Dying for drinking milk

>dying for drinking milk
Why are whites so weak?

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Black people can have dairy allergies too

Whatever you say rice dick

So I don’t get why folks with crazy allergies eat out. If a common food ingredient would literally kill me, I wouldn’t trust some minimum wage food person to tell me if it was in my food or not.

My exact thoughts. If you are so fucking weak that something like milk that is in almost every recipe can kill you why can't you just fucking stop eating shit out?

what an odd thing to try and troll people on

Especially when you go out and eat a fucking battered chicken burger. Of COURSE there's gonna be dairy in it.

His family were trying to sue. They are as much to blame for being so downright fucking ignorant.

Actually every other race has a higher chance of being lactose intolerant than whites

That's what you get for ordering chicken at a burger joint.

Lol white people are the rare people that evolved to tolerate lactose. Accidents like this happen because of shit vaccination, problems during pregnancy, or other individual causes.

What the fuck is wrong with mutts and allergies? Even in mass media they always feature a wimp nerdy milhouse-type character with stupid allergies like peanuts, pollen, shrimps etc. How the fuck are this aberrations even born?
Also fuck that gay cuck in the picture I spit in his grave

she's gonna get all over BBC now

dont get baited you fuckshits

It says grilled chicken. Where are you getting battered from?

allergies didn't exist till sickly white people in first world countries started developing them


Even he had a girlfriend and you don't. Who's the real aberration here.


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you realize asians and white share the same intolerance genetically to dairy right?

Look all this cope. What you gain defending the weakness of the creature in the Op? The only reason is that you relate with his shitty health or that you also look like a wimp jew skelly.
Also I know you are a incel by the way you glorify having a gf like is something extraordinary kek.


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Actually white people have a lower chance of having a lactose intolerance

>be this faggot
>have severe food allergy
>so severe that accidental ingestion could be fatal
>go out to eat at a place that employs high school dropouts
>don't carry an EpiPen in case the sous chef accidentally includes your allergen
faggot deserved to die desu

It was a grilled chicken burger fuckhead.
Parents deserve compensation because there should be no expectation to lose your child at a restaurant. If you disagree, then I hope you have a beautiful young daughter who you love very much, and I hope she's taken from you before her 5th birthday, just after you bought her a really big gift.

More black people are lactose intolerant than whites

weak little bitch. allergens shouldn't be labeled. no warning labels for common sense shit either, eg "product will be hot after microwaving"!

we ought to let nature run its course and sort these weak links out.

he deserves a darwin award. and his parents are so fucked up they want to profit from his death.

>Dying from drinking milk
Why are niggers so weak?

>there should be no expectation to lose your child at a restaurant

retarded. There should be no expectation to be hit by an asteroid either but if it happens no one owes you shit. Kid has a crazy allergy that can kill him if he eats something common. It's on the kid to tightly regulate what he eats to avoid dying.

>Be black
>Can't swim
Truly the master race

Dude you'd probably be the first to die, 90% of people who say this thing are typically not self sufficient, requiring assistance from family or friends in one way or another.
I'm sure you believe you're special, but you're the exact demographic the warning label was made for. I don't notice them because I don't use them.

Actually dairy tolerance started in Europe and though white people are genetically more suited to handle dairy, tolerance needs to be maintained like how longtime vegans get sick after eating something containing animal proteins or fat. If you stop consuming dairy for even a few months when you start again you'll probably have digestive issues. Back to black people though most lactose intolerant people are black and I believe Asians must be too because none of their food (this blew my mind when I found this out) contains any dairy.

Sure, except for the fact he did, telling the restraurant not to kill you is pretty much their legal obligation. You're not on the right side of this legally, morally, or even logically.
I reckon you only think that way because you wanna be edgy and cool.

The Asian population is nearly all lactose intolerant.

Mum blames hospital for son going blind after he only at crisps and chocolate all his life.


but my son is barely literate and needs something flashing in face that says 'hey bro this could possibly contain that thing that you're allergic to' in order for him to snap out of his stupidity and not do it.

