Hurt. Especially leg hurt. Last thread reached limit. Starting with Coldness.
Attached: 1420333111734.jpg (695x431, 46K)
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with how wrinkly that skin is, the cunt deserved it
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my ex saying sorry for cheating on me with niga chad
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love yourself ffs i love you please stop please stop
OP here. this is a chick i know. Here's another Coldness. Wish I knew her.
Attached: 2CIarve.jpg (500x375, 38K)
Attached: 1503450552446.png (480x800, 344K)
Attached: 19%20-%20pToG5LD.jpg (500x397, 36K)
Attached: 1474217471630.jpg (1920x2560, 1.4M)
Coldness' most viewed pic
Attached: 10%20-%20b9RXnX1.jpg (436x750, 58K)
Attached: 0xYCupT.jpg (601x375, 55K)
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She fucked up. She was cute as hell. I bet she's still alive but old enough to realize how dumb she was. Now she's ashamed as fuck
Attached: db604829_efukt-175x120.jpg (175x120, 19K)
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I've been on Yea Forums 10 years and the only thing of mine that gets reposted is these pics of my ex
Attached: 1525941325756.jpg (640x480, 29K)
Attached: 1327892304546.jpg (1279x961, 77K)
On a side note, without going too deep(gettit)into the subject, like for actually serious, why do people, mostly women, this to themselves?
I know childhood trauma and abuse play a big role but the extreme cuts I just don't understand. I've always been very curious about this.
You realize that's old scars right? Christ what a buffoon you are.
Attached: 1525944551051.jpg (500x519, 118K)
Attached: 1356536371398.jpg (480x640, 92K)
anyone seen this girl in the last year or so? she used to post regularly
Attached: 1327892393071.jpg (1200x1600, 510K)
Attached: 1441806643153.jpg (1024x683, 63K)
Can you dump more of her?
Attached: 1499847105002.jpg (2576x1932, 1.13M)
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Attached: 1534651308873 (1).png (564x564, 353K)
Attached: 1525941032266.jpg (535x800, 44K)
I've dumped most of the good ones at one point or other, there are probably some videos.
Attached: 1492752383155.jpg (2592x1944, 998K)
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Attached: 1502334591062.png (1600x1200, 1.08M)
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Why the hell would you ruin a perfectly good set of tits like that?
Attached: 1386831299425.jpg (3072x2304, 520K)
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OP here. Want more whipping/caning?
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Well this was some sick shit.
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Take that stuff over to /gif/.
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Attached: 1534650441261.jpg (1920x1920, 1012K)
*testicles start pulsing*
*ejaculatory fluids flowing*
*ejaculation blasts out of penis*
*ejaculation smashes hole through ceiling*
*supercoomic boom blows out all windows in house*
Attached: 1441239368729.jpg (640x480, 77K)
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Attached: 1508970627887.jpg (600x800, 48K)
Attached: 1512699011957.jpg (2576x1932, 1.82M)
The thread is almost at the limit again
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Silly string is a hell of a drug.
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That's from years of deep cutting. It's not wrinkles m8 it's scary tissue.
In fairness, it's hard to keep up. I'll look for another thread and start another if there isn't one. Maybe a cutter only thread.