How do I leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black?

How do I leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black?

And god is out to get me. Every time I find a simple solution or way to leave my town god strikes me down and ruins it

the world literally revolves around making their life suck and impossible to escape

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Fake your death and/or make a tunnel system.

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just a small town boy
livin' without any joy
everyday he’ll post this thread not goin' anywhere...

he'd rather be a city boy,
born and raised but now unemployed
he’s on probation for being black not goin' anywhere...

a nigger in a chilly room
smell of lead and mold, but what can he do?
god is cruel and we're not alright
it goes on and on and on and on…


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we just did this
didn't we just do this

Is there a quick rundown for this "on probation because i'm black" shit or what?

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At my grandma's place and there's no internet provider,but the one from one of the neighbors doesn't have a password. So I'm enjoying it

this nigger is a stupid drunk driver committed a felony and posts variations of this whine multiple times a day. he disappears as soon as recognized, which is generally 3 or 4th poster

>small town
>bad house
>can't leave
>bad parents
>blames god
>has done literally dick apart from make 874 of these threads

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I said I do stuff but god strikes me down

>I do stuff
you don't though

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I literally have done everything it would take to leave and every time god strikes me down with a disaster

Imagine having such a shit life you actually WANT to move to a big city in the U.S.

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name 5 times you tried to leave

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Uuuuhhh... Jackie Chan?

Join the army

dude, how long is your probation? been seeing this pasta for years.

That's easy...don't be black. Do whatever you have to. Even skinning yourself alive is on the table. It will be supremely painful but atleast you won't be a nigger anymore.

Well one your the retard that got behind the wheel drunk that's HARDLY being harassed for being black. Enjoy your frozen hell boo

You do know you lucked out. You Committed a felony by driving a car drunk. You should be in prison but you're walking around free. This is a you problem and I hope you learn not to drink alcohol before getting behind the wheel of a car.