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if you don't use the labels why did you get so triggered when i suggested we remove them?

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>You're not on the right side of this legally, morally, or even logically.

oh shut up and stop trying to high horse it you dumb faggot, no one's giving you good boy points here. the kid ate something that killed him and now he's dead and it's his fault for not packing his own god damn lunch. If you're telling me that he told them not to put dairy in it then fine, but it doesn't say that in op's pic, so either you have info I don't or you're making shit up just to argue.

LOL, hows that sickle cell coming along???

>If you don't want people to possibly die from allergens it means you must have them and also are a pussy unlike me who's a manly man

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There you go thank you user

My exact point proven in the first line.
I'm telling you that you're wrong, not that I'm better than you. The difference between what I said and what you heard is how self conscious you are.

making shit up just to argue then, figured you were just trolling.

>Have milk allergy
>Order something that shouldn't have milk in it and doesn't say that it does
>Get killed because surprise, it does
>Durr hurr, fucking dumbass

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I'm the guy you're replying to, I didn't get a chance to reply but basically what the other person said.

>deathly allergic to dairy
>orders buttermilk chicken
>doesn't even bring epi pen to restaurant despite anaphylactic shock response to the slightest presence of allergen

Darwin award.

Of course I am. Clearly you're infallible and never wrong, Mr. High Horse.

you realize most sandwiches have sauces on them right?

Dying in prison. Why are blacks so weak?

All you white lactose intolerant fags have some non-white blood in your veins, your family tree is full of darky dick riding thots.

It's a good thing he made special care to ask not to die before they gave him the sandwich, because if he didn't his parents wouldn't have a case.
Your statement is entirely nullified by this fact.

>The teenager opted for a grilled chicken breast. Just to be safe, Carey alerted staff at the branch of the Byron restaurant chain about his dairy allergy. It appeared he was satisfied with what he was told, and after ordering from a menu that made no mention of it, dug into a meal that had been marinated in buttermilk.


Retards. They literally told him it didn't have dairy in it when it was fucking marinated in milk.

if you have deadly allergies make your own fucking food instead of expecting the whole world to cater to your fragile inferior genes.

just saying.

Allergies and lactose tolerance are not the same thing, you hillbilly retard.

>expecting most restaurants to not have milk or machinery that contained milk products
>expecting the world to conform to your allergy that you should be self educated on

Are you literally retarded? Because common sense says you are playing a crap shoot with an allergy like that when you eat at ANY place that has prepared food that you haven't made yourself.

Anyone still trying to argue with me needs to read this lmao.
His parents have a case, and none of you know what you're talking about, just fighting without reading the article.

you realize that whites have the least chance of being lactose intolerant due to thousands of years of agriculture?

He asked them if the sandwich had dairy in it. They said it didn't.


yeah you're right, i would trust minimum wage workers to safeguard my life with absolutely no training as well. he made perfectly sound decisions.

Oh so the sub-minimum wage waiter said it was fine, that's good enough for me, hand me the revolver.

You're not allowed to drink milk anymore, never drink milk again, it's not your choice it's mine.
Now, you can't go to restaurants with friends and family like a normal person in a first world country.

Dude you're wrong. Stop and read without getting so defensive kek.

Dude milk is milk when you're minimum wage too, Im sure you knew what milk was when you were 5. Is this even you trying to argue or are you just saying things and hoping it sticks?

ITT: Alt-right, NEET Zoomers pretend that they are super alpha males and that people with allergies deserve to die.

He has an obligation to tell the truth about this. You're wrong.


i'm just saying if milk can kill you maybe don't go eat at a place where cross contamination could end your fucking life. or at least bring an epi pen.

Imagine if every restaurant had to cater to the allergy needs of every consumer. Then every restaurant would have to close down because they couldn't possibly follow the strict diet of I can't even look at an almond with going into anaphylactic shock allergy zomg.

