Fuck dolls

Fuck dolls

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Honestly what site did you go to for these. And what country/state you in? I don't understand some folks saying it's illegal in their state....

only loli dolls are banned and only in Florida Tennessee and Kentucky. what counts as a loli doll is anyone's guess tho

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How Beta are you that your sex doll won't let you nut in her??

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Where to get?

You suck, just fucking accept it.

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I knew you were here lurking

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hgdoll is a good vendor but there are many others

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Pat head.

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please with sugar on it spam the diaper threads too thank you

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your nails are dirty.

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i work

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Santa will turn old man's nutsack into his next toy bag.

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use fucking soap.

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Any more cum shot vids?

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He's been a naughty boy santa.

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i guess i just didn't clean under my fingernails in that pic

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Have you ever done scat or pee stuff with your dolls


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this hurts the samantha

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>Have you ever done scat or pee stuff with your dolls

You fuckin weirdo.

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Hop on faggots

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Don't mind if I do!

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Bruh, why you gotta do me dirty like that

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Oh my!

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it’s a bitch to clean dummy

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their mouths are open and waiting for your cock, give it to them blomold guy!

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that's a little strange, don't you think?.

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they are DROOLING for that HOT blowmold guy cock, why would you keep them waiting user?

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>they are DROOLING for that HOT blowmold guy cock, why would you keep them waiting user?
Not for spidey?

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that's up to blowmold guy, if you want a taste of them then ask blowmold guy.

I actually miss spidey at this point. That blowmold guy creeps me out.

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I mean, atleast spiderbro uses memes to derail. blowmold guy isn't even funny.


Spiderman confirmed for not knowing what he's doing, and confirmed for not caring.

I think yall might of hurt blowmold fags feelings...

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The new bitcoin. Giving yall a heads up cause this shit is like a demonoid invite. Download the app called "pi" on your phone and if it asks who invited you its @Chocoboy cause the app wont open unless you have a referral.1

Honestly been thinking about getting a sex doll for awhile now but not sure if I want to pull that trigger

This is the ugliest motherfucking pile of rubber and metal that I've ever seen.

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>dem fingers

also I cropped this pic out of a porn pic months ago thinking "I gotta fin a way to use this" and now it is the perfect reaction pic

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Can I get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh trips


oh shit oh fuck


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If it’s not Sasha don’t post it

i love Sasha too, but how can you not like Bel

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not so up to date on memes here, why are fuckdoll threads attacked by spammers


I'm getting a DSdoll but they said that its not meant for standing. How do I make her stand on her own?

It’s just her face

i think there is a hole that goes through the top of the head that you can hang them from. you can also have them lean on things so they look like they are standing if you are careful

Bel has a cute face

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Fucking faggot pedo kys.

that's not a very nice thing to say

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>that's not a very nice thing to say
Who cares? Being a pedo is a lot worse than anything. Kill that pile of shit.

Because they genuinely think that if they spam hard enough something they don't like on Yea Forums, they can make it go away. I think that's the saddest sentence I've ever typed.

>Because they genuinely think that if they spam hard enough something they don't like on Yea Forums, they can make it go away. I think that's the saddest sentence I've ever typed.
Good, lmao you fucking looser, go die already.

Why would I die? I'm in decent health.

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>Why would I die? I'm in decent health.
Gimme your address, that could change very fast.

>I mean, atleast spiderbro uses memes to derail. blowmold guy isn't even funny.
neither is childsexdoll guy funny

I don't even own a dress.

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nice pic

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>I don't even own a dress.
Dont worry, your time will come to an end soon faggot.

It isn't mine. I saved it from one of these threads way back. I don't own a doll.

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dollbros can be funny, they just aren't trying every thread. I'm sure they would run out of ideas if they did. the "sadie's big ass toilet roll" collection is my fav.

Trust me, I am not worried at all.

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>dollbros can be funny, they just aren't trying every thread. I'm sure they would run out of ideas if they did. the "sadie's big ass toilet roll" collection is my fav.

>Trust me, I am not worried at all.
Not me, karma, faggot.

I'm already dead user, I'm a ghost possessing this computer so I can talk with you anons.



I have committed no acts that would earn bad karma.

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>I have committed no acts that would earn bad karma.
Keep thinking that, idc. Itll catch up with you.

spammer*, singular
random randos wandering through is the same for any thread. there is one pent up little autistic dicklet that just cant help but keep doll threads bumped for eternity and has an unhealthy obsession with religion and holidays involving children.


there is a hole, but i just use shoes. as long as you support the feet/ankle they can stand for short periods without damage.

dont use shoes and you get dimples/marks in the feet.

Attached: DSC_0532.jpg (3000x4496, 1.73M)

>I'm already dead user, I'm a ghost possessing this computer so I can talk with you anons.
Nah, you just save pedo doll pics to post for them so you're just their puppet.

>spammer*, singular
>random randos wandering through is the same for any thread. there is one pent up little autistic dicklet that just cant help but keep doll threads bumped for eternity and has an unhealthy obsession with religion and holidays involving children.
U mad lol




imagine being gay

fuck off with your moral god complex. laws are in place to protect the innocent. if you have a problem with the way they work then tell your local politician or whatever. telling anons to kill themselves online isn't gonna stop kids from being harmed. You know what will? passing laws that ACTUALLY have thought put into them. not just scare-tactics like is with the ones for banning child dolls. banning sexdolls don't do anything but make a community feel like they are safer for not actually doing anything.
you are acting like when a toddler first learns they can say "no"
kys kys kys kys kys
litteraly the same thing a toddler would do, but just a different saying.


>fuck off with your moral god complex. laws are in place to protect the innocent. if you have a problem with the way they work then tell your local politician or whatever. telling anons to kill themselves online isn't gonna stop kids from being harmed. You know what will? passing laws that ACTUALLY have thought put into them. not just scare-tactics like is with the ones for banning child dolls. banning sexdolls don't do anything but make a community feel like they are safer for not actually doing anything.
>you are acting like when a toddler first learns they can say "no"
>kys kys kys kys kys
>litteraly the same thing a toddler would do, but just a different saying.
Lmao. Kys.

You baited yourself, you lost man.

have a heart attack you lost big time. why are you like this?

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you do know other anons can reply to your post, right?
you aren't dm'ing user, we are on a public board.

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Cutie alert cutie alert

I do know that. You're just defending a peice of shit retard is all you're doing. He cried to you and you fought for him, grats.

Is this the og Sasha user or did you save these

I saved these.

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evil rick roll

that's such a big assumption user. I don't know the other user, he did not come "crying" to me.
you are the only one crying here.

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the evil ricks be rollin tonight


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>that's such a big assumption user. I don't know the other user, he did not come "crying" to me.
>you are the only one crying here.
He quit, that's all that matters. Lmao and youarebdefending his weak ass.

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Fuck you whore

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The Pippi set's breddy gud too.


Fuck you nigger

Couldnt post immunity dog because of photo limit :(


well shit


well, how about a new doll thread then?

damn you


Yes please.

Kill yourself or your mother dies in her sleep. Nothing can prevent this.

Oh shii

can you link vid



Fuck you

I verified this with palm trees



Fuck you

Fuxk you





Fuck you


Holy wow. Wish I can have one.




Ur a fagget


Any good vendors that sell regular dolls not sayong these arnt what im looking for but yea just a taller doll



where to find some doll fuck videos?



fuck you