Mass shooting are not actually an issue in this country
Mass shooting are not actually an issue in this country
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How so?
mental illness issue?
This is true. Niggers are responsible for most murders
People are afraid because of it. So, it's definitely an issue.
Depends which country you are referring to.
Hell yes we're coming after your AR-15s and your AKs!!
So fucking based. When I heard that, I was jacked up, for sure.
people are afraid of it because that's all the media and politicians keep talking about. They don't care about the safety of the People, they care about their own safety, they've created an environment that proves that they are fucking worthless shills looking out for their best interest, not yours. Stay safe, stay armed.
They are but they're also not as big of an issue that the media makes it look.
You are more likely to be struck by lightning then get caught in a mass shooting.
And you shouldn't be allowed to have a keyboard because you'll type stupid shit on the internet.
You're both retards. Your country is a third world shit hole. Hahahha.
Yes grandma I agree but this isn't facebook.
Regardless of why, mass shootings are an issue. People are afraid for their kids and themselves.
OP is foolish to say "whelp I don't see a problem". What OP really means is "I actually don't care about dead children". So, to me, that's a horrible thing to say.
That's not true, at all.
Every day, 100 Americans are killed with guns and hundreds more are shot and injured.
51 people are struck by lightning on average in the USA per year.
That means in 12 hours more people are killed in shootings than will be struck by lightning for a full year.
you could probably make a decent argument that culling the populace is a good thing due to overpopulation. It's dark but there's way too many people taxing the resources.
>Every day this common occurrence causes more death than this extremely unlikely natural phenomena
Wow I hate guns now
What do you expect when you give niggers guns
there he said it.
So how long before we're all dead assuming the current fertility rate of less than 15%?
If you actually think taking guns away is helping children your a retard who should rethink his point of view.
How will you protect your family and rights without a gun?
This is great, it shuts the conversation down and allows you to have moral superiority. Well played, with this kind of rhetoric you can be well on the way to creating more division and less conversation anywhere you go.
Im all for guns but that argument is stupid, what you have shown is a ladder. That ladder goes up to: People shouldnt be allowed to have nukes because they can nuke people. And the line must be drawn somewhere, the line is just in different places for different people
Iol everything but the guns has a main purpose that isn't killing
What America needs is more Jesus, not fewer guns. Just no guns in churches.
You should definitely kill yourself then to help save resources
We need to ban all weapons designed to kill
There are too many mass shootings
How many children need to die before you sick fucks hand over your assault rifles and stop killing kids?
Out of all the deaths in this country every year only a fraction of a percent are from mass shootings, but if you looked at the news you would think its like 70%
"Family and rights" could be considered AN argument, but it's actually not THE reason why gun control isn't happening. This is actually THE reason. Gun advocates simply don't care about dead kids because they want to continue to play army man with their friends. That's what I find disgusting. But most of them don't want to ADMIT their real motivations.
No, it doesn't. If the voters are concerned about something, it's the responsibility of our elected officials to at least try to help. But they're just sitting on their hands.
So, what's the answer, we all submit to the government and let them seize our property because "It's for the Children", get the fuck outta here.
The same people that cry every time a cop shoots somebody want the cops to be the only ones with guns
Have you ever owned a firearm before
Not enough of them to even nail down who does the shootings and why
He said mass shooting fucking idiot. Yeah if you go to south side chicago you will be shot too. But that's not mass shootings.
Again with the knee-jerk reactions. I actually think that gun experts from both sides of the argument should decide on what we need to do. Mass shootings are not JUST about the prevalence of guns, there's more too it.
And I freely admit that I don't know much about mass shootings, so I'm not a person that's best equipped to come up with a solution. But people like this exist. The problem is that lobby groups will block ANY discussion on mass shootings because it'll hurt sales. That's why these groups are part of the problem, not the solution and why I think they should be illegal (like 99% of lobby groups)
No, I consider it not only a waste of money but also dangerous to me. I realize that it takes constant training to be proficient at it and I'm not willing to put the time into it. And I also realize that most people who DO buy guns don't get that training either so they make costly, horrible mistakes if they actually come to the point where they have to use it. Soldiers train constantly to ensure that they can pull the trigger when the time comes. Most gun owners don't have that and just buy them because "they're cool and muh freedoms, etc" , so the argument for "defense of family, etc." falls on deaf ears for me. The only thing I'd do with it is probably accidentally shoot myself while cleaning the goddamn thing.
yep. more people are killed crossing the street than by mass shootings and rifle usage
What would you do if someone armed with a firearm attacks you or breaks into your home?