>t. allergyboi

Not wrong, you're just as retarded as that retarded kid who accidentally killed himself.

And he probably thought it didn't because 'durr chicken don't got no milk in it, it's made of chicken or whatever'. If he was smart he wouldn't be a waiter.

And what you're saying is irrelevant to the case. How did he die? Well you see a cook was told he had an allergy to milk, and that cook made him a burger LITERALLY COVERED IN BUTTERMILK, this isn't a cross contamination moron, this was them putting in an ingredient. Fucking hell how stupid do you have to be to actually miss this? This is the most obvious, and easy to understand thing.

It DIDNT HAVE MILK IN IT. A chicken sandwich doesn't inherently have milk in it until it is added.

Is this a joke? They DO.

>a cook was told
No, a waiter was asked

Then why did he die? Checkmate atheists

where does it say that?

okay and he didn't have an epi pen why exactly? can't blame the poor minimum wage workers for that oversight.

Grilled chicken that contains buttermilk? Almost certainly coated.

Or maybe the cook didn't know that it was buttermilk and it was just a sauce they cook with frequently. Now every cook has to know every possible ingredient in their sauces? Or maybe the person with the allergy should know the risks when eating out and take precautions that even the people who prepare the food might not know for sure? And to definitely keep an emergency epi pen or whatever you need for the situation where you can literally die when eating fast food.

Yes you can. He shouldn't have had to use one. Boom, blame placed and locked.

When you read the article, you can debate me.

You need to go ahead and neck yourself. I read the first line and stopped reading at your stupidity.
Please please please don't reproduce.

>read the article, still stupid as fuck logic

Clearly you haven't read the article.

living in a sterile environment, many citified whites now have weak immune systems.

also, we used to have 8 or 10 kids and let nature cull the weak ones. now, people have 1 or 2, and invest their whole existence into them, producing unhealthy relationships, and unhealthy kids.

My offspring would be smart enough to be educated on their own allergies.
Meanwhile your offspring expects everyone around him to make the right choices and have the knowledge to not accidentally kill him.

Hmmm I wonder which offspring will last longer, mine or yours?

>Is this a joke? They DO.
No they don't retard, I can go down to any chinese resteraunt and get chicken satay in peanut sauce despite it being a WMD to weak fags like you

i have asthma and i take my inhaler everywhere, just in case of an emergency. Its not that hard.

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so basically:
>"well I should expect the restaurant to cater to MY NEEDS!! i won't bring my lifesaving medicine in case of an accident because I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!!"

haha. hope more people with life threatening food allergies think like this guy. bet he regretted his hubris when his throat started to close.

Whites are the only race who can digest milk in the adulthood with significant probability.

Unless you are that nigger who drinks goat milk and blood and jump ten feet high to ward of predators.

hold on that means the cute girl is single, i'd definitely console her with my dick

You may have read the article but your comprehension of it and ability to use it for a rationale argument is lacking.

Grilled chicken can still have a coating you fucking nugget. And obviously did since it was BUTTERMILK that killed him.
There's a pretty big expectation if your son is going to fucking DIE from eating one of the most common ingredients on Earth. An ingredient that is exponentially more common in restaurants. Why would you order something that almost certainly going to contain your literal fucking kryptonite? Like some with a peanut allergy playing russian roulette with a box of chocolates. Beyond fucking retarded.
On top of all that, where the fuck was his epipen?
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
Parents deserve fuck all.


If you have a deadly allergy to something don't eat anything until you know 100% that it doesn't contain the thing you're allergic to. What an idiot kid.

>hey guise, I have this crazy idea. if you are so genetically rotten that something as absurd as milk or peanuts can kill you how about you only eat what you or your mom prepares?
Fucking kid deserves and I hope his stupid family loses the lawsuit.

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>droopy eyelid
>crooked yellow teeth
>acne face

>cute girl

uh yeah you can have her.

but does the special sauce contain milk powder, does it list that?

