and for some reason I find lesbians that want to play the man role are often just cunts for no good reason

as for the egos thing, this leads me to believe you're just unattractive, I've never experienced this ego thing beyond women having self respect (not wanting to look like easy whores) and I find generally women the be much easier to deal with than men

Op is a faggot. the end.

Don't reply to posts you haven't read kid, go take your "maybe YOU'RE the problem!" low IQ responses to people who haven't heard it all before, you child

Never forget, you're fighting against hypergamy.

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I can, without a doubt, say I'm not unattractive. I don't necessarily have a problem finding women that are, face value, sexually attracted to me. (bars, clubs, tinder match rate etc). Just, in my experience, none of these women have came out to be genuinely good people. And with the ego thing, I think it's reinforced by just how society has evolved to give women more worth I guess and men less? I think that's a stereotypical "incel"-esque mindset but I've very much experienced it myself.

I made it to tindr and gave up.
>go out

T. me
6'2, blonde, blue eyes.
Average-ish face.

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I've tried bars, but the culture surrounding bars in a college town is too toxic for me and not the type of place I would want to meet a girl. All my other social outings and hobbies are very densely male. I don't know where to even start.

I'm not sure how you've never met a woman who was a good person, that's like saying you've never met a guy that was good person, you're basically surrounded by average to good people all day if you interact with people

as far as women having more value, that isn't society, that's biology, it applies to virtually every species that undergoes pregnancy to reproduce, a girl risks 9 months of pregnancy for a fuck a guy risks a good feeling spurting out of his dick and possibly having a girl tell him he's not that attractive if he tries to fuck her

that's about it, that's life mate, if you hate women because they reject you that's understandable especially if you're unattractive and most of them reject you, but most guys can try to work on that and at least make it bearable to where they have a regular dating life

but if you think all women are just evil cunts in general that just likely means you are just not actually around women often or have a sour view from your only interactions being sexually derived and mostly or all unsuccessful

are you like only meeting women at clubs and bars or something?

Well that's where I think you're wrong. Even in my friend group, where there is some women in it, they have told me about their disgusting dating life when in college. They had too much choice and abused the fuck out of, which maybe where the problem I'm facing stems from. It might be my city, or whatever. I haven't been "rejected" in a while, but I get why you assume that. I've just developed major trust issues with women, and have yet to be proven wrong by anybody, that's all. I just think at least in my dating culture in my city, women abuse people like me I guess? Maybe it is a ME problem, but I don't know lol.

I've met girls in college, through friend circles, Tinder and bars. Most of them turn out to be nice on the outside, and once they find out my weaknesses throughout the relationship (being possibly nice, giving, getting jealous when they talk to other men endearingly) they abuse it and keep it over my head. They get worse and worse throughout the relationship, getting more and more toxic. I really do not know if it's just be being susceptible to this behavior or what.

theme for Yea Forums tonight
come to Jesus

I'd never want to convince you otherwise. Women are horrible. They're manipulative, then feel justified for breaking the rules they set and some how you're the enemy again. They're terrible

hmm, I sort of know what you mean, like for example I've seen a contrast in between friends where for example my closest female friend goes from boyfriend to boyfriend, stays monogamous and stays loyal, I've never in 12 years of knowing her seen her cheat on a single guy shes dated and I assume that applies to me as well (we dated in highschool)

but her best friend when we were younger got around, especially when we were in highschool, there was a point where she was dating 2 guys at the same time and had them both convinced it was a monogamous thing and I saw her cheat on countless boyfriends and went through new boyfriends almost every 2-3 weeks for a while, she's got a super high body count, despite her dating life she's still fine to hang out with, like she isn't annoying or anything or evil, she's definitely untrustworthy to date or what ever but that's sort of what I mean

how do you see every girl as evil or what ever? I get that some are skanks but some aren't dude, it's no different then guys, my best friend and roomate cheats all the time, I don't say shit but I haven't cheated on any of the girls I've been with, it's just different people doing different things

and as far as the bars go, it's the worst place to experience ''ego'' as you put it, girls go out to show off, they're half the time more trying to impress their friends and get hammered then they are hunting for dick and unless their friends think the guy is out of their league or they are drunk and just want dick then they are likely going to snub him, sometimes they'll snub guys that they even like if they are out clubbing just to try to impress their friends

clubs/bars are pretty shitty places to get a real feel for actual woman compared to just like say asking a girl on a date that you know from friends or campus or work

character assassination, manipulation, deception. those are the tools in their shed.

Wrong. Dating/fucking the same species is and will always be the only choice. Eat shit for the try at placing importance on genitals. You're not dating genitals, jackass.

I guess just anecdotally I've had no success in finding genuine women. I've had some friends (girls) who are decent people, but I guess in general all my relationships end with me calling them out for manipulation, and them trying to guilt trip me over it for "making them feel like a bad person". It's happened so many times to the point where I feel like I'm not just really unlucky. It might be my city, the type of girl I'm personally attracted to or whatever, but there's just so much telling me that the majority of girls will manipulate the hell out of me and that it's not worth engaging with any of them. I'm just personally lead to believe through social medias, what some people are saying in this thread, and anecdotal experiences to trust literally no women. So, should I change what age of girls I'm looking for? What key archetypes do I look for in women to lead me to believe they're good people? Should I look in a different city? etc.

>I hate women.
All the more for me.
Thanks incel boy.

