Sent a dick pic to number on bathroom wall. This is the bitches response

Sent a dick pic to number on bathroom wall. This is the bitches response.

Should I be concerned though?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-16-16-12-09.png (1080x1920, 400K)


freaking reposter

Probably. Looks like you sent it to someone underage. Enjoy prison you fag

get new phone number. take out your sim card or whatever its probably called in the us and factory reset your phone.

>im showing all my friends at school

you know this slut loved your cock

Should be worried about that thing you call a dick

yes reposter.

Also gotta admit it is small

Should have asked what school like high or uni

you done goofed

Exactly thank you

I'm 13 and have bigger one than you

and like

said,you should of asked what you can bang all her horny friends she showed your cock to

What's your phone number? I'm a lawyer I can help

Attached: 0B465E09-DFD4-4F65-8154-AC446379DC2E.jpg (245x250, 45K)

its fake

Attached: B4D1C67E-6FC4-453F-8B98-4AF7045E35F2.jpg (375x512, 24K)


>using your personal cell number
That's just bad opsec. You deserve what's coming.

Nothings coming kek

When I was 11 my dick was bigger no erect. Also, enjoy prison.

How dumb are you? This is a felony in some states. Plus what if she’s underage? Your fucked Yea Forumsro

she killed you with her first reply lol

I don't understand. so you went to men's bathroom and there was a number of a girl??
But yeah. you are fucked, if you didn't use a fake phone number

Not tiny though. I'm average

>I broke the law
>I didn't hide my number which is the simplest way to get my address there is
>Should I be concerned
Top kek

Attached: 1519149474969.jpg (600x501, 61K)

kek what is that, 2 inches? Christ almighty user, there is no hope for you.

>smaller than your fingers

I have some bad news for you...

Thanks for the laugh OP. This is why I keep coming back. Say hello to Tyron for me won't ya?

bye underage fag

What's so funny

I'll leave you to figure that one out while Tyron is going at you from behind. ;)