>but does the special sauce contain milk powder, does it list that?
It should

finally another user with some goddamn sense.


it shouldn't be this fucking hard.

I have severe food allergies and I only eat at home. Man I dont get why youd risk your life over a chicken sandwich.

Rip to duder.

edgy faggot go back to Yea Forums

because his desire to eat tendies trumps the mental health of the min wage workers he selfishly forced to watch him die because of his own piss poor survival skills.

peak entitlement.

One brand name EpiPen or EpiPen Jr. package (which contains 2 auto-injectors) will cost roughly $650-$700 if you are paying cash

>I hope his stupid family loses the lawsuit

They probably will win millions and restaurants will have to list allergies and what gender their animal was before it was cooked on the menus and the containers of all their foods. This is what a liberal society looks like.

>This is what a liberal society looks like.
I'm fine with this. We need to protect children from minimum-wage psychopathic niggers

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The dumb kid is a bong, so it would cost him zero pounds. I guess his life was worth less than that though.

>minimum-wage psychopathic niggers

Which is why I don't eat fast food anyway. How stupid would you have to be?

>I guess his life was worth less than that though.
Are you always this dark?

>spend $800 for something that lasts an extremely long time and can save my life in mere seconds
>die choking and gasping as my throat closes and my body shuts down in a protracted and horrible suicide process because i couldn't budget for the one thing that could keep me from dying

such a hard choice. :( gosh what should i do? guess i'll just go without and hope someone else has one in a pinch. my health should be the responsibility of everyone around me because it's just too gosh darn expensiiiiive!!

There's nothing wrong with eating out when you've got an allergy, but it's on the people involved to tell them there is a life threatening defect in play.

>>such a hard choice. :( gosh what should i do? guess i'll just go without and hope someone else has one in a pinch. my health should be the responsibility of everyone around me because it's just too gosh darn expensiiiiive!!
not what I was implying,, you can fuck off. Hope you're never in a similar situation, you're heartless.

> implying you're not white

I'm a spic and this is true. My wife says everything 'upsets her stomach' and cats almost kill her. My friend nearly killed his GF because he ate eggs an hour before kissing her and apparently she couldn't take it. She spent 3 days in hospital because of it

>us beaners usually aren't allergic to much

It's the restaurants fault for not equipping every waiter and cook staff with an epi pen for just in case that one kid with that one specific allergy decides to eat there.

>implying you're not white
uno reverse?

Based they don't deserve life if they are so fucking weak
Bet they where raised on dairy baby formula and not breastfed

i'm not though because if my kid had that allergy you bet your ass i would pony up the money as often as i needed to. unlike this kid's parents apparently, since in Eurofag land it would be free of charge and they still fucking didn't bother.

Know why this sort of shit didn’t become prevalent until the last 100 years or so?

Because nature would take its course, these humans would die, and would fail to pass on their weak-ass traits to another generation.

>Based they don't deserve life if they are so fucking weak
Human infants can't even feed themselves

Yes they can just shove them on a titty
Same thing with most mammals

>Take a fucking chance... bunch of goddamn pussies! Besides, what do you think you have an immune system for? It’s for killing germs! But it needs practice... it needs germs to practice on. So listen! If you kill all the germs around you, and live a completely sterile life, then when germs do come along, you’re not gonna be prepared. And never mind ordinary germs, what are you gonna do when some super virus comes along that turns your vital organs into liquid shit? I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do... you’re gonna get sick, you’re gonna die, and you’re gonna deserve it cause you’re fucking weak and you got a fucking weak immune system!

>Know why this sort of shit didn’t become prevalent until the last 100 years or so?
>Because nature would take its course, these humans would die, and would fail to pass on their weak-ass traits to another generation.

Ladies and gentlemen, the white savages of the world! Evolution and Marxism are his favorite weapons.

