Unpopular but necessary opinions on what girls/guys/whoever think of a guy with a little pecker
Unpopular but necessary opinions on what girls/guys/whoever think of a guy with a little pecker
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Your showboat is lame.
They don’t really impress and probably a guy with a little Johnson somewhat invented love as the word now is to get laid
Are you a dude or a girl?
I've always had a SPH fetish and it turns me on when a woman says shit like "are you in?" Or "I can't feel you at all" because it's so slutty and demeaning.
Problem is I'm thicker and longer than a Red Bull can. Only time I've believed a woman when she said this is when I dated a girl who wanted to try fisting and she was already stretched out a lot and she got sore before I could finish
>feels bad man
smol dick is aesthetically pleasant and fun to play with but something bigger is needed to fuck my ass
I’ve always been unashamed when I’m strolling the locker room, or when someone sees me naked.. that’s why I’m posting with full face. Proving I I know that I’m small and I don’t care
Their name is probably Donald Trump
I know for me personally, (femanon) it’s an actual deal breaker. Fuck all that saying with “it’s how you use it” because there’s not much you can do with it! It only feels semi pleasing if my legs are up above my head. That’s only fun sometimes. Shit gets old and kinda hurts after a while. I love doggy style as well. It doesn’t help my self esteem either being with a little guy because it makes me feel loose. I liked to be FUCKED. You cant do that with a small wiener, sadly. I wish it wasn’t that way but it is. So I guess if your girl isn’t a freak or cums easily, than sure it might work. Not for me tho :/
U a boy or girl? And what if u like someone with a small dick?
What has happened when you were getting in bed with someone with a small pecker?
boy, could just use toys to fuck me, Id let you fuck me too but doubt that would be pleasurable especially for you. Could may as well be good even if doubt it, every dick is special
What if I like the humiliation of knowing other people are talking about or laughing at how small I am? Or what if I like watching someone else have to Use a dildo or get fucked by another man to get off while I watch?
YES. It annoys me so much when I meet a great guy who's handsome as heck and when it's time for it... It's small and there's nothing either of us can do about it.
"How you use it" is something we say to spare your feelings but the sad truth is if I'm having sex, I want it to feel like I'm actually being fucked senseless.
I've been in relationships with guys who were on the average to smaller end and I always had to break it off in the end because sex was unfulfilling no matter how many positions/toys/roleplaying happens.
Put a wig on and id happily marry you
holy shit I would stare at you in the locker room.
have you ever wanted to play with another guy's big dick? I would play swords with you
Meet me on dirtyroulette in about 30 mins. I'll humiliate you and make you cum watching me stroke my big dick
>has small peepee fetish
>peepee big
Are you me?
No, just a dick brother. I even went so far as to buy my GF a huge dildo just so that I could hear her say that I was smaller than the toy she used but she can't really take it and cried the few times I watched her use it.
>big dicks are overrated
>wish I had a tiny 'are you in?' Cock
That's not little, its a micropenis
Micropenis is 2.8" or smaller. I think he's too big. I've seen literal micropenis haha.
Want to see a macropenis?
From a guy perspective? Most guys I know will straight up not see you as a man but then again most guys I know are dbags. From a girls perspective? One of my fuck buddies said her ex was small but she didn’t care cause they made it work but at the same time she was happy that when we had sex we didn’t have to “make it work”. Being bigger is fun. Wish mine was a bit bigger and I’m not even small
Big boi gib me ur cummies.
that some kike shit on your upper chest?
also: cicumcised = fuck that oven dodgery.
Female sexuality is more mental and emotional than male sexuality.
If you set the mood, indulge in the foreplay, use your hands and your mouth etc... and get her all worked up, just the sensation of "he's inside me!" Can be enough to make a woman orgasm.
Big dick, little dick, what matters isnt how you use your dick, what matters is how you use every part of your body.
Also, moan. Lotta guys dont moan, but girls love to hear their man moan.
And flex your dick when you cum. It gives a "pulse" sensation when you cum and if she isn't cumming already, she will be soon after feeling that.
Ngl Going to fuck a guy and realizing he has a small dick is a pretty big let down. Personally it would affect whether or not I'm attracted to you and I couldn't be in a relationship with a guy whos dick is that small unless I can have a guy on the side to satisfy me sexually.
>Female sexuality is more mental and emotional than male sexuality.
Male sexuality is extremely mental like female sexuality. You're right that it's less emotional though.
Just do 69. No choking hazard and he can fuck you with the biggest blackest dildo you have.
last time daddy plugfucked me while sucking me off best i ever felt
Bunch of male trolls posting in this thread
M or f? Not a deal breaker either way but want to know what to expect before I commit
whatever, you should be ashamed of that naruto tattoo, cringing HARD rn
I'm a guy haha.
do you guys say no homo when you compare dick sizes together?
Judging by OPs tatoos in his pic he says:
>no shlomo
>then he jerks off a circumcised dude
Nothing like a kosher frank
>or kosher Frank's frank
Well yeah or else we'd just be a couple of faggots looking at each others dicks
Some chicks don't care. I sure as fuck don't because not gay.
As long as you can cum and impregnate a woman, you just need to find the right woman.
Overheard my own mother talking about how small i am with my sisters and snickering.
Dude, when you get older, you just won't care.
Concentrate on your finances. Invest in the stock market. Get a second job and have that be your "investment job."
By your mid-40s, you'll be single but so financially stable you'll be decades ahead of other ppl who went the breeding route. I'm 48 and have already started pre-retirement activities. By 52, I should be done w the world while they're worried about their kids in college or such tripe.
Trust me; Marriage is a sham. Money is where it matters.
Hebrew National
>cocktail size weenies
I’m small and I’ve never been foolish enough to believe that “size doesn’t matter” or that “how you use it” crap. I know it matters, which is why I’ve never let anyone closer than arms length. And it’s hilarious how people think I’m a man slut simply because I am honest with my opinions since I always take anything a female says to me as friends only.
This sounds sad, mate.
Man, you sure showed them
Nothing sad about it. While everyone else is grousing about their wives or exes or bratty kids, I've started planning out my retirement.
Maybe I'll have a 'beer & pretzels' job just to have incidental money around but I plan on shutting it all down in a few years.
If I follow your advice I will die alone and bitter.
I've never really cared. I like dick in my mouth and that's really all I go for sexually.
Don't say that I didn't warn you.
What do you mean? I’ve always been well off. I’ve pretty much always had everything I wanted materially. It’s not enough for me to be fulfilled. I wish I could be happy alone but it’s just not possible for me.