This is a zoomer who hasn't experience life before mass shooting was a normalized tragedy.
Rest assured, mass shootings are one of the biggest problems in this country. I lived in a the USA that didn't have metal detectors in schools, I lived in the USA where if a student had a pocket knife on them the worst that thing that happened to them is they got it taken away for the day. I lived in a USA where you didn't have to worry about someone shooting up a movie theater or general public area because it didn't happen and if it did it was a HUGE tragedy that wouldn't just fade away in a week like the Oklahoma city bombing.
We are living in very dark times and OP is a product of that time.
The same thing I'd do if I actually HAD a gun. Probably panic, get scared, and let him take my $300 TV. So, now I'm out a few hundred bucks either way. Whoop dee fuck.
I have ZERO illusions that if I actually had a gun, I'd turn into Ninja-Rambo and "blast the bad guys". I do not have infantry experience or anything like that. That's why I think this narrative is bullshit, at least in my case.
That just means you know you're too much of a pussy to pull the trigger, what the fuck is your point
You watch way too many movies.
Damn, why are people trying to get in then?
looks like 208gr bthp. I doubt those bullets have ever been used in a murder, theyre for long range match type shooting.
The only thing that changed was media coverage of the shootings tha actual number of people dead as a result of mass shooting is not as big as they make it out to be
There are people who do, if you're in a situation where your life is being put in jeopardy by somebody with a lethal weapon, you're basically saying "yeah, I'd rather be at the mercy of a home invader than have the capacity to defend myself"
Sorry but I don't agree with your idea of instantly submitting to the demands of some criminal
The adrenaline kicks in and you dump a mag on the fag who is trying to take your life or rob you. Unless your a cuck.
Extremely high quality post.
The day that the militaries of the world destroy every weapon in their arsenals is the day I’ll agree with that statement.
However, when a leadership proud of military might tells its citizens they need to destroy the weapons they own, while keeping their own...that makes me nervous. (And no...I don’t own any guns. Personally don’t like them. But I understand that some things are necessary in preventing bad people from doing horrible things. In this instance the bad people I’m referring to are the same people who have gamed the system to their own gain with disregard to common good.)
Here's MY take on this. I really hope they do send cops for your guns because id love to see it turn into the biggest cop massacre in history. I wanna watch every boot licking "blue lives matter" repping dumbass shoot the very cops they love so damn much hahahaha
Hang, nigger.
ogive looks too steep for bthp, looks more like a berger hybrid maybe vld
Isn’t it amazing how much control can be exerted over a populace simply by being the biggest voice their is?
I think it's all a hoax, like climate change and the shape of the earth
Im okay with anything infantry would be armed with and I might be able to be talked into all conventional arms. Not too into the idea of chemical or nuclear weapons but it has more to do with how people might try to store them.
Find me a skinny autist who can kill 72 people with a hammer in a minute and a half. Not allowed to use PCP either that's cheating
It’s not an issue in my Arab country, all you need is to join militias
"Knee jerk reactions" are the problem, the violence perpetrated in this country has nothing to do with law abiding citizens, yet those are the people that will have their rights infringed because they abide the law. You can't regulate human nature, we'll always have bad people in our society, making all the citizens suffer for the few is not how to deal with this problem. Armed individuals have a better chance of survival over someone not armed, I'm sure we can all agree to that.
find me an illegitimate government overthrown with hammers
Wew lad
A pile of dead kids is a 'moral play' for this guy. Tell me what argument even has half the impact AS A PILE OF DEAD CHILDREN
explain to me how it's not insane to do nothing when we have PILES AND PILES OF DEAD CHILDREN and not to mention, the rest of the world is laughing at us even harder because they wont even need to invade, they just sit and watch the country implode
Yeah! No one has ever killed anyone over religion!
Which country?
That'd be great for your argument if it weren't for the fact that something like automobiles cost a vastly greater number of lives every year yet are less regulated and under less scrutiny than devices you say are strictly for killing.
If we're going to ban killing devices we should strongly criticize the Olympic committee for continuing to permit their use in target shooting events, along with javelins and the bow and arrow since these are all historically killing devices. Ban them all. Slingshots, slings and so on too.