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Also they are fucking morons for not checking the ingredients and eating fast food which has a common prep and cooking surface so fuck them and fuck allergic people it's obvious your not meant to survive
>equating them to infants
What a fitting comparison user

shut up and take your allergy meds pedo. not our fault you're too weak to eat food and not die.

>take your allergy meds pedo

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Maybe because 100 years ago, kids used to play outdoors and get dirty. Nowadays they spend all day glued to a phone, they have a weak immune system, faggot kid in the op is proof.

food allergies are mother's nature's way of saying 'for the betterment of the herd, you need to be culled'

no, the parents should have done their job and protected their child better by putting him in a big plastic bubble and keeping him away from the outside world.

if .1PPM of milk, wheat gluten, egg or soy could kill you, it's a sign you shouldn't be alive.

i just watched this not to long ago

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I worked as a waiter for a few months, and when anyone said that he has an allergy for anything then I would always tell literally anything to make them leave. Why do I need responsibility for someone's life when I can't guarantee that the fucking cooks won't fuck something up. Hell, they even didn't ever tell us the whole recipees for the meals they made. Anyway if you have a food allegry and you go to a restaurant, sincerely go fuck yourself and prepare your own meals.

Why are black allergic to jobs?

I'll be the only one that feels bad for the kid, his friends and his family. Not everything is kike IDpol horseshit, you know? Anyone can get into contaminated food, especially with the quality restaurant staff anymore.

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Do Americans really pay 800$ for an Epipen? Ffs. That's like a month of rent for me and my gf. You have to pay to not die. Lmao. What a third world shithole.

because of the vaccine jew

No we don't.
People with deadly allergies do though, first world countries are still better than any third world shit hole where the water can kill you. No exceptions.

Well... They kinda do.

Lmao the dumb slut was probably getting piped not even a week after his death, might have even laughed at the faggot dying from milk of all things while taking as much of chad down her throat as possible.

Blacks are allergic to fucking everything, especially a hard days work

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Ok you really dont understand how to do a batter like this? They let the chicken chill in milk and herbs/spices for a certain period (one night is fine), they take them out, cover them in batter and then deep fry it. It gives the meat a better taste and texture. The teenage "cook" must not even know this method exists. He never saw the milm, only the chicken patty ready to be plunged in the frier. And if it's not a chain, they don't have them in premade boxes with the ingredients list on it, they keep it in like a tupperware. It's the waiter's fault more than anyone, a waiter must know his menu by heart.

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>This is your brain on inceldom

>dump trillions of public funds (your taxes) in military and police
>cant protect you from school/cinema shooting

>USA is one of the country that pays the most public funds in healthcare per individual
>must pay when you are allergic or you risk dying

Third world tier.

Wow my friendo, you got BTFO hard in this thread. What are you going to do about it?

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Can confirm this is true, i was wrecking her pussy

No proper food, no proper sunlight, what were you expecting?

Lol, everyone can have dairy allergies.
Why did you assume that the (((person))) posting this was black?
>inb4 I was assuming a race
There is no reason to just say "Black people..."

It’s true though, in the UK actual life value is quite low, most insurance claims for loss of sight are around £25k. If you kill someone (Pret) not much happens, its a lot of ‘oh no well we know next time at least xoxo’ if you point out something obvious that could potentially happen you are labeled as paranoid. It extends to all fields as well, engineering etc.

this is from an old ass thread

Tfw part of the not allergic to anything masterrace

Go get fucked you weak faggots

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>muh incels
Try harder

I'm not allergic to anything either, and can I just sat, you're fucking weird man.

Buttermilk is an extremely common ingredient in fried chicken, so I don't know what the fuck this kid was expecting.

Why can't niggers stop bitching about whites, oh yeah cus you guys are little sensitive pussies

I'll put these big balls on your face and test that myself

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At least we don't get sickle cell.

