Hunger games first 24 maybe 36

Hunger games first 24 maybe 36

Criminal activity

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Liu Kang

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Attached: Nerf9.jpg (1280x720, 76K)


Attached: Rigs.png (84x110, 7K)


Attached: wa.jpg (91x214, 6K)


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Orange Hat

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The Man

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The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832K)


Attached: lul.png (353x595, 325K)

LK boyfriend

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Attached: Enigma 10.jpg (1280x720, 95K)


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Attached: cool_cape.jpg (753x1062, 138K)

A coconut green with a giant nut in the center

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Chan the not a Fed horse

Attached: Chan.png (82x118, 10K)

You didnt tell us you had a female ersion

How are we looking? ready to get down to business?

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It's a surprise to me too

Attached: Cya_fags.png (569x403, 162K)

Ready to crime

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Attached: Liu_kang.gif (276x316, 29K)

Lets roll

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Attached: 4.gif (650x650, 112K)

We begin!

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>Musaigen no Phantom World
You're welcome.

Attached: Nerf49.jpg (480x480, 47K)

Good luck

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Looks like the D and Enigma love story will never get to happen

Listen to Mina, she's been slinging rocks since she was 10

>implying you can defeat the overlord.
LK needs to get his BF under control.

Attached: 03.jpg (670x1806, 351K)

One dead for the day. SAD!

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F Enigma, took the day 1 bullet for me.

Attached: boi.png (1001x767, 578K)

܂Goodluck Megumi!
District 12 got this

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Mina please, rekt threads are not healthy to watch

LMW-tan gets passed up by some lame media

Lefty is not going to be happy about this D.

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This thot trynna talk down to Chan, Chan MADE those commandments

2 more meet their maker.

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Don't worry, it was on the right hand

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LMW-tan found it! Rigs mix tape! We thought it was lost to the ages, but its just as fire as the day he made it. Just ask megumi how she go that hole in her head.

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Arbiter.. Rook.. lets talk about where in the planning process this went wrong.

Where'd you get medical training Aki?

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Attached: 09.png (670x656, 112K)

This bad boy can nerveGas an entire sinagoge under 5 minutes!

Thanks lads

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Did it work tho

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More bad planning huh? two more to the morgue I guess

Rigs is glowing in the dark!

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Uh oh.

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Attached: 524.jpg (936x809, 524K)

You weren't going to last long with all that suspicious behavior Rigs.

Liu! please, Aki needs her sleep, plus I'm sure this is some how illegal

This is called aim 101 by LMW-tan.

tl;dr, she paid Reimu and Marisa.

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Chan you fucking nigger brony fuck oh shit Ahhhhhh!
* blazes *

Attached: rigsinnotredame.jpg (760x428, 334K)

That was lethal, then.

Attached: ded.jpg (1988x1988, 670K)

Omae wa

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RIP you

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Tsugu I'm sorry. You're cool and all but this is just the law here

A stick? Don't you have a razor hat?

Have you ever pulled a gun on a cop? I haven't, thats why I'm still alive.

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I'm more impressed that a horse was able to utilize a gun, still.. AIM PROPERLY

He's just a lowly Avoca- Coconut.. he couldn't afford your life burglar.

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You may have a point

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Second one's down, how are you doin' ova there?

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WTF Chan

Wow, you guys really have to avoid the police better.

She was just borrowing 7 dollars.

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Its time for the gangs to sit down for a meeting.. too bad some sticky greedy finger ruin the peace.

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The furry fella is about to get neutered

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Ded, dedder, deddest, deddomst?

Attached: 19.png (670x1130, 271K)

Time for bets! The two last remaining crime bosses are meeting for a drug deal! LMW-tan has the goods, HispaHelicoptero has the cash, but only one of them is walking out of this one alive.


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Betting on LMW-tan

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C´mon Juanjo, Chadou, Cirno, Hispacan, Hispita, Pepe, Gusana, Chad, and the rest (all those people are from the hispahelicoptero)

This is what happens when you get high on your own supply, you get sloppy. This was your last mistake!

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thanks for the game.

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Congrats Hispahelicoptero
Thank you for hosting Madotsuki

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Thanks for hosting

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Thanks for hosting

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Grats spicopter and thanks for the game Mado

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Gracias por hostear negro.

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Thanks for playing everyone.

Congrats on your win friend.

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Thanks for hsoting

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Drunk AMA

If you bump it. I will come.

Swear. I just need to fill up my drink.

new game!?!?!?!?



Serious question, where is this character from? google says nothing. Like like a good, old game, anyone know?

Fuck niggers

Thank you as well.

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Bump bitches

I'm setting up.

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The orcish nightbalde unit is from a mod called Legend of the Invincibles, but theres a bunch of mods for it

Whats good JC

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JC is back in town!

Attached: wow.jpg (1200x1600, 178K)

he came yesterday
>and so did i

New thread in 2.

You, hoss. You.

Till the shitbirds get me b& again anyway.

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Dayum son

Who do I have to stab?

I'm happy for you.. I think..

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Thanks, user.

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