You cunts don't want to save lives. You're hoplophobes spoon fed fear. You'll cry about US concentration camps then fail to see the irony in demanding the same government you decry the actions of confiscate the citizens best means of defense.
If you think that could happen in America today with guns you're braindead. Most of the ARs are held by retard cousinfuckers who would be less than useless in a fight and would probably just hole up in on r prepper shelter
That's the point of the second amendment princess, A WELL REGULATED MILITIA is allowed to have guns. Not every fuckng idiot with $500
Difficult to rape someone from 20feet
And if you, or anyone for that matter, think that background checks and mental health reform will curb mass shootings then it's time for a reality check. Check all you want. Offer mental health care all you want. But the fact remains that there will still be an endless supply of weapons for those people to access. If more guns make you safer then the USA should be the safest place on the planet. Fact check: it's not.
A well regulated militia being necessary, the right of THE PEOPLE...
Take that nightstick a little deeper.
that doesnt change anything
>anything that i dont like is cringe
Yeah because niggers exist
I know, just ignore the parts you dont like, just like a bible thumper.
You talk like a wrestler from the 80’s
1/1000000 is hardly piles. We should do nothing in the form of not giving them media attention. The weapons have been around for a long time but only recently have incels became a problem and it's because theyve found a way to get attention. I believe without sufficient arms the people will be forced into a feudal system with no representation or fake representation theyre told to think matters in time.
Also, Im watching other countries suffer their own problems and no one is looking to invade us or them.
You have to be at least 18 to come here you cringelord
>mass shootings are a white problem
Rabbi stop talking
>If you think that could happen in America today with guns you're braindead. Most of the ARs are held by retard cousinfuckers who would be less than useless in a fight and would probably just hole up in on r prepper shelter
sure it could, with them and enough people upset with the government. you bring up a good point though, more people should be armed.
>A WELL REGULATED MILITIA is allowed to have guns. Not every fuckng idiot with $500
Every male 18 through like 45 years of age is supposed to be armed. It's specifically outlined somewhere if you look for it. Regulated at the time meant maintained.
leftists, incels, and the crazies reagon let out are the problems. they need to be locked up again.
This, the majority of mass shootings are done by black men with illegally owned guns.
>Gun advocates simply don't care about dead kids because they want to continue to play army man with their friends.
I kind of agree with this. I own several firearms and the amount of ownership that’s really just a hobby or army LARP as opposed to actual self defense is enormous.
You are retarded see I would pay to watch this
Imagine being a human with a working brain and you actually write this
Fuck me /b needs a MUCH more stringent ‘no under 18s’ policy
And that’s how you die
I tell people I fucking loathe most religions and what they drive people to do, or that the planet is fucking dying and I get lumped in with a bunch of sexually confused/deviant lefties, the "where's my free lunch" crowd, and the unemployed antifa thugs with nothing but free time to incite violence and beat people with locks. I tell em "from my cold dead hands" and suddenly I'm a maga hat wearing, queer bashing, sexually repressed, mass shooter holding whatever minority down.
And neither group of retards seems to realize just how far the divide and conquer tactics of those in power has really gone. Im just glad I'll probably be dead before it gets real bad.
I would support the proposals in your infograph
But your post is retarded.
This is true. But where do they get the guns? Often through irresponsible legal owners.
Right. You both are supreme Rambo Ninjas. Sure. The stats say otherwise.
I think that if you're unarmed you are LESS likely to be shot, since it's very difficult psychologically to shoot someone who's unarmed.
People don't have nukes because no individual can currently create a nuke on their own. It takes huge resources to obtain material and to process and enrich it and engineering to assemble it.
And arguably, if a government owns a nuke, then some people do own nukes. Also, knowing governments have nukes may have prevented wars and conflicts, which can be used in relations to firearms. Mass shooters or robbers don't want to attack armed people.
Niggers don't care you fucking retard
They have no remorse and will kill you without thinking twice
Not them but you need to get on liveleak, unarmed or poorly armed people who continue to assault a well armed person get shot pretty often.
If someone breaks in, Im hiding behind my bed and calling the cops. If they come into my room despite my alarms blasting then Im not going to wait to see if theyre armed, Im pulling the trigger.
1980-1990 There was a total of 51 mass shootings.
2000-2020 There was a total of 130+ mass shootings.
You are wrong and the data proves that you are wrong.