That's Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ot a picture of big balls. Fucking wierd man. Get out more. Take shower. meet a girl. You know what I'm talking about

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You seem pretty sensitive rn bro lol. Get a life loser

was weak to kiwi fruits growing up. thought itchy was a flavor. not even allergic anymore hue hue hue

but white people eat a flake of ground red pepper and its game over. Face sweats, they start throwing up, throat closes. Its why they usually carry an epipen i figured out

I'll make sure NOT to wash my balls just for you to sniff

That's not only gay, but pretty rank too man. Fucking weird. I'm out. Good luck incel

If I ever get robbed by a native american I'll just pull out a carton of milk

extream kek

taste those nuts

It was probably a pollen allergy. Fruit can be interpreted by the body as pollen and cause a reaction. I'm allergic to pollen and stuff like avocados make my mouth itch. Still eat it though.

idk I had cancer and the surgery and radiation/chemo was covered by Medicaid. I've never had food stamps or anything like it in my life, I was shocked to find out I could make as much as I do and still get the state to cover me, cause it's like 275k dollars.

there's that entire bit that's even longer in the extended version of "horrible bosses 2" where motherfucker jones explains that he doesn't eat ice cream and it's common among blacks because he's lactose intolerant and when dale mentions that he is he acts as if they have a sort of kinship, right before he calls him a klansman, randomly flipping on him.

only other thing i ever had a reaction to was some insane blue orange and green mold i got exposed to in Panama. shit fucked me up for a year

>when you accidentally give your white friend a spicy tamale instead of a "spicy" tamale

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How are so many of you retarded enough to be talking about lactose intolerance. He was allergic not lactose intolerant, it's not the same thing at all

not seeing what this has to do with the conversations about lactose intolerance

They're irrelevant

how did this become politicized?

they don't have to be relevant

Okay but they're still irrelevant

You re rigth, all niggers has hiv and they doesnt extinct

so is what youre doing now

Pretty much.

so how did this specimen die really? can children be so overly protected that milk destroys them?

Fuck off kike, we know your tricks

>jews are "big bread" now


he's obviously a low iq nigger, he can't grasp such concepts.

found a webm of you

damn, at least he's rich.. what a fucking mutt

White "people" are the biggest nature's mistake.

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you think a generic white dude in sunlight is bad? have you ever seen a ginger trying to stay alive in the desert?

poor fire yoshis can barely make it a few hours before suffering 3rd degree burns its incredible

Who the hell is allergic to god damn buttermilk the fuck

yyou're in b/ fag retard

Christ I came so hard

its fried chicken, even kfc has buttermilk. kid shoulda known better.

everyone has a dairy intolerance. you just build up a resistance if you keep drinking milk your whole life

i quit drinking it, and now it makes me shit my pants.

mammals ween their young for a reason.

I love the way the family handwaved their own failure to be responsible. He HAD an epipen, but he didn't carry it with him.

This place has an unhealthy obsession with race.

Kill your self please

I'd honestly suicide if I was allergic to milk.
No rice pudding.
No tasty cappuccino.
No cold milk during a hot summer.
No proper crepes or pancakes.
No yogurt with Mid-East and Eastern European pastry.
No proper ice cream.
I'd just fucking end my life, I can't live without having most of this from time to time.

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you would be in a thatched african hut eating tree bark if it weren't for europeans, have some respect nigger.

Bait? Oh I'm good

You had me at rice pudding white man.

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because 99% of the time someone is trying to make up a reason why white people are terribad, it's a nigger doing it

Sounds like she didn't get leighd, ay?

>Having to drink tea black
>No butter means no delicious cakes and biscuits
>Basically no Italian food because no cheese
It would be hell tbh

High end restaraunt? Maybe I'd eat out.

But a burger chain staffed by minimum wage payed highschoolers who get high on break is not high on my list of people to trust with a life-or-death food allergy.

>no cheese
that alone would kill me
>no chocolate milk
yeah, give me death.

Actually 95% of africa is algeric to milk. So if you consider that white giy to be weak most black people would be weak as well.

