Bizarro Trump

Bizarro Trump

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Amazing how much better he would look, if he was able to grow a beard.

That is so weird about him. His lack of any facial hair. Not even a 5 o'clock shadow.

Yeah I've seen close up pics before, he can barely grow any stubble at all.

I'm pretty sure we're already in Bizarro World. Not that I'm complaining, things are doing great, but every day feels like a lucid dream.

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There's rumors he had his face lasered.

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This is believable tbh.
I've seen people who can't grow much of a beard but they have more than just a few rogue hairs.

Makes him look like this scottish dude.

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He looks kinda like John from Saw when he is bald and has a beard


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honestly even without the beard he'd look way better getting rid of that cotton candy on his scalp

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True. He also wouldn't need to cower from the rain like he is made of sugar.

OP I have to shit what should I do?

I wish the fucker grew a damn beard. He'd look much more respectable but instead he looks like a tanned metrosexual faggot.

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Trump is actually a trans man and has been for his entire adult life.
His "children" are from sperm donors.

Yfw Trump is jigsaw in disguise

I recommend Outlander. Pretty good show.

Trump would look like a badass with a goatee and a bald head.


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