Read the fucking thread before posting faggot

Im honestly not sure what you should do, maybe just keep meeting more women and be more picky about who you date beyond picky about what they look like actually ask yourself what you admire in a person and see if you can find a girl that's like that to date

Oldfag here. Dude, they are all pieces of shit. If there were no sex, they would be lower than dogs in human hierarchy.

Yea that's what I'm feeling right now lol. I just need to find only one girl anyways, it's just rough. I'll try and switch things up when it comes to what girls I'm talking to, though. Thanks for responding.

Sounds like women are people by the way you describe them.

Cause in dating it's always the mans fault/lack of effort. Had the same experience people won't even consider there might be a general trend among women, that cause mens disenchantment with the other gender.

This is basically my stance right now.

Just step down and date a fatty that makes good money and likes sucking dick. You wont want to fuck her but bjs man.

>Why god, why can't I just be gay?
I have often thought the same thing. If there was a faggot pill, I would take it, and be done with them altogether. Women are garbage and they invariably get worse as they age.
t. oldfag, had plenty of pussy and on second marriage

You obviously need to buy a fuck doll. They make some very hot ones if you shop around, for less than $1000. She will never give a bit of trouble. It's just a little tedious to have to clean them out after you fill them up.

It's a reasonable stance to hold and you'll find scientific minds and theories that support your world view. just don't expect the average person to go along with it.
Personally I can recommend the books by Esthar Villar. It's not that easy to accept, but I wholeheartedly believe she wrote down the way society seems to work in many ways.
Spoiler alert: the main benefactors are extremely rich guys and women in relation to their social status.

E.g. men wanting to rape is a horrible thing and no women would ever profit from bringing a male into a mode, where he'll ignore all law and conventions, for a chance to touch her body. Now how could that circumstance ever be abused by women to manipulate horny men?
men and women have different ways to exact their power, women however are very careful not to show off their tactics and claim weakness and servitude, so big strong men will feel good, helping them out.

> inb4 sexist, doesn't work that way, are you retarded

There's no need to be a part of the breeding industry. It's a scam from day one and both sides know it.

Women always claim that they want "the nice guy" but, given a choice, they always gravitate towards "the bad boy" because they have a psychologically-built in desire to breed rather than form relationships.

They are socially-drawn towards "Bad boy" personalities because they feel that they are more likely to have successful offspring with them than "the nice guy." However, once they have their offspring, their brains undergo physical changes where they want "the nice guy" to care for their offspring.

So, in short, they go after the bad boy to have their kids but then they want you, the nice guy, to help them raise it.

It's a scam. Avoid it.

I love it, when people try to tell me, I'll find love later, when they've settled down and don't have anything left to offer.
> men are terrible, all they want is a sexy young women
Yeah, that's been my stance for decades now, maybe get with the program.

I work in an office filled with divorced women that have kids.

If guys talked the way they talk about their ex's, they'd be fired within a day. Nope. That's only a small slice of the asymmetrical battlefield we have to navigate every single day.

Women talk that they want the nice guy but lust after the bad boy. They get the bad boy, pop out a kid, THEN they want the nice guy to take care of them.

Nope. Not getting scammed into that.

I've been saving my money for an early retirement. Find your sugar daddy elsewhere.

ever try sticking your dick in the ground

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Today’s women do have astronomical egos.
They aren’t self aware at all..
They define themselves based on how many likes or followers they get.

i understand we're in water right now, but

It sounds like you are toxic.

Maybe I'm narrow minded on that or tend to have atypical souroundings, but I notice far more women engaging in stereotypically bad behaviour, usually attribute to men, than I do see men do that.
Which leads me to the assumption, that a lot of what women complain about, is simple projection.
> i know I do it, he's worse than me, so he must be doing it too and for worse reasons than me!

It's almost as if those jughead/players/dating coaches are right, with their theories on what dictates a womens behavior.

Read the thread before posting. Ty.

Open bobes and vaj

>Emotionally manipulated me
Oh, you're a pussy then. Women don't emotionally manipulate people they are not in relationships with because people who are not your SO don't have any power over you, and even then.... unless you're a complete pussy. Stop being a complete pussy.

Get the fuck out of the thread you literal virgin lmfao

I agree with this

Insecurity brings in more insecurity and that leads to toxicity on both ends
Solution: Stop being insecure you retarded faggot

This is the answer OP

>I hate women.

What an incel.

Read the f u c k i n g thread you dipshit. I'm tired of faggots reading OP's headline and nothing else. If you have nothing to contribute, don't post you fucking nigger.

possible troll positions you could take in this thread:

>pretend to be a girl
>disagree with OP with a one liner, no explanation
>"no, it's just you, no one else has ever experienced this or ever will"
>ad hom, call him homo, the most obvious thing
>le so randumbbbb made up stories
>greentexting something stupid about being gay
>posting a 10+ year old info graphic

what the fuck am i missing.

That avoidance tho. Okay pussy bitch you're right, it's the girls fault. The giwls who tew you wat to fink and do so you fink it. I'll put it by another name: beta, coward, incel

Ok insecure retarded faggot

>A romantic, emotionally engaging relationship where trust is explicitly needed, and if someone crosses a line of trust it's "cowardly" to be offended
You're right.

Simple don't put up with it. Let it slide that they are manipulating you the first few times or let them get there way all the time just reinforces that behavior. Women like a man who can say no a man who is a man. Be a bitch and let them walk all over you and they will


What a virgin. Or a bitch.

Because their vibrating on low frequency consciousness and have past ego problems


>Literally train the bitch