>Actually 95% of africa is algeric to milk.
I doubt that. Most of sub-Saharan Africa subsists on their cattle and sheep herds.
OTOH, Asians have lots of problems with milk.
Ask for mlk in Japan and you'll get a substitute.
China has to import baby milk because they can't produce it themselves, at least not without poisoning the kids.

>But a burger chain staffed by minimum wage paid highschoolers who spit in your coffee.
I saw it on the Simpsons.

being allergic to milk doesn't mean it'll kill you, they'd probably get the shits while this beta dies from it.

Except that he's right and you could have looked it up before replying.

>allergic implies death

Didn't say that. Poor inference.

Look up serve safe. They killed the dude. Welcome to idiocracy where the allergies are real and words don't matter..

I don't fucking get it, why do you go out when you have this allergy and just trust that you won't die?
This is like that toxic fugu fish that has to be very carefully prepared by a guy who knows what he's doing.. only in this case the guy trusts some random dude getting paid minimum wage in a burger place to protect his life.

This is you, the reader of this post.
There's zero harm in suggesting restaurants offer more hypoallergenic options. How the fuck did you reach a point where that of all things triggers you?
Also the proposed solution of "dude just never eat anything you don't cook lmao" is retarded and you should be reminded as often as possible that only a retard like you would consider that the most viable solution. He was capable of staying alive by just paying attention to what contains dairy. Do you realize how often normal human beings eat socially? Going out is practically unavoidable to people who aren't lonely, bug-eyed cave-NEETs.
Why the hell does this threaten you and why do you think you'd do any different when just asking and playing it safe has worked all your life?

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You're acting like just because they're allergic to it then they die from it like the retard.

You're acting like I'm acting that way. I was simply replying to the user who said he doubted Africans have a higher rate of lactose intolerance.

It's literally the same problem in every sector of society. People are promoted until they aren't effective enough to get another promotion. Not effective. So we have ineffective workers in management everywhere.

Your pride Will fade and your face Will break until you Are what you Arent.at the moment

You Are related physically to All living human beings be Nice to your brother's and sister's for when daddie's belt come's off your mom is out of town

>be me
>working long hours shitty waiter job for minimum wage
>now I have to take some curse and learn useless shit just to make sure low-lifes don't die from eating normal people's food

Neck yourself please.


The menu listed that it had milk, but in small black font on a dark blue background. Anyone find a picture of the menu? It’s really unfortunate that they describe the menu rather than show a picture.

literally all fried chicken has buttermilk in the batter. its amazing that he didn't die before this

given the low hygiene standards of american food, yes, he should only eat what he cooks himself

Sickle cell anemia
why are niggers so weak?

Supreme allah died from eating eggs.

Yeah this

Regulations can't fix stupidity

Fun fact: more black, Latino, and Asian people have milk allergies than white people

18 shoulda known better


Attached: epipen.png (795x284, 32K)

>should be no expectation to lose your child at a restaurant
unless that kid has a food allergy and decides he's 2 KOOL for his EpiPen

the restaurant fucked up.

but the kid REALLY fucked up by not carrying his EpiPen

I want to fuck his girlfriend.

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should people with allergies this absurd even reproduce? Think about it, we need resilient genetics for this ever polluted planet.

Some people have what's called "empathy" and "sympathy" that makes you want to help/defend the weak.

As for the GF remark, user was probably making that comparison not out of praise for the people in relationships, but to illustrate that despite his genetic failure (of which he had no control over) he had social success, which the first user lacked.

That was how I understood it anyway.

>dies from milk
>dies from bread
>dies from nuts
i mean, if you are literally being killed by everything that used to keep everyone alive ...

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Ha. Spoken like a true lazy ass low life.

If you have that severe of an allergy why don't you keep an epipen on you

Grilled, you illiterate fuck

You do realize niggers have associated milk with white supremacy because whites are pretty much the only ones capable of drinking milk casually?