>You both are supreme Rambo Ninjas.
Wasn't it some little girl in Texas that lit up three or so home invaders with daddy's AR15? Granted he was a cop and probably a good enough father to educate his children in the use and respect of firearms.
I don't know what familiarity you have with firearms but the buffer tube design mitigates recoil wonderfully. You don't need to be Rambo to use one. Just keep calm, aim, and shoot.
This data also matches up with the increase in the black population
Again, watch the lindeybeige video. It has nothing to do with "keep calm and shoot".
I didn't know it was 2020 already.
true, theres also over 100m more people in the states now than 1980 but the trend is rising. I think it's from the amount of attention they get now
You're right. The masses of people shot each week are in democratic gun free cities. Let them kill each other.
>a source for anything firearms related
he's a joke on /k/
The data also matches up with stagnating wages and the increase of single motherhood.
It's not a race issue, it's a class issue. The rich taking everything and are barely throwing scraps at the poor or middle class anymore. Parents have to work constantly which means timmy and jane don't get any quality parent bonding. We have the disintegration of community thanks to technology so people become more and more isolated.
This is a huge issue that has a lot of factors, to blame it on race is like blaming tire pressure for a cracked engine.
It’s funny that op never mentioned which country he might be talking about
Stupid Americans being selfish
Isn't it interesting how the places with the strictest gun laws have the most gun crime and highest population of blacks.
The richest black neighborhood has more crime than the poorest white neighborhood.
More to the point there is still a year and a half to add to those numbers so they will likely be up 150% comparatively speaking.
we need to take away all the poors' weapons, open the borders, and import refugees if we're going to save this country.
US is the only important country
Thanks for proving my point lol
>watch the lindeybeige video
I tried searching: lindeybeige gun
I found an adult male whose first time firing a rifle seems to have been back in July of two years ago. That's who I am to trust regarding whatever vague point you're trying to make?
hes a brit who doesnt know shit about firearms
Chicken and egg scenario, you ever hear of it? Should come up soon in schooling, like third grade.
Mass shootings cause people to talk. You are referring to the aftermath of them being semi monthly now.
almost did one myself, happy i didnt. life is great now.
What do I need to stay armed for? You just implied we don't have anything to worry about and it is media hyperbole.
Borders are already open. Poor wont lose weapons tho. Country is fucked I guess.
>peasants wont lose weapons tho
not if 2020 can go blue
Go back to your containment board and stop trying to twist the data to your preconceived conclusions.
A 64 year old white man was responsible for involving more people in a shooting than the entire decade of 1990.
>I am laughing at you
>i am laughing at your country
>your massively free and prosperous country that owns everything and puts people to work globally
Everywhere that isn’t the United States is Mexico.
Into the trash it goes. Knew I wasn't missing anything by not watching any of their vids.
it's funny to watch though he has strong opinions on things hes never used and pride in anything british made even if it's inferior.
Niggers are the worst second only to Jews, if you trust any of them they will steal your shoes.
it's your duty as a law abiding american male 18+ to be armed
No, he’s saying I don’t care about your irrational fear of your children dying in a school shooting. They actually are much more likely to get struck by lightning than to die in a mass shooting. And they are thousands of times more likely than that to die in a car wreck.
You simply don’t have a leg to stand on. You’re just letting fear and anxiety rule the day, and that’s not what America is about. We don’t act like little bitches when faced with a problem.
1 2020 president will be trump. So let's just move on with that issue.
2 even if 2020 was blue, which It wont, Congress would not pass an amendment.
3 state houses wouldn't pass an amendment
Guns aren't going anywhere.
You dont think therell be increased regulations either way? I hope not but The future seems grim.
I mean I guess pride is all they have left. Fun to watch motorcycle/bad driver videos of them on YouTube. A bunch of huffing and puffing, angry shouts of "twat" and "wanker" in each other's faces with nary a shove, and after the posturing is finished we conclude with a "who gets the last word contest" and some muttering of insults under their breath heard by nobody but whoever is doing the recording.
What a nutless bunch. Not that I condone violence over some perceived slight, but if you're going to take it that far not to come to blows is like stroking your cock just to see it get hard.
It's not the act that they condemn or the person or action, it's always the firearm. Why, why would they always focus on the gun and not the individual breaking the law? Because they don't fucking care about any of that, they want to control you, and the best way to achieve that is by disarming you.
