

Attached: 297.jpg (687x1223, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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very nice

Attached: 76560310_p0.jpg (868x868, 58K)

Akarin the nice cute postere whom i love very much
very nice nice nice nice nice postere that i like a really much

Attached: 1517031342160.png (700x700, 407K)

double nigger?

hello, Yui
liked, too
you are
by me

Attached: Dpyhv3jUwAcZoMP (1).jpg (929x1356, 143K)


Attached: 35675.gif (200x200, 61K)


Attached: 140.jpg (535x858, 156K)

are too
i am
me do
by me
like you

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Attached: Konata783.jpg (653x518, 202K)

i don't

Attached: 1517750631546.jpg (800x800, 97K)

my sleep schedule is fucked, and i'm going to sleep now
hopefully i will die in my sleep
if i don't, see you tomorrow
or something
have a nice rest of your night

have a nice night

Attached: DmuwuIoUwAA75-j.jpg (584x734, 35K)

aww okay, sleep well
please don't die in your sleep, i want to talk to you tomorrow.
i will see you tomorrow
or something
have a great rest of your night and a great sleep, friend
i love you

Attached: 69938888_p0.jpg (1590x976, 282K)

anime nigger

you too
lets talk again
some time

Attached: 316.png (283x203, 114K)

Hello Aki!

Attached: 1561081160343.jpg (914x1200, 414K)

Real nigger

Attached: Konata721.png (1659x586, 807K)

Hello Konata :)

Attached: 1564461426657.jpg (1072x1200, 603K)

Hallo pink waifu, how are you doing?

Attached: Konata703.jpg (1385x800, 717K)

hello fren !
do you wanna play now!
we just killed the wall!

Attached: 13.jpg (923x923, 281K)

I'm good thanks :)
I hope you are good too, hopefully you aren't stressing too much

Attached: 1559518498388.png (750x1018, 557K)

aaa! I'm sorry I have to leave for work soon :(
You guys are making good progress though!
Maybe one day I'll be able to join

Attached: 1539524613353.png (1080x1920, 1.51M)

I was playing with aki but my head hurts so i stopped
You should play with him someday, its the big fun

Attached: Konata455.jpg (891x1185, 558K)

I would really love to, but it's just really hard with e timezone :(
I love Terraria so much it's one of my favourite games :) Hopefully I can join for a little bit soon. You should get some rest Konata

Attached: 1542835124296.jpg (816x1200, 747K)

I still need to make work i cant sleep :c
Also maybe you can play with aki at least like one hour, he connects like at 10 am (utc +8)

Attached: Konata489.png (640x450, 202K)

Maybe I could play for a little bit sometime, it would be a lot of fun.
Try and get some sleep! Maybe warm up some milk... That could possilly help get you in the sleepy mood

Attached: 1550414291169.jpg (1000x1291, 687K)

Im just gonna end work and sleep
Hope to see you with aki some day

Attached: Konata476.png (800x620, 426K)

Have a happy day or night.

Attached: H34.jpg (1280x1810, 802K)

I hope so too :)
Enjoy your sleep Konata!
Sweet Dreams

Attached: 1562704434529.jpg (1800x2400, 322K)

aw okay one day :)
sorry we are so far ahead

Attached: 156.png (725x720, 1.02M)


Attached: 123.png (1117x891, 1.25M)

Don't worry it's okay!
It's always been difficult for me to do things with others around the world

Attached: 1563515684078.jpg (850x1200, 493K)

Happy night

Attached: Konata961.jpg (2000x1333, 529K)

what are you doing tomorrow?
i dont work the day after so we can try then :)

Attached: 72.png (250x250, 68K)

I work tomorrow too but I'll be home around this time! Maybe I can come and join for a while then :)

Attached: 1550537084868.jpg (850x914, 538K)

i hope so:)
i might need another form of contact for you to join the server >.>

Attached: 322.jpg (872x916, 67K)

Just helped some cousins move a big t.v. out of the house, how's your night been friends?

Attached: 1397669667985.jpg (810x810, 251K)

Would you like my Discord?

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Attached: 189.jpg (500x536, 67K)

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Well, here you go!

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krooh pyyh zzzz....

Attached: 1540199422668.jpg (1200x1200, 117K)

I didn't catch that, could you please post it again. I'm totally not a stranger, you can trust me...

Attached: 52oer4L.png (280x280, 170K)

who in the heck picked me up and placed here!!
you were suppose to prote..
i mean i was protecting you where did you go!!.!.!?!?
am lost again!!

Attached: 1539560014887.jpg (352x451, 44K)

what didn't you catch?

Time to go on an adventure.

Attached: 1567486217773.jpg (777x1157, 147K)

eh it is?!?!?
lets go led it go bird on fire and so we go!!!

Attached: 1539999156182.jpg (600x530, 57K)

Let's move out

Attached: 1397455375885.jpg (541x406, 120K)

How is everyone posting blank images?


Attached: Konata197.png (3000x1677, 576K)

where does the adventure takes us i dont know!!

Attached: 1539765612564.png (590x510, 143K)

>this new


Attached: Konata522.jpg (600x994, 339K)

Somewhere fun, I hope.

Attached: __cute_fairy_and_kumiromi_of_harvest_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__c3fcc36bdb8b08f7f75bb5a0adb5afa (840x525, 248K)

i love you all
have a happy night and sleep happy love happy night happy night happy happy happpy

Attached: 784328.jpg (1024x829, 188K)

The waves, dude.
What are you, a grommet? Lmao

Attached: 1544493069656.png (400x360, 99K)

I'm just here to proclaim my love for Akarin Posterew


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