Realize, the 2nd amendment was not written for the government to decide what you can and can't have, it's an agreement that all government employees must adhere to. Why would the framers of the Constitution write it so the government gets to decide how you defend your liberty?
Seems glorious for machinists.
I didn't imply that, I stated that the media and government use these instances as a way to force the people into disarming.
what if I dont go to school?
checkmate athiest.
>They actually are much more likely to get struck by lightning than to die in a mass shooting.
Also wrong. You have twice the chance of being killed in a mass shooting than you doing being killed by lightning.
samefag ?
Dont listen to the doom and gloom. Bump stocks got shelved. I know.
As long as you dont live in california new York Illinois some other states you'll be fine regardless of what happens at the federal level.
he probably had a typo and thought people cared on an anonymous image board
Yes, I accidentally typed school shootings. Realized my error, erased it and just posted with the corrected statement. I'm surprised he had the time to even respond.
you can erase your posts?
bullshit, what stats are you citing? When you start looking at what constitutes a "School shooting" your numbers get fucked, they count anything concerning a firearm in the area in and around schools. That means if some nigger gang members have a shoot out down the street from a school, that constitutes a school shooting.
On average 50 people die in a year from lightning strikes. Last year over 100 people died in mass shootings.
Yup, you just click on the box to the left and hit delete bottom right.
>owtur space
The fact that all of that shit is the case nowadays is the result of the very same outsized, fear-based reaction that we’re discussing in this this very thread.
And anyway, the fact that mass shootings are occurring has nothing to do with law abiding citizens who own guns, keep them in their closet or gun safe, teach their kids about safe and responsible use, and hopefully never have to use them for anything else.
I like your posts generally and they are supported by facts.
>I think that if you're unarmed you are LESS likely to be shot, since it's very difficult psychologically to shoot someone who's unarmed.
But this is a complete joke and totally wrong.
Try to make your defense of family is not real argument to the guy in Georgia that just last night shot and killed 3 home Invaders. You don't need a gun because you are too stupid to see the need and take the time to familiarize yourself. A good portion of gun owners are also veterans who know how to use them.
You’re partly right but that’s also double the time span and covers a larger population
>this country
>international website
Low IQ amerifats again?
Yet u still know which one op was talkin about
Yea Forums is an american christian manga image board.
Yuropoors out.
imagine being this retarded lmao
I posted it in this thread, dumbmass
The stupidity gave it away, admittedly.
Again, this is what I think is true. You may think differently. My opinion is based on what I've read and seen about normal human behavior . What is your opinion based on?
Again, just for reference I will post up the lindeybeige video again
Watch you tongue, faggot
People are not afraid.
I am safe, and they are armed.
>We don’t act like little bitches when faced with a problem.
No we don't. What it seems like we are prone to do is try to ignore the problem, like OP. Which is arguably even worse
You want to compare a 10 year period with a 20 year period to prove your point? Yes you are a moron.
*Your, kek
being a grunt pushing the advantage and shooting another grunt who doesnt even know youre there is different than someone actively trying to kill you and he even specifically mentions that those in a head of the household fatherly position make up a large portion of the people willing to kill to protect their loved ones which is a much more similar position youd be in using a gun for self defense.
>*than someone actively trying to kill you in your own home or in the street while youre minding your own business...
50 minutes later...
You linked it in a reply to another poster, with no mention of the channel name or the point of the video. Anyway from the video title we've got a brit with minimal firearm experience talking about who is able to shoot to kill? Well see my previous comment: a girl in her early teens warding off home invaders. Add to that "youths" feuding over drugs, turf, scuffed shoes and senseless bullshit. If I sit and watch this tool's video do you think it's going to sway my opinion in any way?
u r mum is stoopid, big fag.
There hasnt been a major war since the vietnam failure, the government found other means to control population growth .
Agreed, and most mass shooters are actually black. Any given month, based on national averages, 1,100 people are murdered with firearms. When you look at that through the lens of population of 335,000,000 people, it's insignificant. More people die in car accidents.
Except Vietnam wasn't even a declared war let alone a "major" war, and calling it a failure is a pure myth.
>most mass shooters are actually black
Yes, except for the fact that you're actually wrong.
More gunshot victims each week in black cities are shot by black perpetrators than white mass shooters will shoot all year in the whole country.
Blacks shoot far more than whites. Blacks are mass shooters.